Rafael Joseffy Music and Personal Papers


Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

Personal Papers

Original Music Manuscripts and Research Notes

Personal Piano Music Library

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Finding Aid for Rafael Joseffy Music and Personal Papers, 1812-1915 | The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music

By Emily Schneider and Noah Lenstra

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Collection Overview

Title: Rafael Joseffy Music and Personal Papers, 1812-1915Add to your cart.

ID: 12/9/116

Primary Creator: Joseffy, Rafael (1852-1915)

Extent: 26.5 cubic feet

Arrangement: The collection is arranged in the series: Personal Papers, Original Music Manuscripts, and Personal Piano Music Library. Series 2 are manuscripts written in Joseffy's hand. PS refers to piano score. Series 3 is arranged alphabetically by composer. Individual titles are listed in the description with the format: Title, arranger/editor if applicable, (Publisher), date; Title...

Date Acquired: 05/15/1944

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Consists mainly of solo piano music but also includes orchestral scores from 1870 to 1915, music manuscripts, and a few items of vocal music. Primarily U.S. and European editions of the period from 1870 to 1915, including many works by composers who were contemporaries of Joseffy. Some of the published scores in Series 3 are autographed to Joseffy from the composers. Some items have marginalia and fingerings in Joseffy's hand. The original manuscripts document Joseffy's compositional style. Joseffy's Personal Piano Music Library was transfered to the Music and Performing Arts Library in 1944 from the Rafael Joseffy Memorial in New York City. Each item has recieved a Joseffy signature stamp and an indication in the gutter. MPAL received a small amount of scores before the most of Joseffy's library was transferred. Those first scores have been integrated into the Special Collections and have a library call number. They are not included in this finding aid.

For the most complete record of the Joseffy Collection, refer to the card catalog (Series 3, Boxes 73-74) which includes card for both this finding aid and Special Collections indivdual items. Cards that refer to items that remain in the MPAL Special Collections include a call number for location.

Also refer to the "Musical Library Owned by Rafael Joseffy 1853-1915" (Series 3, Box 72, Folder 7) which is another index to the collection and includes some further description. Items with hash marks have been removed from the main collection, and most were placed in Special Collections.

Biographical Note

Hungarian pianist Rafael Joseffy was born in Hunfal on July 3, 1852 and died in New York on June 25, 1915. His youth was spent in Miskolcz, where he began to study the piano at the age of eight. After further studies in Budapest he entered the Leipzig Conservatory (1866), where he was taught chiefly by E.F. Wenzel, though he also had a few lessons from Moscheles. From 1868 to 1870 he studied with Tausig in Berlin, and he spent the summers of 1870 and 1871 in Weimar taking lessons from Liszt. He first performed publicly in Berlin in 1870; soon he was giving concerts in most of the large European cities. In a review of 1874 Hanslick admired his brilliant technique but found his playing cold. Joseffy made his American debut in New York in 1879, playing concertos by Chopin and Liszt in addition to solo items, and then settled in the USA. He toured with Theodore Thomas and his orchestra, and gave many recitals, being one of the first to perform Brahms' works regularly. From 1888 to 1906 he taught the piano at the National Conservatory in New York. In his youth he composed some salon pieces, a set of lieder and numerous arrangements of works by Bach, Haydn, Chopin and others; but he was much better known for his editions of Chopin's works (15 volumes) and of studies by Czerny, Henselt, Schlozer and Moscheles; he also wrote a valuable of School of Advanced Piano Playing (New York, 1902).

Administrative Information

Repository: The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music

Acquisition Source: Mrs. Joseffy

Acquisition Method: Gift original given to the Music Library and the collection was later transferred to the Sousa Archives and Center for American Music sometime around 2010.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Personal Papers],
[Series 2: Original Music Manuscripts and Research Notes],
[Series 3: Personal Piano Music Library],

