Research Consultations
The International Reference Service offers both in-person (at the University Library) and online bibliographic training sessions via Blackboard Collaborate. These sessions are designed to provide our patrons with in-depth consultations on all subjects and regions affiliated with the International and Area Studies Library. Fill out the either form below with information about yourself and your research project and we will contact you to set up a specific date and time.
Patrons can also receive research assistance by directly emailing the International Reference Service or browsing our collection of research guides, which contains information on print and electronic sources.
Instructional Services
Library subject and area specialists are available at the International and Area Studies Library to provide support for your classroom for learning about the research process and the tools that are available to students and scholars at the University Library. Library instruction is provided at the request of the instructor for all International and Area Studies departments. With the ever changing faces of information access and retrieval, the development of research skills continues to become more and more important. Competent research skills allow students to become independent critical thinkers and more successful in their academic pursuits.
We provide a variety of instructional sessions to fit your needs, from intensive sessions in your classroom to web pages and LibGuides to support the research assignments of your students. If you would like to request instructional services for your class, please fill out this form or contact your subject area specialist. We will get back to you within 24 hours.
Contact International Reference Services
For questions or additional reference request, contact:
- Joe Lenkart, IAS Library Reference Coordinator (lenkart@illinois.edu) OR
- International Reference Service (internationalref@library.illinois.edu).
Contact a Subject Specialist
- African Studies
- Chinese Studies
- European Union Studies
- Global Studies
- Japanese Studies
- Korean Studies
- Latin American & Caribbean Studies
- Middle East & North Africa Studies
- Slavic, East European & Eurasian Studies
- South Asian Studies
Contact the Slavic Reference Service
Do you need help with locating items or have difficult reference questions? If so, you may want to try this free year-round service at the University of Illinois. The Slavic Reference Service handles bibliographic and reference questions in all subject areas connected to Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies.
- Schedule a Research Consultation
- E-mail: srscite@library.illinois.edu
- Phone: (217) 333-1349