The Primary Source VILLAGE is designed to support undergraduate research in the University of Illinois Archives, with an emphasis on the Student Life and Culture Archival Program.
It was developed and written by Dawn Schmitz, who earned a Master's degree in Library and Information Science, with a concentration in Archival Studies, and a PhD in Media Studies from the University of Pittsburgh. The tutorial was a project undertaken as part of her Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the UIUC Library, a position supported jointly by the Library and the Council on Library and Information Resources.
Debbie Hughes, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of History at UIUC, was instrumental in selecting the examples used in the tutorial, carrying out the digital imaging, and getting copyright clearances. She also contributed to the writing, editing and research; and she co-wrote a lesson plan to accompany the tutorial, along with Will Cooley.
Ellen Swain, Associate Professor of Library Administration and Archivist for Student Life and Culture at UIUC, guided the project, which was funded by the Student Life and Culture Archival Program through its Stewart Howe endowment.
The template for the site was designed by Brandy Agerbeck.