Series 1: Personal PapersAdd to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Correspondence and research notes, ca. 1890-1920Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Joseffy Musical Library - notes and catalog, ca. 1900s-1940Add to your cart.
Includes earlier, incomplete version of Joseffy Musical Library Catalog.  For complete version see "Joseffy Musical Library" at end of Series 3.
Folder 3: Photograph of Rafael Joseffy, undatedAdd to your cart.
Photograph of Rafael Joseffy.  Reproduced from the Collections of the Library of Congress.
Folder 4: Concert programs, 1900Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Press clippings, 1899-1901Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Joseffy Brass Medallion - "From His Friends and Admirers" in New York", 1911Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Mozartina Musical Arts Conservatory Guide, undatedAdd to your cart.
Series 2: Original Music Manuscripts and Research NotesAdd to your cart.
Series 2 consists of piano score manuscripts, arrangements, and research notes in Joseffy's hand.  Many manuscripts are piano exercises.  Many musical sketches are untitled and unidentified.  Box 2 contains sketches and sketch fragments of technical piano exercises.  Box 3 contains Joseffy's First Studies for the Piano Advancing to a High Degree of Development.  This manuscript was published by Schirmer in 1913.  Also of note are Joseffy's written notes, descriptions, and corrections accompanying the "First Studies for the Piano" manuscript--all writings are in German.  Box 4 contains piano score sketches, fragments, and arrangements from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Manuscript sketches of late 19th and early 20th century piano studies (1 of 2), ca. 1900Add to your cart.
Sketch books containing mostly technical exercise material for the pianist. A few sketches are for piano compositions such as the Csardas pieces. Many sketches are unidentified.
Folder 9: Manuscript sketches of late 19th and early 20th century piano studies (2 of 2), ca. 1900Add to your cart.
Box 2Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Piano Exercises Manuscript (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Das Scalen/Mob Scalen (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Piano Exercises Manuscript (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Including exercies on arpeggios
Folder 4: Piano Exercises for One Hand Manuscript (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Uebungen (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Composer/Arranger: Brahms (arr. Rafael Joseffy)
Folder 6: Untitled Manuscript (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 7: Piano Exercises Manuscript (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 8: Spann = Ubungen und Uebungen in Heiden Lagen (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 9: Rhythmische Ubungen (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: Triller (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 11: Uebungen fur Spannung (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 12: Neue tagliche Studien (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 13: Erste Studien (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 14: Untitled Manuscript (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 15: Rhythmische Ubungen (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 16: Untitled Manuscript (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 17: Sprunge (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 18: Joseffy Ubungen (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 19: Uebungen (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 20: Unidentified Piano Sketches and Fragments (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 21: Unidentified Piano Sketches and Fragments (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Box 3Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Practice Notes for First Studies Exercises, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Specific Practice Techniques by Chapter, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Text Based on First Studies Etude Book, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: First Studies for Piano, Part 1, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: First Studies for Piano, Part 2, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: First Studies for Piano, Part 3, undatedAdd to your cart.
Box 4Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Varianten (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Composer/Arranger: Tschaikovsky (arr. Rafael Joseffy)
Folder 2: Die Forelle (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Composer/Arranger: Franz Schubert (arr. Rafael Joseffy)
Folder 3: Untitled Manuscript (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Composer/Arranger: F. Liszt (arr. Rafael Joseffy); Composer/Arranger: Tchaikovsky (arr. Rafael Joseffy)
Folder 4: Untitled Manuscript (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Abendlied for Voice and Piano (VS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: II. Andantino, III. Nicht zu schwelle, IV. Adagio (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 7: Untitled (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 8: Ungarische und Andere Skizzen (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 9: Adagio senza pedale a due Clav. (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: Ungarische Melodien (Fuerth Thema) (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 11: Unidentified (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 12: Unidentified (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 13: Unidentified (PS), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Box 72Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Valse Impromptu, undatedAdd to your cart.
Donated by Music and Performing Arts Library on October 31, 2018.
Folder 10: Polka Noble for Piano, undatedAdd to your cart.
Donated by Music and Performing Arts Library on October 31, 2018.
Folder 11: Die Muhle for Piano, undatedAdd to your cart.
Donated by Music and Performing Arts Library on October 31, 2018.
Series 3: Personal Piano Music LibraryAdd to your cart.
Box 5Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Abt, Franz, 1893Add to your cart.
Practical Singing Tutor for mezzo-soprano or alto, Part II, op. 474, edited by Max Spicker, (Schirmer), 1893
Folder 2: Agghazy, Carolus, 1897Add to your cart.
Quatre caprices en octaves (Four Caprices in Octaves), op. 27, Volume 1, 2, 3, and 4, (Hainauer, editor of music for the King of Prussia), 1897
Folder 3: Aiken, M.T., 1905Add to your cart.
Slumber Song and Nocturne, Two Pieces, for the Pianoforte, (C.W. Thompson and Co., Boston), 1905
Folder 4: d'Albert, Eugen, undated, 1898Add to your cart.
Concert (H-moll) fur Pianoforte with Orchester (Concerto in B minor for piano and orchestra, Op. 2), orchestra score, (Bote and Bock), undated; Intermezzo and Ballade, Op. 16, no. 3, no. 4, (Peters), 1898; Walzer, Op. 16, No. 1, (Peters), 1898
Folder 5: Alden Jr., John C., 1886Add to your cart.
Three Musical Thoughts, No. 1, Prelude, (O. Ditson and Co.), 1886
Folder 6: Alkan, C.V., undated, 1903Add to your cart.
Benedictus for pedal piano, transcribed for four hands by Jose Vianna da Motta, (Costallat), 1903, autographed to Joseffy from Motta (3-4-5); Trois Grandes Etudes dans le genre pathetique, Le Vent, Op. 15, no. 2, (Hofmeister), undated; Allegretto, Op. 38, no. 2, (Richault), undated; Trois Grandes Etudes, no. 1, mano sinistra sola, no. 2, colla mano diritta solamente, no. 3, etude for two hands, (Hofmeister), undated
Folder 7: Ansorge, Conrad, 1889Add to your cart.
Ballade fur das Pianoforte, (Schuberth, 1889/Hans Licht), 1889; Traumbilder fur Pianoforte, (Schuberth, 1889/Hans Licht), 1889
Folder 8: Arndt, Albert, undatedAdd to your cart.
Le reveil du printemps (Spring Reveil) pour le piano, (Wolffschen Musikalienhandlung), undated, autographed to Joseffy from Arndt
Folder 9: Ashton, Algernon, undatedAdd to your cart.
Vier Clavierstuke, Op. 72, Humoresque, Reverie, Novellette, Nocturne, (Ries and Erler), undated; Drei Stucke, Op. 76, Bagatelle, Reverie, Toccata, (Ries and Erler), undated; Vier Clavierstucke, Op. 124, Capriccio, Nocturne, Perpetuum mobile, Berceuse, (Ries and Erler), undated
Folder 10: Aus Der Ohe, Adele, 1895-1898Add to your cart.
Compositions for the piano, Op. 4, no. 1, Melody in F, no. 2, Slumber-Song, (Schirmer), 1897; Etude de concert for the pianoforte, Op. 3, original edition, 2 copies (Schirmer), 1895; Suite for the Pianoforte, Op. 2, no. 1, Bourree, 2 copies, no. 2, Sarabande, 2 copies, no. 3. Menuet, 2 copies, no. 4, Gavotte, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1895; Suite for Pianoforte, Op. 8, no. 6, Gigue, (Ries and Erler), 1898
Folder 11: Austin, Robert E., 1903Add to your cart.
Hail to the Flag, March, (Ditson), 1903
Box 6Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Bach, C.P.E., undatedAdd to your cart.
Allegro in D moll fur das Pianoforte, edited by Rafael Joseffy, (Andre), undated; Rondo en mi Bemol, (J. Hamelle), undated
Folder 2: Bach, J.S., undated; 1880-1896Add to your cart.
"Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt" (piano-vocal score), arranged by Rosler, (Peters), undated; Auserlesene Stucke aus den Violin und Violoncello Solo for piano, edited by Sara Heinze, (Peters), undated; Capriccio in E dur, Fantasia con imitazione in H moll, Sonata in D dur, Fuga in A dur, Fuga in A dur, Drei Menuetten in G dur, G mol, G dur, (Peters), undated; Choralvorspiele for the Organ, translated for Piano by Carl Tansig, (Adolph Furstner), undated; Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue, Concerto in the Italian Style, Fantasy in C Minor, Prelude and Fugue in A Minor, edited by Max Vogrich and Hans von Bulow, (Schirmer), 1896
Folder 3: Bach, J.S., undated; 1896Add to your cart.
Clavier-Concerte in D moll, edited by Carl Reinecke, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Concert fur Klavier, Flote, und Violine in D dur (orchestral score), Bach Society (Bach Gesellschaft) edition, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; English Suites 1-3 (Book 1), (Schirmer), 1896; Fantasia in A moll, Aria variata in A moll, Toccata in G dur, Ouverture in F dur, Fantasia in G moll, (Peters), undated; Fantasie in C moll S. 906, edited by Hans von Bulow, (Jos. Aibl, Munich), undated; Fantasie, Fugen, etc., edited by Czerny, Griepenkerl, and Roitzsch, (Peters), undated
Folder 4: Bach, J.S., undated; 1880-1885Add to your cart.
Fugue in A Minor, edited by Mason, (Schuberth), 1885; Gavotte in E dur aus 6ten Violin Sonate, transcribed for piano by Tours (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Gavotte in E Major from the Sixth Sonata for Violin, transcribed for left hand only by Joseffy, (Schuberth), 1880; Italian Concerto and Chromatic Fantasy, Fantasy in C Minor, Prelude and Fugue in A Minor, (Peters), undated; "My Heart Ever Faithful" ("Mein glaubiges Herze frohlocke"), piano-vocal score, (Andre, Offenbach), undated
Folder 5: Bach, J.S., 1893-1902Add to your cart.
Two Minuets, arranged by Jose Vianna da Motta, (Dieckmann/Tretbar), 1893; 30 Instructive Pieces, transcribed by Carl Faelten, 2 copies, (Schmidt), 1902, autographed to Joseffy by Faelten
Box 7Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Bach, J.S., 1895Add to your cart.
Overture, second arrangement, transcribed by R. Joseffy, 5 copies, (Schirmer), 1895
Folder 2: Bach, J.S., 1882Add to your cart.
Overture, Aria, and Bourree, Complete, arranged by Joseffy, 3 copies, (Schirmer), 1882; II. Aria, arranged by Joseffy, (Schirmer), 1882; III. Bourree, arranged by Joseffy, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1882
Folder 3: Bach, J.S., undated, 1884-1902Add to your cart.
Praeludium, Fuge, und Allegro, (Tausig/T.Trautwein'sche Buch-& Musik-Handlung), undated, extremely brittle; 6 Praludien und Fugen fur Orgel, set by Franz Liszt, Heft 2. no. 4-6, (Peters), undated; Prelude and Fugue in A Minor for Pianoforte, revised and phrased by Albert Ross Parsons, (Silver, Burdett, and Company), 1902, autographed to Joseffy from Parsons, April 9, 1907; Prelude and Fugue in A Minor for Pianoforte, revised and fingered by Max Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894; 3 Sonaten: A moll, C dur, and D moll, (Peters) undated; 15 Three part Inventions, revised by Busoni, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1892; Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, arranged by C. Tausig, Rafael Joseffy's Concert Repertoire, American Elite Edition, (J.O. von Prochazka), 1884;
Folder 4: Bach, J.S., undatedAdd to your cart.
Das Wohltemperirte Klavier, Erster Theil, revised and fingered by Czerny and Roitzsch, 2 copies, (Peters), undated; Wohltemperirtes Klavier, edited by Czerny and Ruthardt, Volume I, (Peters), undated
Folder 5: Bachmann, G., 1905Add to your cart.
Bluette Polka, edited and fingered by Hans Lichter, Easy Salon Music, (Ditson), 1905
Folder 6: Balakirew, M., undatedAdd to your cart.
L'Alouette (The Lark), written by M. Glinka, transcription by Balakirew, Edited and fingered by R. Teichmuller, (Schirmer), undated
Folder 7: Bargiel, W., 1884Add to your cart.
Marcia Fantastica, revised and fingered by Wm. Schargenberg, (Schirmer), 1884
