Acronyms and Definitions | Directories | Email Discussion Lists (list-servs) | Miscellaneous
Acronyms and Definitions
Use these sources to decipher acronyms and abbreviations in the field of IS.
- ALA & LIS Acronyms Decodes acronyms for units, divisions, roundtables, committees and publications of the American Library Association; acronyms for other library and related organizations; and abbreviations commonly used in the library literature.
- Society of American Archivists Glossary Terms
Find a library (or at least its website).
- An International Directory of Libraries Links to library websites and online catalogs worldwide. Data on each library includes address, size of collection, and current and previous library automation systems.
- Search for Public Libraries Using data from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, search for libraries by name, location, service population, operating income, etc.
- State Library Websites Links to all fifty state library agencies.
Email Discussion Lists (list-servs)
Email discussion lists are a vital channel for professional networking among librarians.
This page points to directories of email lists. It also includes all listservs that are mentioned on other pages within this site.
- DCRM-L Discussion list for the Descriptive Cataloging for Rare Materials (DCRM).
- PUBLIB Electronic Discussion List An email list “for public librarians and those interested in public libraries.”
- PUBYAC A discussion list for young adult and children’s librarians.
- Society for the History of Authorship, Reading & Publishing (SHARP) SHARP is a global scholarly organization for historians of print culture. The library has a subscription to their journal, Book History, and the organization also offers a discussion list, SHARP-L.
- Web4Lib A busy email discussion list for library-based web managers. Archives may be searched and browsed.
- ALA Library Fact Sheets
Prepared by the staff of the ALA Library to answer frequently asked questions about libraries and librarianship.
- ALA Professional Tips Wiki
A rich set of links selected by ALA staff on a number of topics.
- LISNews
This blog is frequently updated with news and resources of interest to librarians.
- UNESCO Libraries Portal
“An international gateway to information for librarians and library users;” archived on the Library of Congress.