
Publications: Reading with a Purpose, Numbers 30 to 47

From 1925 through 1933, known under the series title Reading with a Purpose, the American Library Association produced a series of resources to support general reading on a variety of topics, for adult readers who completed formal schooling. Each publication is rich in the perspectives of scholarly authorities of its time. Read on to learn more about Reading with a Purpose!

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Publications: Reading with a Purpose, Numbers 16 to 29

From 1925 through 1933, known under the series title Reading with a Purpose, the American Library Association produced a series of resources to support general reading on a variety of topics, for adult readers who completed formal schooling. Each publication is rich in the perspectives of scholarly authorities of its time. Read on to learn more about Reading with a Purpose!

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Publications: Reading with a Purpose, Numbers 1 to 15

From 1925 through 1933, known under the series title Reading with a Purpose, the American Library Association produced a series of resources to support general reading on a variety of topics, for adult readers who completed formal schooling. Each publication is rich in the perspectives of scholarly authorities of its time. Read on to learn more about Reading with a Purpose!

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Publications: Library Curriculum Studies, 1927-1930

From 1927 through 1930, as part of the “Curriculum Study” project, the American Library Association produced a series of textbooks to support library schools known under the series title as Library Curriculum Studies with Canadian American and Education Curriculum scholar Werrett Wallace Charters as the series editor. Each publication is rich in the experienced perspectives of library leaders of its time. Read on to learn more about early library school textbooks!

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Publications: Viewpoints, 1919-1925

From 1919 through 1925, the American Library Association produced a series of resources to support popular topical reading in libraries in innovative subject bibliographies known as Viewpoints: Essays in Interpretive Bibliography. Each publication is a bibliography rich with recommendations and summaries of publications available in many public libraries. Read on to learn more about Viewpoints!

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Traveling Libraries: The Library Extension Board and Rural Library Service

Children listening to a story from Mrs. Rosetta Martin from the Boston Public Library bookmobile. 1961. Found in RS 18/1/57 Box 5.

The ALA Archives has an exhibit up this month up in the Marshall Gallery at the University of Illinois Library. Traveling Libraries: The Library Extension Board and Rural Library Service explores the varied history of the Library Extension Board and library extension services in the United States. You can see of preview of the exhibit content here, but be sure to stop by the Marshall Gallery June 1-30 to view the exhibit. You can also visit the American Library Association Archives to find more materials from the Library Extension Board. Continue reading “Traveling Libraries: The Library Extension Board and Rural Library Service”

Publications: Manual of Library Economy, 1911-1930

From 1911 until 1930, the American Library Association produced a series of manuals about library administration and services known as the Manual of Library Economy. Each installment is rich in the experienced perspectives of library leaders of its time. Read on to learn more about Manual of Library Economy!

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Publications: Pamphlets of The Committee on Library Work with the Foreign Born, 1924-1929

During the early 1900s, as great waves of immigrants continued to come to the United States, the American Library Association’s Committee on Library Work with the Foreign Born produced a series of resources to support library services for new immigrants. Each publication is rich in the experienced perspectives of library leaders of its time. Read on to learn more about early foreign born American literacy publications!

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Publications: Foreign Book Lists, 1898-1927

During the late 1800s and early 1900s, as great waves of immigrants came to the United States, the American Library Association and librarians produced a series of resources to support library services for new immigrants. Each publication is rich in the experienced perspectives of library leaders of its time. Read on to learn more about early foreign language book lists!

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Just for Fun: Librarianship Theater

Although a significant amount of an archivist’s work is spent communicating with donors and researchers, in addition to arranging and conserving or preserving a continuous influx of documents, there is always time for a little fun too.

Archives are not exclusively repositories for records of historic value; but, they are also home to a great variety of documented human experience! Don’t believe us? Then read on about early theater and librarianship connections!

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