Box 8Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Baumann, Frederic C., 1904-1906Add to your cart.
Valse Impromptu, Op. 13, 3 copies, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1906, autographed to Joseffy from Baumann, June 24, 1906; Come With Me, My Love, for tenor or soprano, Op. 12, words by Samuel Lover, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1906; Mazurka elegant for piano, Op. 8, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1905; Polonaise for piano, Op. 10, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1903, autographed to Joseffy from Baumann, April 11, 1904; "Oh Fair, oh Sweet and Holy" (Du bist wie eine Blume.), for tenor or soprano, Op. 7, words by Heine, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1905; Romance ("Oh Fair, oh Sweet and Holy"), for piano, Op. 9, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1905; Serenata for piano, Op. 6, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1904
Folder 2: Beach, Mrs. H.H.A., 1888Add to your cart.
Cadenza to the first movement of the Third Concerto for the Pianoforte, C minor, Op. 37, Ludwig van Beethoven, (Arthur P. Schmidt and Co.), 1888
Folder 3: Beck, James Mitchell, 1908Add to your cart.
Polonaise in D for the Pianoforte, (Presser), 1908
Folder 4: Becker, Gustav L., 1829-1896Add to your cart.
Three Pieces: Mazurka, Minuet in Old Style, Minuet in Modern Style, (The Pianist Publishing), 1896; Evening Revery (Beim Sonnenuntergang), (Schuberth and Co.), 1829; Fest March, (The John Church Co./Jean L. Stagen), 1890
Folder 5: Beethoven, Ludwig van, undatedAdd to your cart.
Busslied, Song of Penitence, for soprano or tenor, Op. 48, no. 6, (Joh. Andre in Offenbach a. M.), undated; Choeur des Derviches Tourneurs, Tire des Ruines D'Athenes, transcribed for piano by C. Saint-Saens, (Durand and Schoenewerk), undated; Concerto V, orchestra score, Op. 73, undated
Folder 6: Beethoven, Ludwig van, undated, 1909Add to your cart.
Geistliche Lieder, no. 3, Busslied (Penitential Song), transcribed by Franz Liszt, edited and revised by Rafael Joseffy, (Schirmer), 1909; Marche a la Turque des Ruines D'Athene, transcribed by A. Rubinstein, (Schirmer), undated; Ouverture "Egmont," transcribed for piano by A. Henselt, (Schlesinger), undated; Ouverture zu Egmont, arranged by E. Pauer, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated;  Quatuors de Beethoven, Op. 131, Presto, transcribed by Ch. Tausig, (M. Bahn), undated; Quatuors de Beethoven, Op. 135, Scherzo, transcribed by Ch. Tausig, (M. Bahn), undated; Adagio Du 6me. Quatuor, transcribed by Camille Saint-Saens, (Durand-Schoenewerk), undated; Scherzo Du 7me. Quatuor, transcribed by Camille Saint-Saens, (Durand-Schoenewerk), undated
Folder 7: Beethoven, Ludwig van, undated, 1876-1909Add to your cart.
Sonate, Op. 26, no. 12, As dur, (Dr. Sigmund Lebert/Stuttgart), 1878; Sonata, Op. 26, no. 12, A flat major, (Stuttgart), 1898; Sonata quasi una Fantasia, Op. 27, no. 2, C sharp minor, interpreted by Dr. Hans von Bulow, (Schuberth and Co.), 1876; Sonata, Op. 31, no. 3, E flat major, revised and edited by Dr. Hans von Bulow, (Jos. Aibl), undated; Sonata Appassionata, Op. 57, (M. Bernard), undated; Sonata XXIII in F minor (Sonata Appassionata), Op. 57, edted by Eugen d'Albert, (Ditson), 1909
Folder 8: Beethoven, Ludwig van, undated, 1871Add to your cart.
Sonate, Op 101, no. 28, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Sonate, Op. 111, C minor, (Sigmund Lebert/Stuttgart), 1871; Symphony No. 9, orchestra score, Collection Litolff, (Litolff), undated; Funfzehn Variationen, Mit Fuge, Op. 35, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated
Box 9Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Behr, Franz, undatedAdd to your cart.
Ungarische Tanze (Hungarian Dances for the piano), (Litolff), undated
Folder 2: Beliczay, Julius von, undatedAdd to your cart.
Cadenza to Beethoven's Third Piano Concerto in C minor, (Haslinger and Tobias), undated; Funf Charakterstucke (Five Character Pieces), Op. 6, (Haslinger and Tobias), undated; Nocturne Op, 15, (Haslinger and Tobias), undated; Trauerklange, Op. 10, (Haslinger and Tobias), undated
Folder 3: Bellovics, Emerich, undatedAdd to your cart.
Tanulmanyok, Study for the piano, (Rozsavolgyi, Budapest), undated
Folder 4: Benda, Franz, undatedAdd to your cart.
Affetuoso, for violin and piano, arranged by Alfred Moffat, (Schott), undated
Folder 5: Bendel, Franz, undated, 1881-1893Add to your cart.
Improvisation on "Am Stillen Heerd in Winterszeit" by Richard Wagner, (Bote and Bock), undated; Cascade du Chaudron, Op. 139, no. 4, revised and fingered by Scharfenberg, (Schirmer), 1881; Etude heroique, Op. 27, no. 6, (M. Bahn), undated; Etude, Op. 138, no. 1, no. 2, no. 3, no. 4, no. 5, no. 6, (Aug. Cranz), undated; Spinning Wheel, revised and fingered by Scharfenberg, (Schirmer), 1893
Folder 6: Berger, L, undatedAdd to your cart.
Etudes, Op. 12, (Peters), undated
Folder 7: Berlioz, Hector, undated, 1880Add to your cart.
"The Damnation of Faust," complete vocal score, edited by L. Damrosch, (Schirmer), 1880; Symphonie Fantastique, Op. 4, no. 2, Le Bal, transcribed by Franz. Liszt, (Brandus, Paris), undated
Folder 8: Berhneim, Ralph, 1897Add to your cart.
Book of Encores for A Widow Bird, Mazurka, Hindoo Song, Berceuse, November, (Ditson/Bernheim and Keiser), 1897, autographed to Joseffy from Bernheim
Folder 9: Bertini, H., undatedAdd to your cart.
25 Etudes for the Piano, Op. 100, (Peters), undated
Folder 10: Berwald, W., 1904Add to your cart.
Dialogue for piano, (Ditson), 1904; Mazurka Impromptu, (Ditson), 1904
Folder 11: Beyer, Ferd., 1892Add to your cart.
Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte, revised and enlarged by Scharfenberg, (Schirmer), 1892
Box 10Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Bial, Ernst, 1892-1895Add to your cart.
Harriet Polka, Op. 1, (Wm. A. Pond), 1892, autographed to Joseffy by Bial, November, 1892; John Philip Sousa March, Two-Step, (Bial), 1895
Folder 2: Bial, Rudolf, 1881Add to your cart.
Helen Polka, (Schuberth), 1881, includes note written to Joseffy, Christmas 1881
Folder 3: Bird, Arthur H., undatedAdd to your cart.
Drei Stuke fur das Pianoforte, Op. 2, no. 1, Humoreske, no. 2, Menuett, no. 3, Walzer, (Raabe and Plothow), undated
Folder 4: deBlank, Hubert, 1881-1882Add to your cart.
Danse Espagnole, (Schuberth), 1881; Serenade, Op. 4, (Schuberth), 1882; Grand Tarantelle, Op. 5, (Wm. A. Pond), 1882
Folder 5: Blumenfeld, Felix, 1887Add to your cart.
Allegro de Concert, for piano and orchestra, reduced for two pianos, Op. 7, (Belaieff), undated
Folder 6: Boccherini, Luigi, undatedAdd to your cart.
Menuett, arranged for concert and with markings by Rafael Joseffy, (Schirmer), undated
Folder 7: Boekelman, Bernardus, 1885-1892Add to your cart.
Ballabile, Op. 3, (Schuberth), 1885, signed to Joseffy from composer; Polonaise de Concert for piano, Op. 4, (Schuberth/Boekelman), 1887, signed to Joseffy from composer; Six Melodic Studies for the training and development of the Thumb, Op. 12, (Schuberth/Boekelman), 1892; Sehnsucht (Yearning), Op. 8, (Schuberth/Boekelman), 1888; Valse de la Reine, Op. 5, (Schuberth/Boekelman), 1887, signed to Joseffy from composer
Folder 8: Boise, O.B., undatedAdd to your cart.
Concerto in G minor, (Hofmeister), undated, autographed to Joseffy from Boise
Folder 9: Bollinger, Samuel, 1902-1903Add to your cart.
Barcarola, Op. 5, no. 2, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1903; Danse Caprice, Op. 7, no. 1, (Breitkopf and Hartel, 1903; Danse Humoristique, Op. 7, no. 2, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1903; Humoreske, Op. 5, no. 3, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1903; Sonnet, Op. 9, no. 1, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1902
Folder 10: Borghi, Luigi, undatedAdd to your cart.
Prelude and Rondo, for violin and piano, arranged by Moffat, (Schott), undated
Folder 11: Boscovitz, Fred., undatedAdd to your cart.
Le Mirliton, Chansons Bretonne, Op. 116, (Rozsavolgyi), undated
Folder 12: Brahms, Johannes, undated, 1898-1902Add to your cart.
Balladen, Op. 10, (Simrock), undated; Balladen, Op. 10, dedicated to Julius O. Grimm, with handwritten edits and revisions by Joseffy, 2 copies, (Simrock), undated; Balladen, Op. 10, with handwritten edits and revisions by Joseffy, (Universal), undated; Sechs Choral-Vorspiele fur die Orgel, Op. 122, transcribed for piano by Ferruccio Busoni, (Simrock), 1902; Clavierstucke, Op. 76, Book 1 (Erstes Heft), with handwritten edits and revisions by Joseffy, 2 copies, Simrock), 1898
Folder 13: Brahms, Johannes, undated, 1893Add to your cart.
Clavierstucke, Op. 76, Book 2 (Zweites Heft), with handwritten edits and revisions by Joseffy, 2 copies, (Schuberth), undated; Clavierstucke, Op. 76, Book 2 (Zweites Heft), (Universal), undatedClavierstucke, Op. 118, 2 copies, (Simrock), 1893; Clavierstucke, Op. 119, 2 copies, (Simrock), 1893
Box 11Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Brahms, Johannes, undatedAdd to your cart.
Concerto No. 1 for Piano, Op. 15, orchestra score, 2 copies, (Rieter-Biedermann), undated
Folder 2: Brahms, Johannes, undatedAdd to your cart.
Concerto No. 1 for Piano, Op. 15, arranged for 2 pianos, 2 copies, (Rieter-Biedermann), undated; Concerto No. 1 for Piano, Op. 15, piano part, (Rieter-Bidermann), undated
Folder 3: Brahms, Johannes, undatedAdd to your cart.
Concerto No. 2 for Piano, Op. 83, piano part, 2 copies, (Simrock), undated, highly damaged
Folder 4: Brahms, Johannes, undated, 1882Add to your cart.
Concerto No. 2 for Piano, Op. 83, arranged for 2 pianos, (Simrock), undated; Concerto No. 2 for Piano, Op. 83, arranged for 2 pianos, (Simrock), 1882, highly damaged
Box 12Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Brahms, Johannes, undated, 1880-1892Add to your cart.
Fantasien fur Pianoforte, Op. 116, Book 1, 2 copies, (Simrock), 1892; Fantasien fur Pianoforte, Op. 116, Book 2, 2 copies, (Simrock), 1892; 3 Intermezzi, Op. 117, (Simrock), 1892; 2 Rhapsodien, Op. 79, (Simrock), 1880; 2 Rhapsodien, Op. 79, with handwritten edits and revisions by Joseffy, (Simrock), undated
Folder 2: Brahms, Johannes, undatedAdd to your cart.
Scherzo in E flat minor, Op.4, (Simrock), undated; Scherzo, Op. 4, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Sonate in C major, Op. 1, (Simrock), undated; Sonate in F sharp minor, Op. 2, with handwritten edits and revisions by Joseffy, 2 copies, (Simrock), undated; Sonate in F minor, Op. 5, with handwritten edits and revisions by Joseffy, 2 copies, (Senff), undated
Folder 3: Brahms, Johannes, undated, 1893Add to your cart.
Sonate for violin and piano, Op. 100, includes violin part, (Simrock), undated; Studien for Piano, No. 1, Etude based on Chopin, (Senff), undated; Studien for Piano, No. 2, Rondo based on Weber, 2 copies, (Senff), undated; Studien for Piano, No. 3, Presto based on J.S. Bach, 2 copies, (Senff), undated; Studien for Piano, No. 4, Presto based on J.S. Bach, (Senff), undated; Trio for piano violin, and horn, Op. 40, piano part only, (Simrock), undated; 51 Uebungen for piano, Book 1, (Simrock), 1893
Folder 4: Brahms, Johannes, undated, 1881Add to your cart.
Ungarische Tanze, for piano solo, (Simrock), 1881; Variationen on a theme by Schumann, Op. 9, (Universal), undated; Variationen, Op. 21, No. 1, (Simrock), undated; Variationen, Op. 21, No. 2, (Simrock), undated; Variationen on a theme by Paganini, Op. 35, Book 2, (Rieter-Biedermann), undated
Folder 5: Brambach, C. Jos., undatedAdd to your cart.
Concerto for Piano with orchestra accompaniment, Op. 39, piano part only, (Cohen), undated
Box 13Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Brandeis, Frederic, 1812-1884Add to your cart.
Caprice Brillante, Op. 40, (Schuberth), 1875; Fantasie, Op. 41, (Martens Brothers), undated; Gavotte, Op. 53, (Pond), 1879; Gavotte in A minor, Op. 55, No. 2, (Kunkel Brothers), 1880; Mazurka, Op. 35, (Schuberth), 1874; Pastorale, Op. 34, 2 copies, (Schuberth), 1873; Polka de Concert, Op. 50, (Saalfield), 1880; Polka de Concert, Op. 50, (Saalfield), 1878; Polka Fantastique, Op. 50, Saalfield), 1880; Polonaise, Op. 52, 2 copies, (Pond), 1879; Polka Humoresque, Op. 68, (Newhall), 1883, autographed to Joseffy by Brandeis; Stray Leaves, No. 2, Impromptu, Op. 69, (Diston), 1883; Stray Leaves, No. 3, Tempo de Menuetto, Op. 69, (Diston), 1883; Toccata, Op. 51, (Pond), 1880; Albumblatt, Op. 46, (Martens Brothers), 1877; Andante Elegiaco, Op. 71, 2 copies, (Prochazka), 1884; Toreador Song, (Pond/Prochazka), 1884; Waltz Poem, Op. 30, 2 copies, (Pond), 1812
Folder 2: Brassin, Louis, undatedAdd to your cart.
Gavotte, No. 2, (Forberg), undated
Folder 3: Brevelle, Pierre de, undatedAdd to your cart.
Fantasie (Introduction, Fugue, and Finale), (Baudoux), undated
Folder 4: Briggs, C., 1902Add to your cart.
Nocturne, (Briggs), 1902
Folder 5: Brockway, Howard, 1894-1900Add to your cart.
6 Clavierstucke, Op. 8, (Schlesinger), 1894; Nocturne, Op. 14, (Schlesinger), 1895; Phantasiestuck, Op. 17, (Schlesinger), 1897; Capriccio, Op. 25, No. 1, (Schirmer), 1900; March, Op. 25, No. 2, (Schirmer), 1900; Dance of the Sylphs, from "Sylvan Suite", Op. 19, No. 4, (Schirmer), 1898; Paganini, Op. 15, (Schlesinger), 1895
Folder 6: Bronsart, Hans von, undatedAdd to your cart.
Concerto for piano with orchestra, Op. 10, piano part only, (Fritzsch), undated
