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Advertising 483 (Clifton/Ham)

Audience Analysis Resources

Remember to bring your I-Card when requesting these resources!


Advertising Rates and Data:

(sources are located behind the Circulation Desk)

  • SRDS TV & Cable Advertising Source

Provides affiliations and coverage for: commercial stations, broadcast networks, multiple station owners, cable systems, interconnects, cable networks, sports networks, and syndicators.

(Does not include advertising rates.)

  • SRDS Radio Advertising Source

Provides: market profiles, AM/FM commercial stations, networks.

(Does not include advertising rates.)

  • SRDS Newspaper Advertising Source

Provides information on daily newspapers, newspaper groups, Black newspapers, college newspapers, and specialized newspapers. Lists detailed group and classified advertising rates as well as circulation figures.

  • SRDS Consumer Magazine Advertising Source

Provides information on over 3,000 U.S. and international consumer magazines.  Lists detailed group and classified  advertising rates as well as circulation figures.

  • SRDS Out of Home Advertising Source

Includes coverage, circulation, rates, terms and conditions, and advertising rates for over 19 media categories including: airport, outdoor, stadium, transit, movie, and shopping malls.

  •  SRDS Interactive Advertising Source

Lists Online advertising opportunities such as web sites. Get up-to date information on audience profiles, advertising rates, circulation/coverage, contact names and more.

  •  Marketer’s Guide to Media (338.47659105 MA)
  • Thumbnail Media Planner (302.230973 T42)

These sources list current rates and audience estimates for the major media. Includes broadcast and cable television, radio, out-of-home, magazines, newspapers, and online media.

(“Average” costs for television and radio advertising are provided.)


Demographic Information:

Vital Statistics of the United States

  • Births, life expectancy, deaths, and selected health data.

(sources are located on the Adv. Bookcase)

  • SRDS Lifestyle Market Analyst

Breaks down the American population geographically and demographically and includes extensive lifestyle information on the interests, hobbies, and activities popular in each geographic and demographic market.

  • New Strategist Books (located on Advertising Book Case)

The Communications Library has a collection of over 50 books focusing on specific demographic groups (ethnicity, age, gender) and their interests, income, spending patterns, education levels, etc.

  • Best Customers (Chapter on “Travel”)
  • Who’s Buying for Travel, 7th ed.
  • Who’s Buying at Restaurants and Carry-outs, 7th ed.

Claritas 360

  • Evaluate market segments by linking consumer behaviors for shopping, financial, media, and much more.

Company/Product Information:

(sources available via the Library website)

Includes information specific to the advertising industry.

Provides the most recent business news and information on companies, products, consumers, trends, etc.

Provides the most recent news stories (including business) and statistics on companies, products, consumers, trends, etc


Can’t find what you need? Email us at: comlibrarian@library.illinois.edu. Or, visit the Communications Library

Library Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8 am-12 am; Fri: 8 am-5 pm; Sat: 1-5 pm; Sun: 1 pm-12 am