It was a gray spring day in 1983 on Park Lane and although she didn’t know it yet, Association of American Library Schools (now the Association for Library and Information Science Education) Executive Secretary Janet Phillips had immortalized Tour Guide and Mascot “Prissy”.
ALISE Subject File, Photograph Album, Page 1A, Box 21, Record Series 85/2/6.
Interns Gabrielle Barr and Lisa Lorenzo hard at work to preserve ALA history! Photo courtesy of American Libraries.
The ALA Archives has been busy working on large accessions of records sent to us by American Libraries magazine and the ALA Library. These new accessions will total up to 40 bankers boxes once all of them have been shipped over, and the archives staff is excited to receive them.
The archives staff is currently working on boxes sent to us from the ALA Library. These records are a rich collection of photograph vertical files that not only document the history of the ALA, but of the librarian profession itself. There are of course photos and negatives of various ALA conferences, events, and staff, but there are also photographs of bookmobiles, libraries, exhibits, various library technologies, and even book trucks! Continue reading “New Accessions at the Archives”→
In honor of the upcoming American Library Association Conference:
(Tune: “Lord Goffrey Amherst was a soldier of the King.”)
Oh, here’s to Mr. Faxon and our jolly A. L. A.
And the travel committee too,
And here’s to Mr. Phelan, who has left us by the way,
And forsaken our merry crew,
And here’s to Mr. Brown, who came direct from Brooklyn town;
To chaperone the party was his cue.
And here’s to Mr. Wellman, who’s our leader all the way,
and last, but not least, HERE’S TO YOU.
Chorus: A. L. A., A. L. A.,
‘Tis a name that’s known
From sea to sea,
A. L. A., A. L. A.;
From the A. L. A. are we. [1]
A Group of Librarians in Colorado Record Series 99/1/14