Folder 7: Browne, J. Lewis, 1894-1900Add to your cart.
11 Sketches, Op. 12, (Whaley, Royce, and Co.), 1894, autographed to Joseffy by Browne; Valse Caprice, (Willis), 1900, autographed to Joseffy by Browne, 1900
Folder 8: Brull, Ignaz, undatedAdd to your cart.
Bretonische Melodien fur Piano, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated
Folder 9: Bruych, Carl van, undatedAdd to your cart.
12 Dances for Clavier, Op. 25, (Buchholz and Diebel), undated
Folder 10: Bulow, Hans von, undatedAdd to your cart.
Cadenza to Concerto in G major by Beethoven, Op. 58, (Leuckart), undated; Elfenjagd Impromptu, Op. 14, (Peters), undated; Elfenjagd Impromptu, Op. 14, (Heinze), undated; Lacerta Impromptu, Op. 27, (Aibl), undated; Souvenier de l'Opra: Un Ballo in Maschera" by Verdi, Op. 17, No. 1, (Bote and Bock), undated
Folder 11: Bungert, August, 1889Add to your cart.
Albumblatter, Op. 9, Book 2, (Luckhardt/Schirmer), 1889; Albumblatter, Op. 9, Book 3, (Luckhardt/Schirmer), 1889; Variations and Fugue on an original theme, Op. 13, (Luckhardt/Schirmer), 1889
Folder 12: Burgel, Constantin, undated, 1846Add to your cart.
Ball Scenes: Polonaise, Op. 19, No. 1, (Rieter-Biedermann), undated; Ball Scenes: Landler, Op. 19, No. 2, (Rieter-Biedermann), undated; Ball Scenes: Mazurka, Op. 19, No. 5, (Rieter-Biedermann), undated; Ball Scenes: Menuett, Op. 19, No. 6, (Rieter-Biedermann), undated; Sonate, No. 2, in E major, Op. 15, (Bote and Bock), 1846
Folder 13: Burmeister, Richard, 1890Add to your cart.
Concerto in D minor for piano and orchestra, arranged for 2 pianos, (Luckhardt/Schirmer), 1890
Box 14Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Campbell-Tipton, Louis, 1904Add to your cart.
Sonata Heroic, Complimentary edition, includes introduction by Arthur Farwell, (Campbell-Tipton), 1904
Folder 2: Carlier, Xavier, 1897Add to your cart.
Valse Caprice for four hands, arranged by Alberto Jonas, (Dieckmann/Tretbar), 1897
Folder 3: Carlson, Chas. F., 1905-1907Add to your cart.
Concert Fantasy No. 1, (Middle States Press), 1907; Prophecy of the Oracle No. 1, 2 copies, (Middle States Press), 1905; autographed to Joseffy by composer
Folder 4: Carse, Herbert E., 1900Add to your cart.
Technique for Piano, (Carse), 1900
Folder 5: Carter, R. Kelso, 1883Add to your cart.
Grand Waltz Etude in D flat, Op. 29, 3 copies, (Dougherty), 1883; Starlight, Nocturne Poetique, Op. 40, (Dougherty). 1883; Tribute to Gottschalk, Op. 35, (Dougherty), 1883
Folder 6: Cherubini, Luigi, undatedAdd to your cart.
Scherzo from Quartet No. 1 in E flat major, arranged for piano alone by Hermann John, (Leuckart), undated
Folder 7: Chevillard, Camille, undatedAdd to your cart.
Theme and Variations for Piano, Op. 5, (Enoch Freres and Costallat), undated
Folder 8: Chopin, Frederic, undatedAdd to your cart.
Complete Works, Volume 2: Nocturnes, Polonaises, Preludes, Scherzos, Sonates, (Bote and Bock), undated
Folder 9: Chopin, Frederic, undatedAdd to your cart.
Complete Works, Volume 3, Valses, Concertos, Fantaisies, Rondos, Variations, Diverses, (Bote and Bock), undated
Box 15Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Chopin, Frederic, undated, 1894Add to your cart.
Complete Works for Piano, Volume 31, Ballades and Impromptus, revised and fingered by Carl Mikuli, (Schirmer), 1894; Piano Works, Berceuse, Barcarolle, etc., Op. 57, Op. 60, Op. 19, Op. 43, Op. 46, Op. 12, Op. posth., Op. 72, no. 2, Op. 72, no. 3, 2 copies, (Peters), undated
Folder 2: Chopin, Frederic, undated, 1893Add to your cart.
Concert and Concert-Stucke, arranged for two pianos, Piano II, Op. 2, Op. 11, Op. 13, Op. 14, Op. 21, Op. 22, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Complete Works, Volume 38, Concert-Pieces, Op. 2, Op. 13, Op. 14, Op. 27, edited and fingered by Carl Mikuli, (Schirmer), 1893; Piano Works, Concertstucke, Op. 2, Op. 13, Op. 14, Op. 22, revised and edited by Herrmann Scholtz, (Peters), undated
Folder 3: Chopin, Frederic, undatedAdd to your cart.
Complete Works, Volume 1-3, (Bote and Bock), undated
Folder 4: Chopin, Frederic, 1895Add to your cart.
Complete Works, Volume 32, Scherzo and Fantasia in F minor, edited and fingered by Mikuli and Joseffy, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1895; Complete Works, Volume 36, Various Compositions, edited and fingered by Carl Mikuli, (Schirmer), 1895
Folder 5: Chopin, Frederic, undatedAdd to your cart.
Various Works, Op. 12, Op. 19, Op. 29, Op. 36, Op. 46, Op. 49, Op. 57, Op. 60, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated, Handwriten inscription by [L. Denyen(?)] dated February 9, 1879; Works for Piano, Band 17, Op. 2, Op. 11, Op. 13, Op. 14, Op. 21, Op. 22, arranged for two pianos, Piano II, revised and edited by Carl Mikuli, (Kistner), undated
Box 16Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Chopin, Frederic, undated, 1882Add to your cart.
Allegro Vivace for Piano, Op. 51, (Hofmeister), undated; Ballade, Op. 47, in A flat major, edited by Klindworth, (Bote and Bock), undated; Berceuse in D flat major, Op. 57, Instructive Edition by Theodore Kullak, (Schirmer), 1882; Balladen, Op. 23, Op. 38, Op. 47, Op. 52, Instructive Edition by Theodore Kullak, (Schirmer), 1882; Concerto Op. 11, Concerto Op. 21, edited by Herrmann Scholtz, (Peters), undated
Folder 2: Chopin, Frederic, undatedAdd to your cart.
Concert-Allegro, Op. 46, for piano and orchestra, orchestra score, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Concert-Allegro, Op. 46, for piano and orchestra, arranged for two pianos by Jean Louis Nicode, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Piano Works, revised and edited by Carl Mikuli, Band 15, Concerte, (Kistner), undated
Folder 3: Chopin, Frederic, 1898Add to your cart.
Chopin Concertos, Volume 37, Op. 11, Op. 21, edited and fingered by Mikuli and Joseffy, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1898
Folder 4: Chopin, Frederic, undatedAdd to your cart.
Grand Concerto for piano and orchestra, Op. 11, orchestra score, (Kistner), undated; Grand Concerto for piano and orchestra, Op. 11, piano score, (Kistner), undated, very fragile
Folder 5: Chopin, Frederic, undatedAdd to your cart.
Second Concerto, Op. 21, for piano and orchestra, orchestra score, after the original score by Karl Klindworth, (Jurgenson), undated, hand written note reads (translated): "In Memory of May 26, 1880, from your humble servant."
Box 17Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Chopin, Frederic, undatedAdd to your cart.
Piano Works, Band 16, Op. 3, Op. 8, Op. 65, Op. 15, revised and fingeredy by Carl Mikuli, (Kistner), undated; Grosses Duo for Piano and Cello, Op. 15, E major, uber Themen aus der Oper "Robert der Teufel" by Meyerbeer, also composed by Franchomme, cello and piano parts, (Kistner), undated; Piano Works, Etudes, Op. 10, no. 1-12, Op. 25, no. 1-12, composees pour la Methode de Moscheles et Fetis, revised and edited by Herrmann Scholtz, 2 copies, (Peters), undated
Folder 2: Chopin, Frederic, undated, 1882-1902Add to your cart.
Piano Works, Band 3, Etudes, Op. 10, no. 1-12, Op. 25, no. 1-12, 3 Etudes, no. 1-3, revised and fingered by Carl Mikuli, (Kistner), undated; Etudes for the Piano, Op. 25, no. 8, Instructive Edition, edited with directions for practice by Rafael Joseffy, (Schirmer), 1902; Etude, Op. 25, No. 8, Instructive Edition, revised and fingered by Theodor Kullak, (Schlesinger'schen/Schirmer), 1882
Folder 3: Chopin, Frederic, 1880Add to your cart.
Etudes, Op. 10, no. 1-12, Op. 25, no. 1-12, Three New Etudes, no. 1-3, Instructive Edition, with explanatory remarks and fingerings by Theodore Kullak, translated by Albert R. Parsons, (Schlesinger'sche/Schirmer), 1880
Folder 4: Chopin, Frederic, 1894Add to your cart.
Complete Works for Piano, Volume 33, Etudes, revised and fingered by Mikuli and Joseffy, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1894
Folder 5: Chopin, Frederic, undated, 1899-1901Add to your cart.
Etudes, Op. 10, no. 5, Op. 25, no. 9, combined in one study and arranged for left hand by Leopold Godowsky, (Schirmer), 1899; 12 Grand Etudes, Op. 10, (Kistner), undated; Etude, Op. 10, no. 1, (Kistner), undated; Etude, Op. 10, no. 2, arranged for the left hand by C. Bial, (Kistner), undated; Etude, Op. 10, no. 2, revised and fingered by Carl Mikuli, (Kistner), undated; Etude, Op. 10, no. 2, (Kistner), undated; Etude, Op. 10, no. 3, (Kistner), undated; Etude, Op. 10, no. 4, (Kistner), undated; Etude, Op. 10, no. 5, (Kistner), undated; Etude, Op. 10, No. 5, with hand written "Practice" edition marks by Joseffy, (Kistner), undated; Etudes for the Piano, Op. 10, no. 5, Instructive Edition, edited with directions for practice by Rafael Joseffy, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1901
Folder 6: Chopin, Frederic, undated, 1882-1903Add to your cart.
Etude, Op. 10, no. 7, (Kistner), undated; Etude, Op. 10, no. 8, edited by Leopold Godowsky, (Schlesinger/Schirmer), 1903; Etudes, Op. 10, no. 10, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1902; Etude, Op. 10, no. 11, revised and fingered by Carl Mikuli, (Kistner), undated; Etude, Op. 25, no. 6, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Etude, Op. 25, no. 6, arranged for the left hand by Leopold Godowsky, 2 copies, (Kleber and Bro.), 1894, autographed by Godowsky; Etude, Op. 25, no. 8, Instructive Edition, revised and fingered by Theodor Kullak, (Schlesinger'schen/Schirmer), 1882; Etude, Op. 25, no. 9, revised and fingered by Carl Mikuli, (Kistner), undated; Celebre Etude in A minor, arranged for the left hand by Gustave Leo., (Bessel), undated
Box 18Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Chopin, Frederic, undated, 1894Add to your cart.
Impromptu, Op. 66 (posthumous), (Schuberth), undated; Mazurkas, (complete), (Peters), undated; Complete Works, Vol. 28, Mazurkas, (complete), revised and fingered by Mikuli, (Schirmer), 1894
Folder 2: Chopin, Frederic, undated, 1873-1894Add to your cart.
Mazurkas, (complete), revised and fingered by Scholtz, (Peters), undated; Mazurka, Op. 24, no. 4, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Mazurka, Op. 33, no. 4, (Breitkoph and Hartel), undated; Mazurka, Op. 68, no. 6, (Schlesinger), undated; Mazurka, Op. posth., (Gotthard), 1873; Complete Works, Vol. 30, Nocturnes, revised and fingered by Mikuli), (Schirmer), 1894
Folder 3: Chopin, Frederic, undatedAdd to your cart.
Nocturne, Op. 32, no. 1, 2 copies, (Schlesinger), undated, very fragile; Nocturnes, revised and fingered by Scholtz, (Peters), undated; Nocturnes, Band 2, revised and fingered by Mikuli, with forward by Mikuli, (Kistern), undated; Three Nocturnes, dedicated to Madame Camille Pleyel, Op. 9, (Kistner), undated
Box 19Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Chopin, Frederic, undated, 1895Add to your cart.
Sonatas, Op. 4, Op. 35, Op. 58, instructive edition with explanatory remarks and fingerings by Dr. Theodore Kullak, (Schlesinger'sche), undated; Sonatas, Op. 4, Op. 35, Op. 58, edited by M. Raoul Pugno, (Universal), undated; Complete Works, Vol. 35, Sonatas, edited and fingered by Mikuli and Joseffy, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1895
Folder 2: Chopin, Frederic, undatedAdd to your cart.
Sonatas, Op. 4, Op. 35, Op. 58, revised and fingered by Scholtz, 2 copies, (Peters), undated; Sonata, Op. 35, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Sonata, Op. 35, (Bote and Bock), undated; Sonata, Op. 35, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Sonata, Op. 35, revised and fingered by Klindworth, (Schuberth), undated; Sonata, Op. 35, Funeral Martch, revised and fingered by Klindworth, (Schuberth), undated
Folder 3: Chopin, Frederic, undated, 1894Add to your cart.
Tarantelle, Op. 43, instructive edition, fingered by Hans von Bulow, (Aibl), undated; introduction and Variations, Op. 2, "La ci darem la mano", arranged for piano by Julia Rive-King, (Kunkel Brothers), 1878, autographed to Joseffy by Julia Rive-King; Complete Works, Vol. 27, Waltzes, revsied and fingered by Mikuli, (Schirmer), 1894; Waltz, Op. 64, no. 1, revised and fingered by Mikuli, (Kistner), undated; Waltz, Op. posth., E minor, (Schott), undated
Folder 4: Chovan, Coloman, undatedAdd to your cart.
Aphorismen, Scherzi for piano, (Gutman), undated; 4 Octave Studies for Piano, Op. 18, (Rozsavolgyi and Co), undated
Folder 5: Chrisander, Nils, 1885Add to your cart.
323 Technical Studies as a Preparatory Method for the Tausig-Ehrlich Daily Studies, (Schirmer), 1885
Box 20Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Clementi, M., undated, 1895Add to your cart.
Preludes and Exercises, edited by F.A. Roitzsch, (Peters), undated; Sonatinas, Op. 36, Op. 37, Op. 38, edited by Kohler, (Peters), undated; Preludes and Exercises, edited and fingered by Max Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1895
Folder 2: Corelli, Arcangelo, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folies d'Espagne for violin and piano, edited by Friedrich Hermann, piano part, (Peters), undated
Folder 3: Couperin, Francois, 1901Add to your cart.
La Bandoline, Rondo, edited and fingered by Max Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1901; Les petits Moulins a Vent (The Little Windmills), edited and fingered by Max Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1901; La Bersan (The Hurricane), edited and fingered by Max Vogrich, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1901; Soeur Monique, Rondo, edited and fingered by Max Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1901
