Description: Papers of Victor Ernest Shelford (1877-1968), professor of Zoology (1914-46), including correspondence, reports, publications and statements relating to plant, animal and aquatic ecology; scientific meetings, lectures and papers; field trips and studies; editing and securing contributions for publications (1924-56); the organization, development, membership and functions of the Ecological Society of America and its committees (1937-45); preservation of natural areas as sanctuaries for the ecological study of biotic and animal communities; the political involvement of
. . . moreecologists in preserving natural areas; grasslands areas and the Grasslands Research Foundation (1931-58); wildlife management research (1935-54); the University Committee on Natural Areas and Uncultivated Lands (1946-49); animal populations and solar radiation (1947-53); a proposed plant and animal life sciences building (1952-55); the history of ecology (1955-61) and the scientific contributions of Shelford and his students. The scientific contributions are reprints of articles by Shelford (4 vols., 1906-46) and his students (5 vols., 1912-46).
The series also includes a 1965 tape recorded interview with Prof. Shelford concerning his work at West Virginia, Chicago and Illinois; the Ecological Society of America; fellow scientists who have influenced him, and assisted him in research and publication; field trips; Brownfield Woods; Laboratory and Field Ecology (1929) and The Ecology of North America.