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Workshops & Tours
- All Events & WorkshopsPresentations, performances, workshops, and other library events.
- Savvy Researcher WorkshopsOne hour, hands-on workshops that will help you improve your research and information management skills.
- Library ToursAttend a scheduled tour, request a tour, or check out one of our virtual or audio tours.
- Citation Style GuideHelp with MLA, APA, and other citation styles, and information on how to avoid plagiarism.
- Citation SoftwareHelp using special software to manage your citations (Zotero, Endnote, Mendeley).
Specialized Services
- Library Instruction Services for Faculty
- Illinois ExpertsFind collaborators on campus and elsewhere who do research on topics related to your work.
- Scholarly CommonsA technology enriched space where you can pursue research and receive expert consultations and referrals.
- Data Discovery Help finding and using datasets and data tools.
- Usability Lab Facilities (room, hardware, and software) for running usability tests and conducting collaborative research.
- Media CommonsSoftware, hardware, audio & video studios. Help creating, disseminating, using, and curating digital media.
- Digital HumanitiesTools and resources for bringing computational methods to research in the humanities.
- Research Data ServiceResources and expertise to help you plan, organize, share, and save your research data.
- Scholarly Communication & PublishingGuidance in starting or moving a journal, selecting, and working with publishers, understanding your copyrights and fair use.
- International ReferenceResearch assistance for Social, Life, and Physical Sciences, and Arts and Humanities, for the regions and languages covered by the International and Area Studies Library.
- Preservation and ConservationProvides long-term access to the physical and intellectual contents of the Library’s collections through conservation, preservation and digitization.