Folder 4: Cramer, J.B., undatedAdd to your cart.
60 Studies for piano, revised by Bulow, with a foreward by Bulow, (Aibl), undated; 50 studies arranged for 2 pianos, arranged by Adolphe Henselt, Book 1, Piano 2, (Schlesinger), undated
Folder 5: Czerny, Carl, undated, 1886-1905Add to your cart.
Toccata, Op. 92, with handwritten edits by Rafael Joseffy, (Kistner), undated; Toccata in C, Op. 92, edited and fingered by Moszkowski, (Schirmer), undated; Toccata, Op. 92, edited by W. Rauch, (Cranz), undated; Toccata, Op. 92, revised by Clemens Schultze, (Litolff), undated; Toccata, Op. 92, edited by Trnecek, (Universal), undated; Necessity Studies, selected from Op. 299 (Velocity), (Conservatory Library), 1905; Legato and Stacato, Op. 335, Vol. 1, Vol. 2, (Peters), undated; 40 Tagliche Studien, Op. 337, edited by Bischoff, (Schlesinger/Schirmer), 1886; 40 Tagliche Uebungen, Op. 337, (Peters), undated; 40 Daily Studies, Op. 337, (Bischoff), (Schlesinger/Schirmer), 1886
Box 21Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Czerny, Carl, undated, 1886Add to your cart.
Exercises Journaliers, Op. 337, (Jurgenson), undated; The School of Virtuoso, Op. 365, edited by Bischoff, (Schlesinger/Schirmer), 1886; Die Schule des Viruosen, Op. 365,Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, Book 4, (Haslinger), undated; Studies for the Left Hand, Op. 399, (Peters), undated; The School of the Left Hand, Op. 399, Book 1, Book 2, edited by Bischoff, (Schlesinger/Schirmer), 1886
Folder 2: Czerny, Carl, undated, 1888-1897Add to your cart.
Piano School, Op. 500, Book 3, (Diabelli and Co.), undated; Finger Studies, Op. 500, Book 1, edited by Clara Schumann, (Peters), undated; 6 Octave Studies in Processive Difficulty, edited by Schultze, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1897; The Art of Facility, 50 studies, Op. 740, Book 4, Book 5, edited by Bischoff, (Schlesinger/Schirmer), 1888; The Art of Finger Dexterity, 50 studies, Op. 740, Book 2, Book 3, Book 4, Book 5, Book 6, revised and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1893
Folder 3: Czerny, Carl, undated, 1900Add to your cart.
Practical Finger Exercises, Op. 802, edited by Rolle, with handwritten edits by Joseffy, 2 copies (Schirmer), 1900; Fingerubungen, Op. 802, (Andre), undated
Box 22Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Czerny, Carl, 1888Add to your cart.
Art of Facility, 50 studies, Op. 740, edited by Bischoff, Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, Book 4, (Schlesinger/Schirmer), 1888; Art of Facility, Supplement, selected studies, edited by Bischoff, Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, (Schlesinger/Schirmer), 1888
Folder 2: Czibulka, Alfonse, 1898Add to your cart.
The Belle of Seville, gavotte, fingered by Heinrich Kiehl, (Ditson), 1898
Folder 3: Dannenberg, Louis, 1906-1915Add to your cart.
Song to Spring, (Presser), 1915; Ballet Waltz, (Luckhardt and Belder), 1906
Folder 4: Daquin, Claude, undatedAdd to your cart.
Le Coucou, transcribed and arranged by Diemer, (Schirmer), undated
Folder 5: Dawson, J.A., undated, 1867-1878Add to your cart.
Adieu to Gottschalk, (Dawson), 1870; Le Congo, Danse des Negres, (Blackmar), 1869; Loin d'Elle!!!, (Pond and Co.), 1867; Trovatore, Paraphrases de Concert, (Schott), undated; Romance, Op. 14, (Pond and Co.), 1878
Folder 6: Dayas, William H., undatedAdd to your cart.
Polonaise, Op. 1, (Ries and Erler), undated; Sonate for violin and piano, Op. 11, violin and piano parts, (Kistner), undated, autographed by Dayas to Joseffy, April 3, 1898
Folder 7: DeKoven, Reginald, 1910Add to your cart.
Dream Dances, Six Characteristic Morceaux, Op. 339, 1. Gavotte, 2. Valse Lente, 3. Minuet, 4. Mazurka, 5. Polka Francais, 6. Tarantella, (Remick and Co.), 1910
Folder 8: Delibes, LeoAdd to your cart.
Pizzicati, Scherzettino, revised and fingered by Scharfenberg, (Schirmer), 1882
Folder 9: Delioux, Charles, 1869Add to your cart.
Cours Complet d'Exercices pour le Piano, (Paris), 1869
Folder 10: Dennee, Charles, 1893Add to your cart.
Progressive Technique, (Stevens), 1893
Folder 11: Dimond, Louis, 1911Add to your cart.
Im Spiel der Wellen, (Midst this playful waves), Op. 3, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1911, autographed to Joseffy by Dimond, October 4, 1911
Folder 12: Doehler, Th., undated, 1901Add to your cart.
Tarantella, Op. 39, (Schlesinger), undated; Tarantella, Op. 39, edited and fingered by Louis Oesterle, (Schirmer), 1901
Folder 13: Doenhoff, Albert von, 1909Add to your cart.
"Etude," No. 3, (Luckhardt and Belder), 1909
Folder 14: Doering, Carl Heinrich, undated, 1881Add to your cart.
Rythmische Studien und Etuden, (Rhythmic Studies and Etudes), Op. 24, (Hoffarth), 1871; Rhythmische Studien und Etuden, Op. 30, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated
Folder 15: Doerner, Armin W., undatedAdd to your cart.
Technical Exercises, (Wilde and Co.), undated, autographed to Joseffy by Doerner
Folder 16: Donizetti, Gaetano, undatedAdd to your cart.
Lucia di Lammermore, piano-vocal score, (Peters), undated
Box 23Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Doppler, Carl Arpad, 1882Add to your cart.
Romanze in D minor, Op. 9, (Grand Conservatory/Eberhard), 1882, inscription states, "With compliments of the composer"
Folder 2: Draescke, Felix, undatedAdd to your cart.
Grand Fantaisie on motifs of the opera "La Dame Blanche," Op. 8, 2 copies, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated; Petite Histoire, Op. 9, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated; Sonata quasi Fantasia, Op. 6, 2 copies, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated; "Was die Schwalbe Sang," 5 lyric pieces, Op. 21, (Kistner), undated
Folder 3: Dreyschock, Alexander, undatedAdd to your cart.
Rhapsodie for Piano, Op. 39, no. 3, (Kistner), undated; The School of Scales, 2 copies,(Schirmer), 1898; Ecole Des Gammes, Book 1, (Spina), undated; Schule der Tonleitern, Book 2, (Spina), undated
Folder 4: Dulcken, Ferdinand Q., 1877-1892Add to your cart.
12 Concert Studies on themes by Mendelssohn, Op. 175, no. 7-12, (Schmidt and Co,), 1887; Etude en Double Notes, Op. 117, (Schuberth/Dulcken), 1877; Pizzicati-Variante from Delibes's "Silvia," Op. 152, (Prochazka), 1884; Spring Study, Op. 184, edited by Prochazka, (Prochazka), 1892; The Tone Sustaining Pedal, (Steinway and Sons), 1879
Folder 5: Duprato, J., undatedAdd to your cart.
Sonnet de Camille du Locle, for tenor or soprano, (Menestrel/Heugel and Co.), undated
Folder 6: Durand, Auguste, undatedAdd to your cart.
Chacone, Op. 62, (Flaxland), undated
Folder 7: Durante, Francesco, 1901Add to your cart.
Studio, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1901
Folder 8: Durege, J., 1880Add to your cart.
Slumber Song, (Schuberth), 1880
Folder 9: Eccarius-Sieber, A., 1900Add to your cart.
Meisterschafts-System, (Litolff), 1900
Folder 10: Ecker, John Emil, 1886-1906Add to your cart.
Lullaby, Op. 10, (Fischer), 1902; Mazurka, Op. 9, no. 1, (Fischer), 1906; Valse Caprice, (Fischer), 1886
Folder 11: Edwards, Julian, 1895Add to your cart.
Prelude to King Rene's Daughter, orchestra score, (John Church Company), 1895
Box 24Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Eggeling, Eduard, undatedAdd to your cart.
Anweisung und Studien nach J.S. Bach's Methode, Book 2, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Studies for higher mechanical development, (Augener and Co.), undated; Das Studium der Tonleitern, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated
Folder 2: Ehrlich, HeinrichAdd to your cart.
Fingerubungen auf den schwarzen Tasten (Black Key Exercises and 3 Rhythmic Chromatic Studies), (Hansen), undated
Folder 3: Engel, S. Camillo, undated, 1899-1902Add to your cart.
An Album-leaf, Op. 32, no. 4, (Schirmer), 1899; Ballade, Op. 24, no. 2a, (Schirmer), 1902, autographed to Joseffy; Fantaisie, Op. 24, no. 2b (Schirmer), 1902, autographed to Joseffy; Carnaval Viennois, Op. 18, (Schirmer), 1902, autographed to Joseffy; Novelette, Op. 24, no. 1, (Schirmer), 1902, autographed to Joseffy; Pensee fugitive, (Schirmer), 1899; Romance for violin and piano, Op. 26, violin and piano part, (Schirmer), 1902, autographed to Joseffy; To Spring, Op. 32, no. 2, (Schirmer), 1899; Valses Nobles, Op. 25, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated
Folder 4: Erney, Joseph, undatedAdd to your cart.
Scalenspiel, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated
Folder 5: Espadero, N.R., undated, 1860-1870Add to your cart.
2nd Ballade, Op. 57, (Leon Escudier), undated, autographed to Joseffy by composer, 1881; Chant du Guagnio, Grande scene Cubaine, Op. 61, (Leon Escudier), undated, autographed to Joseffy by composer, 1881, includes handwritten musical note; La Chute des Feuilles, Nocturne, Op. 70, transcribe for piano by L.M. Gottschalk, (Wm. Hall and Son), 1860; Meditation for violin and piano, Op. 35, piano part, (A.E. Blackmar), 1868, autographed to Joseffy by composer, 1881; Plainte du Poete, Elegie for piano, Op. 14, (Andres Vidal Y Roger), undated, autographed to Joseffy by composer, 1881; Scherzo, Op. 58, (Leon Escudier), undated, autographed to Joseffy by composer, 1881; Sur la tombe de Gottschalk, Op. 68, (Andres Vidal), 1870, autographed to Joseffy by composer, 1881; Tristesse, Nocturne, Op. 53, (Escudier), undated, pages missing; Valse Ideale, Op. 60, (Leon Escudier), undated, autographed to Joseffy by composer
Folder 6: Faelten, Carl, 1886-1888Add to your cart.
Piano Forte Course for The New England Conservatory of Music, edited by Carl Faelten, Book 1: Elementary Exercises, Book 2: Elementary Studies and Pieces, Book 3: Exercises for Intermediate Grades, Book 4: Exercises for Advanced Grades, New England Conservatory of Music, 1888; Prepartory Exercises in Pianoforte Playing, (Arthur P. Schmidt), 1886
Folder 7: Faelten, Carl and Reinhold, 1904Add to your cart.
The Faelten System of Fundemental Pianoforte Instruction, Book 1, 2, 3, 4, (Arthur P. Schmidt), 1904
Box 25Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Falcke, Henri, 1895Add to your cart.
School of Arpeggios, translated from the French by William C. Carl, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1895, inscription reads, "Complements of the Publishers"
Folder 2: Farwell, Arthur, 1902Add to your cart.
The Domain of Hurakan, (The Wa-Wan Press), 1902
Folder 3: Felden, Oscar, 1904Add to your cart.
Her Pilot, (W.H. Willis and Co.), 1904, autographed to Joseffy by Felden; Polonaise, (W.H. Willis and Co.), 1904, autographed to Joseffy by Felden
Folder 4: Ferber, Richard, 1892Add to your cart.
Album Melodies, instructive melodies, Volume 1, 2, 3, 4, (S. Brainard's Sons Co.), 1892
Folder 5: Ferrata, Giuseppe, 1903Add to your cart.
Four Humoreskes, Op. 12, no. 1, no. 3, no. 4, (J. Fischer and Bro), 1903
Folder 6: Fichlander, William, 1913Add to your cart.
Humoresque, (Luckhardt and Belder), 1913, autographed to Joseffy by Fichlander
Folder 7: Field, John, undatedAdd to your cart.
18 Nocturnes, revised and figered by Franz Liszt, (Schuberth and Co.), undated; Nocturne, No. 4, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Rondo in E flat major, (Schuberth), undated
Folder 8: Fique, Carl, 1910Add to your cart.
Album Leaf, (Chanderl-Ebel/Fique), 1910; Dance Caprice, (Chandler-Ebel/Fique), 1910
Folder 9: Fischhof, Robert, undatedAdd to your cart.
Caprice, Op. 22, no. 2, (Heugel and Co.), undated; Premiere (1st) Danse Orientale, Op. 22, no. 3, (Heugel and Co.), undated; Mazurka, Op. 44, (Heugel and Co.), undated; Carillon, Op. 39, no. 3, (Heugel), undated; Deuxieme (2nd) Serenade, Op. 22, no. 1, (Heugel and Co.), undated
Folder 10: Floersheim, Otto, undated, 1882-1911Add to your cart.
Fina, Romance for piano, (Kunkel Bros.), 1882; Lullaby, (Foersheim), 1885, autographed to Joseffy by Floersheim; Moment Musical, (Schuberth and Co./Floersheim), 1887; Morceau a la Gavotte, (Floersheim), 1885, autographed to Joseffy by Floersheim, Dritte (3rd) Novellette for piano, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1902; Trois Romances pathetiques, (Schloss), undated; Scherzo, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1904; Scherzo, 2 copies, (Schuberth/Floersheim), 1887; Scherzo, (Fischer), 1911; Suite Miniature, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1897; Valse Gracieuse, (Schuberth/Floersheim), 1887; Wedding March, for piano duet, (Kunkel Bros.), 1883, autographed to Joseffy by Floersheim
Box 26Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Foerster, Ad. M., 1884Add to your cart.
Sonnet, Op. 13, (Prochazka), 1884
Folder 2: Franck, Cesar, undatedAdd to your cart.
Symphonic Variations for piano and orchestra, arranged for 2 pianos, (Enoch Freres), undated
Folder 3: Franko, Sam, 1889Add to your cart.
Feuille D'Album (Albumleaf), (Schirmer), 1889
Folder 4: Freer, Eleanor Everest, 1904-1905Add to your cart.
A Book of Songs, Op. 4, 1. Cradle Song, 2. My Star, 3. When is Life's Youth?, 4. Like a Shooting Star, Love, 5. Be True, 6. Song, 7. Daybreak, 8. Cherry-Ripe, 9. Time of Roses, (Kaun), 1905; Lyric Studies, Op. 3, 2 copies, (Kaun), 1904; Three Short Studies for the Piano, (Summy/Freer), 1904
Folder 5: Frescobaldi, Girolamo, 1901Add to your cart.
Corrente and Canzona, edited and fingered by Max Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1901
Folder 6: Frey, Adolf, 1904Add to your cart.
