A relatively new addition to National Library Week, the first National Bookmobile Day was celebrated in 2010, to recognize over one hundred years of service that bookmobiles and direct-delivery outreach services have contributed to bringing information, technology, and resources to all readers.[1]
Please enjoy our earlier blog posts on bookmobiles and mobile libraries by Angela Jordan: “Have Books, Will Travel,” and Cara Bertram: “Books on Wheels.”
The ALA Archives is continually adding new digitized materials to our website. You can find our digitized images of bookmobiles in the Sjored Koopman Library Postcard Collection and within our Archon database.
Other record series of interest:
RS 29/7/4: Bookmobile Publications, 1909, 1919-1929, 1963-1983, including browsable scans of a few of the publications.
RS 29/4/18: Services from Your Public Library Scrapbooks, ca. 1948-1951
Search our database for additional record series.
[1] “National Bookmobile Day 2013 – Bookmobiles at a Glance.” American Library Association. <http://www.ala.org/offices/sites/ala.org.offices/files/content/olos/bookmobiles/NBD2013_bookmobilesataglance.pdf>.