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Library Exhibitions

Materials from our collections are highlighted in the two cases just inside the library entrance. Keep up to date on our exhibits by following our Instagram or Facebook!

A Sampling of Library Exhibitions:

Display of materials for the Black on Black on Black on Black show
Complementary show inspired by the KAM’s Black on Black on Black on Black show in Fall 2022















Learning to Draw: A Selection of Books and Manuals for Art Students
October 15, 2017- January 31, 2018

Image from: Initiation à la Composition Décorative by C. Patissié, Paris: Librairie Classique F. Nathan, 1911.
The exhibition is composed of three separate installations which showcase our instructional drawing books and manuals. Concepts explored include: tools and forms, design techniques, and the application of color theory.





Floral Ornamentation
December 20, 2016 – October 1, 2017
Floral_1   Floral_2
Images from: Etude de la Plante: Son Application aux Industries d’Art: Pochoir, Papier, Peint, Etoffes, Ceramique, Marqueterie, Tapis, Ferronnerie, Reliure, Dentelles, Broderies, Vitrail, Mosaique, Bijouterie, Bronze, Ovfeverie. Paris: Libraries Centrale des Beaux-Arts, 1903.






Selection from Untitled Project: Robert Smithson Library & Book Club by Conrad Bakker
September 23-December 19, 2016
the left exhibition case   smithson_exhibition2
More details about this project are available here.

Material included in Ricker Library exhibitions rotate on a regular basis.