Aubade, (Ditson), 1904; Harlequinade (Danse Bizarre), (Ditson), 1904; Valse Intermezzo, (Ditson), 1904
Folder 7: Fuchs, Robert, undatedAdd to your cart.
4 Klavierstucke, Op. 2, (Gotthard), undated
Folder 8: Gaal, Francois, undatedAdd to your cart.
Magyar Rhapsodia (Hungarian Rhapsody), Op. 19, (Rozsavolgyi), undated; II. Hungarian Rhapsody, Op. 91, (Rozsavolgyi), undated
Folder 9: Gade, Niels W., undated, 1885Add to your cart.
Aquarellen, Op. 19, Book 2, (Kistner), undated; 6 Pieces for piano (The Christmas Bells, Christmas Song, The Christmas Tree, Boy's Merry Go-round, Dance of the Little Girls, Good Night), (Augener and Co.), 1885
Folder 10: Gallico, Paolo, 1900Add to your cart.
Valse de Salon, (Schirmer), 1900
Folder 11: Gautier, Leonard, 1899Add to your cart.
Le Secret, Intermezzo Pizzicato, fingered by John Orth, (Ditson), 1899
Folder 12: Gebhardt, B. Heinrich, 1909Add to your cart.
Ballade, Op. 44, (Gebhardt), 1909; Romance for violin and piano, piano and violin parts, Op. 11, (Gebhardt), 1909
Folder 13: Gedalge, Andre, 1899Add to your cart.
Concerto for piano with orchestra, Op. 16, orchestra score, (Enoch), 1899
Folder 14: Gernsheim, Fr., undatedAdd to your cart.
2 Pieces for piano, Op. 39, no. 1, Lied, no. 2, Gavotte, (Bote and Bock), undated
Folder 15: Gibbons, Orlando, undatedAdd to your cart.
Popular Pieces, revised by E. Pauer, (Augener and Co.), undated
Folder 16: Gilder, John Francis, 1886-1906Add to your cart.
Clematis, Intermezzo, Op. 76, (Ditson), 1906; Rondo Joyeux, Op. 6, (Ditson), 1886; Tarantelle Fantastique, Op. 11 (Ditson), 1886
Folder 17: Glazounov, Alexandre, undated, 1898Add to your cart.
Miniatures for Piano, Op. 42, no. 2, Polka, (Belaieff), undated; La Nuit, etude, Op. 31, no. 3, edited and fingered by Louis Oesterle, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1898; La Nuit, etude, Op. 31, no. 3, fingering and pedal marks by Alexander Siloti, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1898
Folder 18: Gleitz, Karl, undatedAdd to your cart.
Irrlichter, fantasie for piano and orchestra, Op. 9, arranged for 2 pianos, (Groscurth), undated; Irrlichter, fantaise for piano and orchestra, Op. 9, orchestra score, (Groscurth), undated
Box 27Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Gluck, Christoph Willibald, undated, 1885Add to your cart.
Alceste, piano vocal score, (Peters), undated; Gavotte, transcribed for piano by Brahms, with handwritten revisions and edits by Joseffy, (Simrock), undated; Gavotte von Gluck, transcribed by Brahms, undated; Gavotte, transcribed by Brahsm, fingered by A.R. Parsons, (Schirmer), 1885
Folder 2: Gobbi, Henri, undated, 1873Add to your cart.
Gyaszra ebredes, for two pianos, (Rozsavolgyi), undated; Serenade Hongroise, for two pianos, (Rozsavolgyi), undated; 1st Grand Sonata, Op. 13, (Taborszky and Parsch), undated; Ungarische Suiten, Suite no. 1-4, for two pianos, (Taborszky and Parsch), 1873; 3rd Valse, Op. 9, (Kugler), undated
Folder 3: Godard, Benjamin, undated, 1886-1896Add to your cart.
En Route, Etude artistique, Op. 107, no. 12, edited and fingered by Louis Oesterle, (Schirmer), 1896; Introduction and Allegro for piano and orchestra, Op. 49, arranged for two pianos, (Durand, Schoenewerk), undated; 2nd Mazurka, Op. 54, revised and fingered by Wm. Scharfenberg, (Schirmer), 1886; En Route, Scherzo, Op. 107, no. 12, from "12 New Artistic Etudes," (Furstner), undated; Marche Funebre, Op. 51 (undated); Etudes, Op. 149 (N. Simrock), 1894; Novelozza, Op. 47 (Schubert), 1892
Folder 4: Godowsky, Leopold, 1899Add to your cart.
Concert Study in E flat major, Op. 11, no. 3, (Schirmer), 1899; Valse-Idylle, Op. 14, no. 3, (Schirmer), 1899; Scherzino, Op. 14, no. 4, (Schirmer), 1899; Concert-Paraphrase, Chopin's Valse, Op. 18, (Schmidt), 1899; Melodie mediative, Op. 15, no. 1, (Schmidt), 1899; Ein Dammerungsbild, (Twilight musing), Op. 14, no. 1, (Schirmer), 1899; Capriccio, Op. 15, no. 3, (Schmidt), 1899; Barcarolle-Valse, Op. 16, no. 4, (Schmidt), 1899; Arabesque, Op. 16, no. 2, (Schmidt), 1899
Folder 5: Goetz, Hermann, undatedAdd to your cart.
Concerto for piano with orchestra, Op. 18, arranged for two pianos by Ernst Frank, (Kistner), undated
Folder 6: Goldbeck, Robert, 1879-1893Add to your cart.
Cradle-Song, (Schirmer), 1879; Petite Etude, (Schirmer), 1879; Dreaming by the Brook, Morceau de Concert, 2 copies, (Kunkel Bros.), 1881; Fidelity, (Schirmer), 1879; La Melodia d'Amore, Romanza, (Kunkel Bros.), 1879; Minerva, Polonaise, (Schirmer), 1879; La Vibrante, wrist study, revised and fingered by Wm. Scharfenberg, (Schirmer), 1893; Weeping Rock, Souvenier, (Schirmer), 1879
Folder 7: Goldmark, Carl, undatedAdd to your cart.
Ouverture zu Penthesilea for orchestra, Op. 31, arranged for two pianos, (Schott), undated; Sturm und Drang, 9 pieces for piano, Op. 5, Book 1-4, (Kistner), undated
Folder 8: Goldmark, Rubin, 1904-1908Add to your cart.
Titania's Waltz, Op. 12, no. 1, (Ditson), 1908; Weeping Willows, Op. 12, no. 2, (Ditson), 1908; In the Rushes, Op. 12, no. 3, (Ditson), 1908; Soughing Pines, Op. 12, no. 4, (Ditson), 1908; Twilight Fantasies, Op. 7, no. 1 Twilight, autographed to Joseffy by Goldmark, no. 2 Sorrowful Thought, no. 3 Restless, Ceaseless (2 copies), no. 4 Forest Solitude (2 copies), no. 5 Yearning, (2 copies), no. 6 Deepening Shadows (2 copies), (Ditson), 1904
Folder 9: Goldner, Wm, 1886Add to your cart.
Polonaise, Op. 47, no. 3, (Schirmer), 1886
Box 28Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Goldschmidt, Berthe Marx, 1905Add to your cart.
Rhapsodie Hongroise d'apres les "Zigeunerweisen" de Sarasate, (Senff), 1905
Folder 2: Gottschalk, L.M., undated, 1857-1881Add to your cart.
Le Banjo, Esquilse americaine, Op. 15, (Mayence, Schott), undated; Le Bananier, chanson negre, Op. 5, no. 1, (Mayence, Schott), undated; Le Bananier, chanson negre, (Ditson), undated; Berceuse, cradle song, (Ditson), 1862; Dernier Amour, Etude de Concert, (Wm. Hall and Son), 1870; La Gallina, Danse Cubaine, (Wm. Hall and Son), 1869; Le Mancenillier, Serenade, Op. 11, (Schott), undated; Mumures Eoliens, Op. 32, no. 1, (Wm. Hall and Son), 1862; Ouverture de Guilliame Tell for 4 hands, (Ditson), 1864; Pasquinade, Caprice, Op. 59, arranged for concert performance by Joseffy, 2 copies, (Ditson), 1881; Pasquinade, Caprice, Op. 59, 2 copies, (Schott), undated; Pasquinade, Caprice, (Ditson/Hall), 1870; Pastorella e Cavagliere, Op. 32, (Ditson), undated; Printemps d'amour, Mazurka, (Wm. Hall and Son), 1860; Ricordati, (Ditson/Hall), 1857; Serenade, (C.J. Whitney and Co.), undated; Solitude, (Wm. Hall and Son), 1871; Souvenirs d'Andalousie, Caprice, Op. 22, (Scott), undated; Tremolo, Grand Etude, (Dison/Hall), 1871; L'Union, Paraphrase de concert sur les airs nationeaux americaines, Op. 48, (Scott), undated; Union, Paraphase on the National Airs: Star Spangled Banner, Yankee Doodle, and Hail Columbia, Op. 48, (Wm. Hall and Son), 1863
Folder 3: Gounod, Charles, undatedAdd to your cart.
Kermesse from "Faust", transcribed by Saint-Saens, (Choudens), undated; Polyeucte, Cantilene, (Lemoine), undated
Folder 4: Graun, Carl Heinrich, 1901Add to your cart.
Gigue, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1901
Folder 5: Grieg, Edvard, undated, 1882-1904Add to your cart.
Forty-five pieces for Piano, Volume 1 and 2, (Schirmer), 1901; Albumblatter, Op. 28, (Peters), undated; Auf den Bergen (Fjeldslat), Op. 19, (Peters), undated; From Holberg's Time, Suite, Op. 40, edited and fingered by C.V. Sternberg, (Schirmer), 1904; Ballade, Op. 24, (Peters), undated; Erotick, Poeme erotique, Op. 43, No. 5, (Peters), undated; Humoresken, Op. 6, (Peters), undated; Improvisata, Op. 29, (Peters), undated; Klavierstucke, Op. 41, Book 1, (Peters), undated; Klavierstucke, Op. 41, Book 2, (Peters), undated; Lyric Pieces, Op. 12, revised and fingered by Wm. Scharfenberg, (Schirmer), 1882; Lyrische Stuckchen, Book 2, Op. 38, (Peters), undated; Lyrische Stucke, Book 3, Op. 43, (Peters), undated; Menuetto, from Op. 7, transcribed for 2 pianos by Wilson G. Smith, Op. 50, (Wm. Rohlfing and Sons), 1895; Norwegische Tanze, Op. 35, (Peters), undated; Notturno, Op. 54, no. 4, edited by Dr. Th. Baker, (Peters), undated; Peer Gynt-Suite, Op. 46, (Peters), undated
Box 29Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Grieg, Edvard, undated, 1882Add to your cart.
Piano 2 part for Mozart's Sonata in C major, (Peters), undated; Piano 2 part for Mozart's Sonata in G major, (Peters), undated; Piano 2 part for Mozart's Sonata in C minor (Peters), undated; Piano 2 part for Mozart's Sonata in F major, (Peters), undated; Poetische Tonbilder, Op. 3, (Peters), undated; Pianoforte-Stucke, Op. 1, (Peters), undated; Sonata in E minor, Op. 7, (Peters), undated; Vocal Album, Volume 1, low voice, (Schirmer), 1882; Suite: Aus Holberg's Zeit, Op. 40, 2 copies, (Peters), undated; Walzer-Capricen, Op. 37, (Peters), undated
Folder 2: Grimm, Carl W., 1900-1904Add to your cart.
Modern Method of Technical Exercises for the Equalization of the Fingers, (Jennings), 1904; Practical Instruction Book for Beginners on the Piano, (Jennings), 1900
Folder 3: Grodzky, B., 1894Add to your cart.
Etude, Op. 1, no. 1, edited and fingered by Max Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894; Petit Serenade, Op. 1, no. 2, edited and fingered by Max Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894; Barcarolle, Op. 1, no. 3, edited and fingered by Max Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894
Folder 4: Grunfeld, Alfred, undatedAdd to your cart.
Concertparaphrase on "Persischer Marsch" by J. Strause, Op. 280, (Cranz), undated; Octaven Etude, Op. 15, 2 copies, (Bote and Bock), undated
Folder 5: Gurlitt, Cornelius, undated, 1895-1898Add to your cart.
Album Leaves for the Young, Op. 101, (Schirmer), 1895; Rhythmische Studien, Op. 80, no. 1-8, Book 1, (Cranz), undated; Six Sonatinas, Op. 54, no. 1-3, Book 1, no. 4-6, Book 2, (Schirmer), 1898; Octave Exercises, Op. 100, Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, (Cranz), undated
Folder 6: Gustav of Sweden, undatedAdd to your cart.
Im Rosenduft, Swedisches Lied, for soprano or tenor and piano, (Scott), undated
Folder 7: Haberbier, E., 1878-1881Add to your cart.
Modern Finger Gymnastics, edited with annotations by A.R. Parsons, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1881; Prelude and Fugue, edited, revised, and adapted for piano by Julia Rive-King, (Kunkel), 1878
Folder 8: Hackh, Otto, 1881-1891Add to your cart.
Berceuse, Op. 23, (Grand Conservatory/Eberhard), 1885; 1st Bolero, Op. 55, (Schuberth), 1891; Carmen de Bizet: Fantaisie Dramatique, Op. 22, (Grand Conservatory.Eberhard), 1884; Czarina, Grand Galop Fantastique, Op. 25, (Grand Conservatory/Eberhard), 1885; Fenella, Polka de Concert, Op. 21, (Grand Conservatory/Eberhard), 1884; Idylle, Op. 11, 3 copies, (Grand Conservatory/Eberhard), 1881; Mazurka Caprice, Op. 14, (Grand Conservatory/Eberhard), 1881; Moonlight, Op. 7, for voice and piano, (Grand Conservatory/Eberhard), 1886; The Night, Op. 17, for voice and piano, (Grand Conservatory/Eberhard), 1886; 2nd Nocturne, Op. 12, (Grand Conservatory/Eberhard), 1882, autographed to Joseffy, 1882; Creole, Valse brillante, Op. 43, (Schirmer), 1890; 6 Dances, Op. 34, no. 1 Scene de Ballet a la Gavotte, no. 2 Scene de Ballet dans des Demons, (Grand Conservatory/Eberhard), 1887; Spinning Song, Op. 50, (Church/Stagen), 1890; Stella, 2nd Polka de Concert, Op. 29, 2 copies, (Grand Conservatory/Eberhard), 1886; Tarantella Napolitana, Op. 30, (Grand Conservatory/Eberhard), 1886, autographed to Joseffy, 1888; Valse des Elfes, Op. 20, (Grand Conservatory/Eberhard), 1883
Box 30Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Hambourg, Mark, 1900Add to your cart.
Gavotte moderne, (Schirmer), 1900
Folder 2: Handel, Georg Friedrich, undated, 1862Add to your cart.
Allegro et Variations sur la passacaille, edited by Fischhof and Zellner, (Haslinger), 1862; Air and Variations in D minor, edited by Bulow, (Bote and Bock), undated; Chaconne, edited by Reinecke, (Pohle), undated; Gigue in G minor, edted by Bulow, (Aibl), undated; Hornpipe and Aria, transcribed for piano by Kohler, (Senff), undated; Suites 1-8, edited by Kohler, (Peters), undated; Suites 9-16, edited by Kohler, (Peters), undated; Suite 7, edited by Reinecke, 2 copies, (Pohle), undated
Folder 3: Handrock, Julius, 1894Add to your cart.
Mechanical Studies, (Schirmer), 1894
Folder 4: Haner, J.E., 1868-1877Add to your cart.
Marche Funebre, Op. 2, (Pond), 1868, autographed to Joseffy by composer; Scene Napolitaine, Op. 3, (J.L. Peters), 1869, autographed to Joseffy by composer; Tarantella Impromptu, Op. 9, (Haner), 1877, autographed to Joseffy by composer
Folder 5: Hanon, C. L., undatedAdd to your cart.
60 Exercises for the Virtuoso Pianist, (Aboulogne), undated
Folder 6: Harris, Hubbard William, 1903Add to your cart.
Serenade, (Summy), 1903; Theme and Variations, (Summy), 1903
Folder 7: Harthan, Hans, undatedAdd to your cart.
Albumblatt, Op. 25, no. 5, (Hainauer), undated
Folder 8: Hartmann, Arthur, 1907Add to your cart.
Pan and Thalassius, (Church), 1907, autographed to Joseffy by Hartmann
Folder 9: Hauser, M., undatedAdd to your cart.
Lieder ohne Worte (Songs without words), for violin and piano, violin and piano parts, (Bosworth/Peters), undated
Folder 10: Haydn, Franz Josef, undatedAdd to your cart.
