UofI Advertising Exhibit
Why is Advertising Important?


The Collections
The Themes


As curator of the D’Arcy and Woodward advertising collections I have the good fortune to work with the U of I's two largest advertising collections first hand. The collections enable me to work with a wide range of researchers and library patrons who use them. The ads in these collections are valuable to many including researchers and educators of advertising as well as history, women’s studies, agriculture, ethnic studies, popular culture and more. With this exhibit I hope to bring attention and exposure to the collections, and to show how advertising is more than just a means of selling a product. Please enjoy the ads and let us know what you think of the collections.

-Lisa Romero/Communications Librarian

This web site is divided into two major sections that 1) highlight the three collections and 2) group advertisements from each of the collections according to the chosen themes. You may access the two sections by clicking the hotlinks on the left of this page.

exclaim.gif (1443 bytes)The exhibit on display in the Main Library has color copy versions of ads found in the different collections. If you are interested in obtaining similar copies for research or personal use, contact Lisa Romero.

Lisa Romero
Associate Professor
Curator of D'Arcy and Woodward Collections
Communications Librarian
University of Illinois Library