American Archives Month is upon us again, which mean it’s time to celebrate all things archives! At the American Library Association Archives, we’re celebrating by doing what we do best, working with archival collections! We’re busy processing new accessions that have come into the archives, such as the ALA Executive Director’s papers and materials on Banned Books Week. We’re also in the middle of a project to digitize large portions of the GLBT Round Table archives. And we’re always in the process of answering your questions that have come in via email, phone, and in person.
Join in on American Archives Month by asking a reference question at a local archives or archival repository, browse the National Archives website, follow an archives on social media (we have all the best photos!), or join us for #AskAnArchivist Day on Twitter!
#AskAnArchivist Day
This week the American Library Association Archives will be participating in #AskAnArchivist Day on Twitter, when archivists from around the country answer your questions! Come join us on Twitter on Wednesday, October 4, from 11am-4pm CST, and ask us your questions. Just tag us with our Twitter handle, @ALA_Archives, and use #AskAnArchivist with your question.
Ask us about anything about the archives. It can be basic questions, like when are our hours? What is our oldest item? Who is our favorite librarian? In the past we’ve gotten questions ranged that from “It’s the zombie apocalypse, and these zombies eat HISTORY. What one artifact from your institution would you save?” to “What is the best digital media to use for long term preservation of documents?”
Though we are always on hand to answer your inquiries during our regular operating hours via email, phone, or in person.
Tell Your Story

This October, the archives staff encourages American Library Association staff and members to look at their papers and consider sending them to the archives! Consult our Donate Materials page about the kinds of records we accept, detailed instructions on how to send records to the archives, and access to our transmittal form. Feel free to contact us if you have further questions, need help, have reference inquiries, or would like to notify us that you are sending records to us!
Remember, if your ALA unit’s records are not in the archives, that means that they are not accessible to researchers and the history of your unit isn’t being told. Researchers from across the country and around the world have a scholarly interest in the collections at the American Library Association Archives, make sure that your unit isn’t being left behind!