12 Easy Pieces, (Peters), undated; 12 Kleine Stucke, fingered by G. Rosler, (Peters), undated; Symphonie 6, trombone 1 part, undated; Trios for piano, violin, and cello, no. 1-6, piano part, (Litolff), undated
Folder 11: Heimberger, Edward, 1871-1877Add to your cart.
Caprice Waltz, (Gibbons and Stone), 1871; May Queen, Pastoral, (Whitney), 1877
Box 31Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Heller, Stephen, undated, 1886Add to your cart.
Album for piano, edited by Schloesser, Volume 1, (Enoch and Sons/Litolff), undated; 2 Caprice Etude, Op. 144, no. 1-2, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Danse les Bois, Op. 86, Op. 128, Op. 136, (Enoch and Sons/Litolff), undated; Nuits Blanches, Op. 82, (Enoch and Sons/Litolff), undated; 24 Preludes, Op. 81, (Schirmer), 1901; 24 Praeludien, Op. 81, Book 2, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Praludium, Op. 81, no. 15, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Saltarello on a theme from Mendelssohn's Symphony No. 4, Op. 77, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated, with Joseffy's handwritten edits and fingering; Saltarello, edited by Joseffy, 2 copies, (Prochazka), 1886; Spaziergange eines Einsamen, Op. 78, Book 1, (Kistner), undated
Folder 2: Heller, Stephen, undated, 1891Add to your cart.
Selected Studies, Op. 45, Op. 46, Op. 47, edited by Emil Liebling, (Brainard's Sons Co.), 1891; Tarentelles, (Enoch and Sons), undated; Wanderstunden, Op. 80, no. 2, (Offenbach/Andre), undated
Folder 3: Henselt, Adolph, undatedAdd to your cart.
Album: Chanson d'amour, La Fontaine, La Gondola, Chanson de printemps, Repos d'amour, Si oiseau j'etais, Berceuse, Petite Valse, (Augener and Co.), undated; Air Russe, Op. 13, (Schlesinger), undated; Grande Valse, Op. 30, (Schlesinger), undated; Chant sans Paroles, Op. 33, (Chez Edm. Stoll.), undated, pages missing; Concerto, Op. 16, arranged for two pianos, piano 2 part, 2 copies, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Concerto for piano with orchestra, Op. 16, arranged for two pianos, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Reminiscences de Lucia de Lammermoor by Liszt, (Hofmeister), undated; 12 Etudes characteristiques, Op. 2, (Hofmeister), undated; 12 Etudes characteristiques, Op. 2, (Hofmeister/Peters), undated
Box 32Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Henselt, Adolph, undated, 1881-1902Add to your cart.
"Si oiseau j'etais, A toi je volerais!" Op. 2, no. 6, (Schuberth), 1881; Etude, Op. 2, no. 6, 2 copies, (Schirmer), undated; Etude, Op. 2, no. 6, (Hofmeister), undated;�  Concert-Arrangement of Henselt's Etude, Op. 2, no. 6, arranged by Leopold Godowsky, (Schimdt), 1899; Etude, Op. 2, no. 12, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1902; Etudes, Op. 5, no. 1 Eroica, no. 2 in G major, no. 3 Hexentanz, no. 4 Ave Maria, no. 5 Verlornes Heimath, no. 6 Danklied nach Sturm (2 copies), no. 7 Elfenreigen, no. 8 Romanze m. Chorrefrain, no. 9 in A major, no. 10 Entschwundenes Gluck, no. 11 Liebeslied, no. 12 Nachtlicher Geisterzug, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Rhapsodies, Op. 4, (Meser), undated; Fruhlingslied, Chanson de Printemps, Op. 15, (Peters), undated; Impromptu, Op. 17, (Mechetti), undated; 3rd Impromptu, Illusion Perdue, Op. 34, (Schlesinger), undated; 4th Impromptu, Op. 37, (Schlesinger), undated
Folder 2: Henselt, Adolph, undated, 1868-1900Add to your cart.
Morgenstandchen, Op. 39, transcribed for piano by Henselt, (Siegel), undated; Petite Valse, Op. 28, no. 1, revised and edited by Joseffy,2 copies, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1899; Preparatory Exercises, (Schlesinger/Schirmer), 1881; Romance in B flat minor, Op. 10, revised and edited by Joseffy, 2 copies, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1900; Romance, Op 10, 2 copies, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Romance, Op. 10, (Schuberth), 1868; 2 Romances Russes, no. 1, (Bote and Bock), undated; Romance Russe, Op. 33, by A. Dargomijsky, transcribed for piano by Henselt, (Schlesinger), undated; Valse melancolique, Op. 36, (Hainauer), undated; Variations de Concert on motif "Je son ricco e tu sei bella" from "L'Esirire d'Amour" by Donizetti, Op. 1, edited by Henselt, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Variations de Concert on "Quand je quittai la Normandie" from "Robert le Diable" by Meyerbeer, Op. 11, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Cradle Song, Op. 45, 2 copies, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1900; Cradle Song (Wiegenlied), revised and edited by A.R. Parsons, 2 copies, (Schirmer/Tretbar), 1899
Folder 3: Herz, Henri, 1894Add to your cart.
Scales and Exercises, (Schirmer), 1894
Folder 4: Herzog, S., undatedAdd to your cart.
Gondellied, (Raave and Plothow), undated; Mazurka, (Raabe and Plothow), undated; Pastorale, (Raabe and Plothow), undated
Folder 5: Herzogenberg, Heinrich von, undatedAdd to your cart.
Fantastische Tanze, Op. 9, (Gotthard), autographed to Joseffy by Herzogenberg, 1875
Folder 6: Hesse, Adolph, undatedAdd to your cart.
Toccata for Organ, Op. 85, transcribed for piano by Dayas, (Leuckart), undated, autographed to Joseffy by Dayas, 1895
Folder 7: Heymann, Carl, undated, 1884Add to your cart.
Elfenspiel (Play of the Elfs), revised and fingered by Joseffy, (Pond/Prohazka), 1884; Serenade, Op. 9, no. 1, (Senff), undated; Impromptu, Op. 9, no. 2, (Senff), undated
Folder 8: Hiller, Ferdinand, undated, 1876-1882Add to your cart.
Concerto for piano with orchestra, Op. 69, piano part, 2 copies, (Cranz), undated; Dudelsack, (The Bagpipe), revised and fingered by Wm. Schargenberg, (Schirmer), 1882; Rhythmic Study, Op. 52, no. 1-7, (Hofmeister), undated; Zur Guitarre, Impromtu, Op. 97, 2 copies, (Schuberth), 1876
Box 33Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Hoffmann, August W., 1902Add to your cart.
28 Melodious and Instructive Left Hand Etudes, Op. 100, (Breitkopf and Hartel/Hoffman), 1902
Folder 2: Hofmann, Heinrich, undatedAdd to your cart.
Impromptu, Op. 73, (Bolling), undated
Folder 3: Hofmann, Josef Casimir, undatedAdd to your cart.
Etude for the Left Hand, Op. 32, (Dieckmann), undated; Prelude, Op. 30, no. 1-7, (Dieckmann), undated
Folder 4: Hollaender, Alexis, 1905Add to your cart.
March in D flat, Op. 39, no. 1, edited by John Orth, (Ditson), 1905; Two pieces from the Rameau's ballet "Les Indes galantes", Op. 63, no. 1 Gavotte, no. 2 Air et Musette, (Stahl), 1905
Folder 5: Holstein, Franz von, undatedAdd to your cart.
"Die Hochlander", a romantic opera, Op. 36, complete vocal score, (Andre), undated; Arie der Ellen, for soprano and piano, from "Die Hochlander", (Andre), undated; Duet, for tenor and baritone and piano, from "Die Hochlander", (Andre), undated
Folder 6: Holwede, Arthur von, undatedAdd to your cart.
Niederlandisches Wiegenlied for voice and piano, Op. 9, (Bohme), undated; Rondino, Op. 27, 2 copies, (Bohme), undated; Weisst du noch?, for voice and piano, Op. 28, (Bohme), undated
Folder 7: Hopkins, C. Jerome, undatedAdd to your cart.
Wind Demon, Op. 11, (Ditson), undated
Folder 8: Hopkins, Harry P., 1897Add to your cart.
Lyrical Sketches, No. 1 Nymphalin, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1897, autographed to Joseffy by composer
Folder 9: Horodus, Josephy, 1909Add to your cart.
Spanish Echoes, Valse espagnole, Op. 2, (Fischer), 1909
Folder 10: Horvath, Geza, 1904Add to your cart.
Forest Cuckoo, Op. 10, no. 3, edited and fingered by Hans Lichter, (Ditson), 1904
Folder 11: Hugo, J.A., 1901Add to your cart.
6 Octave Studies, Op. 17, (Schmid), 1901
Folder 12: Hummel, Johann Nepomuk, undated, 1897Add to your cart.
Selected Compositions, Volume 1: Op. 11, 13, 18, 20, 55, edited by K. Klauser, (Schirmer), 1897; Selected Compositions, Volume 2: Op. 42, 49, 67, 107 no. 3 and no. 6, 120, edited by K. KIlauser, (Schirmer), 1897; Fantaise, Op. 18, (Schott), undated; Sonaten und Stucke, Volume 1-3, edited by Kohler and Roitzsch, (Peters), undated
Box 34Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Huss, Henry Holden, undated, 1894-1901Add to your cart.
Etude Melodique, (Schmidt), undated, autographed to Joseffy by  Huss, 1894; Concerto in B for piano and orchestra, arranged for two pianos, (Schirmer), 1898; Menuet, Op. 18, no. 1, (Schirmer), 1901; Gavotte Capricieuse, Op. 18, no. 1, (Schirmer), 1901; Prelude in D flat major, Op. 17, no. 1, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1901; Prelude in D major, Op. 17, no. 2, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1901; Prelude in E major, Op. 17, no. 3, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1901; Prelude in A flat major, Op. 17, no. 4, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1901; Prelude Appassionata, (Schmidt), 1891, autographed to Joseffy by Huss, 1894; The Rivulet, (Schmidt), 1891, autographed to Joseffy by Huss, 1894
Folder 2: Hutcheson, Ernest, 1904Add to your cart.
Andante Tranquillo, Op. 10, no. 1, (Schirmer), 1904; Capriccio, Op. 10, no. 2, (Schirmer), 1904; Sarabande, Op. 10, no. 3, (Schirmer), 1904
Folder 3: Ilinsky, Alex, 1894Add to your cart.
Berceuse, Op. 13, (Schirmer), 1894
Folder 4: Jensen, Adolph, undated, 1884Add to your cart.
Berceuse, Op. 12, revised and fingered by Klauser, (Martens), 1884; Erinnerungen, Op. 48, (Peters), undated; Nocturne, Op. 38, no. 1, (Forberg), undated; Nocturne, Op. 38, no. 2, (Forberg), undated; Ribericas del rio, for voice and piano, (Schuberth), undated; Serenade, Op. 32, no. 9, (Peters), undated; Sonata, Op. 25, (Senff), undated; Wanderbilder, Op. 17, Book 1 and 2, (Peters), undated
Folder 5: Jentsch, Max, 1899Add to your cart.
Etude, Op. 28, no. 3, A flat major, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1899; Etude Appasionata, Op. 28, no. 6, F minor, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1899
Folder 6: Johns, Clayton, 1902Add to your cart.
En Route, Etude, (Schirmer), 1902
Folder 7: Jonas, Alberto, 1896Add to your cart.
Mazurka, Op. 6, (Summy/Jonas), 1896; Pastorale, Op. 7, no. 1, (Summy/Jonas), 1896
Folder 8: Jonas, Ernst, 1882Add to your cart.
Romance for piano, violin, and cello, Op. 36, piano and cello parts, (Schirmer), 1882
Folder 9: Joseffy, Rafael, 1879-1909Add to your cart.
Aquarelle, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1882; Aria by Pergolese, transcribed by Joseffy, (Schuberth), 1879; Arietto di Balletto by Gluck, paraphrased by Joseffy, (Schirmer), 1909; At the Spring, with edit markings by Joseffy, (Pond/Prochazka), 1884; Bitte, for voice and piano, (Pond/Prochazka), 1884; 2 Choruses, O Sunbeam Bright! and Old Rhenish, for choir, 4 copies, (Pond/Prochazka), 1884; Cadenza to Mozart's Concerto in A major, (Schirmer), 1882; Columbia!, paraphrase by Joseffy, (Schuberth/Gilmore), 1880; Czardas, Danse Hongroise, (Schirmer), 1887; Czardas, no. 2, (Schirmer), 1908; Daily Studies for the Piano, 2 copies, (Schuberth), 1880
Box 35Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Joseffy, Rafael, undated, 1879-1913Add to your cart.
Etude in A flat, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1887; Concert Study, Chopin Waltz in D flat, (Schuberth), 1879; Feuille D'Album, no. 1, (Schirmer), 1887; Five Hungarian Melodies, (Schirmer), 1913; Leise Zieht Durch Mein Gemuth, Spring Song, for voice and piano, (Pond/Prochazka), 1884; Liebesfeier, for voice and piano, 2 copies, (Pond/Prochazka), 1884; Marche Turque, (Spina), undated; Marche Turque, salon edition, 2 copies, (Spina), undated; Mein Sternlein, Op. 30, for voice and piano, 2 copies, (Andre), undated; The Mill-Clack, Op. 23, (Schirmer), undated; 9 Lieder, for voice and piano, (Kahnt), undated; Pizzicati from Delibes's ballet "Sylvia", transcribed by Joseffy, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1882; 2nd Polka Noble, (Ebner), undated; Scene de Bal: Andante, (Prochazka), 1886, first page only; Schlaf' du Liebes Kind, Cradle Song, 2 copies, (Pond/Prochazka), 1884; School of Advanced Piano Playing, (Schirmer), 1902, autographed by Joseffy, "To my darling daughter Helen!", June 1909
Folder 2: Joseffy, Rafael, undated, 1882-1913Add to your cart.
Serenade, 3 copies, (Pond/Prochazka), 1884; Serenade, abbreviated by Cha's. Fradel., (Pond/Prochazka), 1884; Serenade, no. 2, (Schirmer), 1884; Two Sketches for piano, no. 1 Arabesque, no. 2 Oriental (Intermezzo), (Schirmer), 1909; Spinnlied (Spinning Song), revsied and fingered by Wm. Scharfenberg, (Schirmer), 1882; Spring Song, (Schirmer), 1913; Tanz Arabeske, no. 2, (Schuberth), undated; Tanz-Arabeske, (Schreiber), undated; "Weisst du Noch", for voice and piano, 2 copies, (Pond/Prochazka), 1884; Wiegenlied, Cradle Song, (Schirmer), 1909; First Studies for the Piano, (Schirmer), 1913
Folder 3: Kaminsky, Morris, 1896Add to your cart.
Daily Technical Exercises, (Lohr), 1896
Folder 4: Karganoff, Genari, 1894-1898Add to your cart.
Berceuse, Op. 22, no. 3, revised and fingered by Constantin Weikert, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1898; Berceuse, Op. 20, no. 11, edited and fingered by Max Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894; Pres d'un Ruisseau (By the Brookside), Op. 27, edited and fingered by Max Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894; Tarentelle, Op. 4, edited and fingered by Max Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894; Valse in A flat major, Op. 20, no. 3, edited and fingered by Max Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894
