Online Databases
- Africa Bibliography Includes a wide range of materials from all regions, including North Africa. Covers monographs, chapters in edited volumes, journal articles, and pamphlets in English as well as Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Swahili, Spanish and Afrikaans.
- African Studies Centre (Leiden) Database Identifies monographs, journal articles and chapters from edited works on both North and Sub-Saharan Africa. Works best with Firefox browser.
- African Women’s Bibliographic Database Identifies citations from English-language publications about African women.
- Africana Periodical Literature Bibliographic Database Identifies English-language articles from English-language and multi-lingual journals and periodicals that specialize in African Studies or consistently cover the African continent.
- Black Drama Contains many African plays and playwrights, together with detailed information on related productions, theaters, production companies, selected playbills, production photographs and other ephemera related to the plays.
- DISA Digital Imaging South Africa: Southern African Freedom Struggles, 1950-1994 Identifies articles, editorials and other commentary about political views in Southern Africa between 1950 and 1994.
- Ethnic NewsWatch Also find the New ProQuest Interface. Includes full text access to 200 U.S. newspapers and journals with much coverage of Africa.
- Index Islamicus Identifies publications on Islam, the Middle East and North Africa and the Muslim world.
- International African Bibliography (IAB) Produced at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) Library, University of London.
- Internet Library Sub-Saharan Africa (ILISS Africa) Especially good for Dutch and German materials.
- JSTOR Includes full-text articles in many disciplines.
- Liberation Journals Index For mainly pan-African articles from Francophone countries, between WWI and WWII.
- Sabinet For South African scholarly journal articles.
- Sudan Open Archive Open access archive of digitized materials related to regions of the Sudan.
Print Only Indexes and Bibliographies
Africa Bibliography. annual. 1984-. 016.96 Af832 Africana Reference Collection
American and Canadian Doctoral Dissertations and Master’s Theses on Africa, 1886-1974 and 1974-1987. 016.96 Am35 Africana Reference Collection
Current Bibliography on African Affairs. 1964-. 016.9605 C936. 1991- in Africana Reference Collection, older in Main Stacks
International African Bibliography. annual. 1971-. 016.916 In82. 1986- in Africana Reference Collection, older in Main Stacks
Research Guides
- Africana Film Database
- L’Afrique Dans Les Periodiques Francaises at Illinois
- How to Find Information on North Africa and the Middle East
- Selected African History Sources at Illinois
- Selected African Literature, Folklore and Theater Sources at Illinois
- Selected African Politics Sources at Illinois
- Selected African Religious Sources at Illinois
- Selected African Statistics Sources at Illinois
- Selected African Studies Sources at Illinois