Folder 5: Kaun, Hugo, 1895-1905Add to your cart.
Eight Melodious Etudes, Op. 23, (Kaun), 1905; 4 Stucke, Op. 42, no. 1 Valse Elegante, no. 2 Melodie-Etude, no. 3 Menuett, no. 4 Barcarole (Etude), (Rohlfing), 1895
Box 36Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Kelley, Edgar Stillman, 1831Add to your cart.
Three Compositions, Op. 2, no. 1 The Flower Seekers, no. 2 Confluentia, no. 3 The Headless Horseman, (Schirmer), 1831, autographed to Joseffy by Kelley, October 1891
Folder 2: Kessler, J.C., undatedAdd to your cart.
Etudes, Volume 1-4, (Haslinger), undated
Folder 3: Ketten, Henry, undatedAdd to your cart.
Celebre Serenade Espagnole, Op. 60, (Schirmer), undated
Folder 4: Kiel, Fried., undatedAdd to your cart.
Intermezzo from Sonata for Piano and Cello, Op. 52, arranged by Ernst Perabo, 2 copies, (Ditson), undated
Folder 5: King, Rudolf, 1887Add to your cart.
Caprice, (Ditson), 1887
Folder 6: Kirchner, Theodor, undated, 1879Add to your cart.
Album leaf, Op. 7, (Prufer), 1879; 4 Polonaisen, Op. 43, (Hofmeister), undated; Aquarellen, Op. 21, Volume 1-2, (Peters), undated; Humoresken, Op. 48, (Peters), undated; Praeludien, Op. 9, Volume 1, (Rieter-Biedermann), undated; Romanzen, Op. 22, Volume 1-2, (Peters), undated
Folder 7: Klein, Bruno Oscar, 1886-1901Add to your cart.
Fruhlings Morgengruss, Op. 40, no. 1, (Schmidt), 1889; Abends im walde, Op. 40, no. 2, (Schmidt), 1889; Nacht Auf dem Rheine, Op. 40, no. 3, (Schmidt), 1889; Angelus, Op. 40, no. 4, (Schmidt), 1889; Capriccietto, Op. 40, no. 5, 2 copies, (Schmidt), 1889; In Old Kentucky, Op. 58, no. 3, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1897; American Military March, Op. 58, no. 4, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1897; Virginia Reel, Op. 58, no. 5, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1897; Ave Maria, Op. 75, no. 1, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1901; Deuxieme Pensee Poetique, Op. 54, no. 1, (Schirmer), 1896; Troisieme Pensee poetique, Op. 54, no. 5, (Schirmer), 1896; Tempo di Polka, Op. 54, no. 6, (Schirmer), 1896; Valse fantastique, Op. 54, no. 7, (Schirmer), 1896; Serenade Americaine, Op. 54, no. 8, (Schirmer), 1896; Capriccio, Op. 41, (Schmidt), 1889; Impromptu, Op. 52, no. 1, 2 copies, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1895; Momento grazioso, Op. 52, no. 2, 2 copies, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1895; Remembrance, Op. 52, no. 3, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1895; The Swallows, Op. 52, no. 4, 2 copies, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1895; Valse Melancolique, Op. 52, no. 5, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1895; A Northern Idyl, Op. 52, no. 6, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1895; A Spanish Intermezzo, Op. 52, no. 7, 2 copies, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1895; Valse Gracieuse, Op. 75, no. 2, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1901; Cuban Dance, Op. 75, no. 3, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1901; Notturno, Op. 75, no. 4, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1901; Gavotte, Op. 75, no. 5, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1901; Tears, Op. 63, no. 1, (Ditson), 1899; Colonial Dames Dancing, Op. 68, no. 3, (Ditson), 1899; Dreams, Op. 20, no. 1, (Schirmer), 1886; Dreams, Op. 20, no. 3, (Schirmer), 1886; Dreams, Op. 20, no. 4, (Schirmer), 1886; Dreams, Op. 20, no. 5, (Schirmer), 1886
Folder 8: Klein, Bruno Oscar, 1886-1898Add to your cart.
Elfenmarchen, Op. 18, (Hofmeister/Schirmer), 1888, autograhed to Joseffy by Klein; Italian Suite, Op. 50, (Schirmer), 1895; My love is like a red red rose, Op. 59, no. 1, for voice and piano, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1898; When folded in night's dark mantle, Op. 59, no. 2, for voice and piano, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1898; Bohemian Cradle-Song, Op. 59, no. 3, for voice and piano, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1898; Neath the roses, Op. 59, no. 4, for voice and piano, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1898; When to that song I listen, Op. 59, no. 5, for voice and piano, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1898; Dost recall?, Op. 59, no. 7, for voice and piano, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1898; Romance, Op. 39, no. 1, (Schirmer), 1888, autographed to Joseffy by Klein, 1888; Valse noble, Op. 39, no. 2, (Schirmer), 1888; Pensee poetique, Op. 51, no. 1, (Schirmer), 1895; Berceuse, Op. 51, no. 2, (Schirmer), 1895; Valse Triste, Op. 51, no. 3, (Schirmer), 1895; Valse lente, Op. 51, no. 4, (Schirmer), 1895; Longing, Op. 51, no. 5, (Schirmer), 1895; Consolation, Op. 51, no. 6, (Schirmer), 1895; Intermezzo, Op. 51, no. 7, (Schirmer), 1895; Vasantasena, Op. 51, no. 8, (Schirmer), 1895; In the Village Church, Op. 53, no. 1, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1896; At the Village Fiar, Op. 53, no. 2, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1896; At the Doll's Gradle, Op. 53, no. 3, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1896; Soldiers March, Op. 53, no. 6, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1896; The Guardian Angel, Op. 53, no. 7, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1896; The Shepherd's Lay, Op. 53, no. 8, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1896; Children at play, Op. 53, no. 9, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1896; Longing for home, Op. 53, no. 10, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1896; Scenes de Ballet, Op. 19, no. 2 Allegretto grazioso, no. 3, Vivace non tanto, (Schirmer), Suite in G for piano, Op. 25, (Schirmer), 1886, autographed to Joseffy by Klein, 1885; Violettes, Op. 56, no. 1 Simplicity, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1897
Box 37Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Knight, Samuel, 1900Add to your cart.
Caprice Etude, (Meckel and Schick), 1900
Folder 2: Koelling, Adolph, 1885Add to your cart.
Barcarolle, (Pond/Chicago Music), 1885; Gavotte, (Pond/Chicago Music), 1885; Galop Caprice, (Pond/Chicago Music), 1885; Valse Impromptu, (Pond/Chicago Music), 1885; Serenata, (Pond/Chicago Music), 1885; Valse Gracieuse, (Pond/Chicago Music), 1885
Folder 3: Koelling, Carl, undated, 1905Add to your cart.
Grande Valse Brilliante, Op. 21, (Cranz), undated; La Najade, edtude d'agilite, Op. 27, (Cranz), undated; Robin Redbreast, Impromptu, Op. 373, no. 1, (Summy), 1905; Wohin, Nocturne, Op. 209, (Forberg), undated
Folder 4: Kogel, Gustav F., undatedAdd to your cart.
Phantasiestuck, Op. 7, (Cassel), undated
Folder 5: Kohler, Louis, 1883-1899Add to your cart.
First Studies, Op. 50, edited by Klauser, (Schirmer), 1895; Easiest Studies, Op. 151, (Schirmer), 1895; School of Octave Studies, Op. 200, Volume 1-2, (Andre), undated; Practical Method, Op. 249, Book 1, revised by Wm. Scharfenberg, (Schirmer), 1899; Virtuosenstudien, Op. 120, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Twelve Easy Studies, Op. 157, edited and figered by Klauser, (Schirmer), 1883; Twenty Studies in Scale- and Chord- Passages, Op. 60, (Schirmer), 1898; The Very Easiest Studies: 36 Pieces for Beginners, Op. 190, (Schirmer), 1898
Folder 6: Korbay, Franz, 1875Add to your cart.
Nuptiale, Op. 20, (Schuberth), 1875
Folder 7: Korn, Clara A., 1896-1900Add to your cart.
Barcarolle, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1896; Caprice, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1896; Gavot, (Korn), 1897; Idyl, (Korn), 1900; Pastorale, (Korn), 1897; Prelude, (Korn), 1897; Scherzo, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1896; Humoreske, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1896; Impromptu, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1896; Nocturne, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1896
Folder 8: Kortheuer, Hermann, O. C., 1890Add to your cart.
American Beauty Gavotte, from "Suite" for Grand Orchestra, arranged for piano, (Chandler), 1890, autographed to Joseffy by composer
Folder 9: Kortheuer, Arthur W,, 1885-1886Add to your cart.
Marche Arabesque, arranged for four hands, (Ign. Fischer), 1886; Valse Brillant, Op. 14, (Ign. Fischer), 1885
Folder 10: Kowski, W., 1888Add to your cart.
Boulanger's Funeral March, (Cortada), 1888, autographed to Joseffy by composer, September 1888
Folder 11: Krizek, A., 1902Add to your cart.
Piano Athletics, (Hormeister/Krizek), 1902
Folder 12: Kroeger, E. R., 1887-1903Add to your cart.
Elfenreigen, (Kunkel), 1887; Fifteen Etudes for the Cultivation of the Left Hand, Op. 55, Book 1-2, (Presser), 1903
Box 38Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Kullak, Ernst, undatedAdd to your cart.
Etudes, Op. 20, no. 3 Octave etude, (Kiener), undated
Folder 2: Kunkel, Charles, 1893Add to your cart.
The Pedal Method, Book 1, (Kunkel), 1893
Folder 3: Kunkel, Gotthold, undatedAdd to your cart.
Entsagung, for violin, cello, and piano, Op. 50, no. 1, piano, violin, and cello parts, (Kahnt), undated, autographed to Joseffy by Kunkel; Aus ferner Jugendzeit, Op. 26, (Schuberth), undated, autographed to Joseffy by Kunkel
Folder 4: Kunkel, Jacob, undatedAdd to your cart.
On the Beautiful Blue Danube, concert paraphrase, (Kunkel), undated
Folder 5: Kunz, Konrad Max, 1896Add to your cart.
200 Short Two-Part Canons, Op. 14, (Schirmer), 1896
Folder 6: Kwast, James, 1894Add to your cart.
6 Piano Studies, Op. 20, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1894
Folder 7: Lachmund, Carl V., 1904Add to your cart.
Valse Impromptu, Op. 12, (Schuberth), 1904, autographed to Joseffy by composer
Folder 8: Lachner, Franz, 1875Add to your cart.
Menuet, Op. 115, no. 6, arranged for two hands by Ernst Perabo, (Ditson), 1875
Folder 9: Lack, Theodor, 1903Add to your cart.
La Cinquantaine, edited and fingered by Hans Lichter, (Ditson), 1903
Folder 10: Lackenbacher, Louis, undated, 1855Add to your cart.
Bolero, Op. 16, undated; Filigrane, Air de danse, (Spina/Cranz), 1855
Folder 11: Laistner, Max, undatedAdd to your cart.
Irrlichtertanz, Op. 3, no. 95, (Rieter-Biedermann), undated
Folder 12: Lang, Hermann, undatedAdd to your cart.
Marche Caracteristique, (Richault), undated
Folder 13: Lange, Gustave, undatedAdd to your cart.
Blumenlied (Flower Song), arranged by Henri Ernst, (Century Music Publishing Company), undated
Folder 14: Lavignac, Albert, undatedAdd to your cart.
Arie aus der Pfingst-Cantate by J.S. Bach, transcribed by Lavignac, (Furstner), undated
Folder 15: Lazarus, Gustav, 1902Add to your cart.
Russische Tanze, Op. 74, no. 1, (Schmidt), 1902
Folder 16: Lemoine, Henry, 1893Add to your cart.
Etudes Enfantines, Op. 37, revised and edited by Scharfenberg, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1893
Folder 17: Leoncavallo, R., 1893Add to your cart.
3 Ballatella from Pagliacci, scene 2, for voice and piano, (Sonzogno/Schirmer), 1893
Folder 18: Levett, D. M., 1901-1904Add to your cart.
Canzonetta, Op. 45, (Schroeder), 1903; Harlequinade, Op. 28, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1904; Memories for the Piano, Op. 46, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1903; Pastorale Grazioso, Op. 24, (Schroeder), 1901
Folder 19: Levey, Henry, 1908Add to your cart.
The Chopin Technic, (Schirmer), 1908, autographed to Joseffy by Levey
Folder 20: Leybach, J., undated, 1904Add to your cart.
Caprice Brillant on Mendelssohn's "Aux Bords du Gange", Op. 24, (Schott), undated; La Diabolique, Grande etude, Op. 47, no. 1, edited and fingered by Sternberg, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1904; Grande etude, Op. 47, no. 2, (Schott), undated
Box 39Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Liadoff, Anatole, undated, 1894-1898Add to your cart.
Birioulki, Op. 2, edited by W. Bessel, (Breitkopf & Hartel), 1898; Etude, in A flat major, Op. 5, edited and fingered by Max Vogrich, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1894; Etude, Op. 12, (Bessel), undated; Etude, Op. 37, (Belaieff), undated; Etude, Op. 37 (Schuberth), 1898; The Music Box, Op. 32, revised and fingered by Siloti, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1898; Birioulki, Op. 2 (Brietkopf & Haertel), 1898
Folder 2: Liebling, Emil, 1879-1896Add to your cart.
Cradle Song, Op. 23, 2 copies, (Brainard's Sons), 1891; Will-O the Wisp, Scherzo, Op. 17, (Chicago Music), 1881; Florence, Waltz de concert, Op. 12, (Chicago Music), 1880; Gavotte Moderne, Op. 11, 2 copies, (Schmidt), 1889; Mazurka de Concert, Op. 30, (Church), 1896; Menuetto Scherzo, Op. 28, (Church), 1895, autographed to Joseffy by Liebling; Le Meteore, Grande Galop Brillant, Op. 10, (Chicago Music), 1879; Romance Poetique, Op. 20, 2 copies, (Brainard's Sons), 1891; Romance Dramatique, Op. 21, 2 copies, (Brainard's Sons), 1891; Spring Song, Op. 33, (Church), 1896
Folder 3: Liebling, Georg, undatedAdd to your cart.
Octave Etude, Op. 8, (Schlesinger), undated
Folder 4: Liebling, Leonard, 1895Add to your cart.
Romance, Op. 1, no. 1, (Schirmer), 1895; Petite Valse, Op. 1, no. 3, (Schirmer), 1895
Folder 5: Liebling, Sally, undatedAdd to your cart.
Tanz Arabeske, Op. 3, (Challier), undated, autographed to Joseffy by composer, 1891
Folder 6: Linder, Gottfried, undatedAdd to your cart.
Andante serioso und Concert-Polonaise, Op. 13, (Sturmer), undated, autographed to Joseffy by composer
Folder 7: Liszt, Franz: A, undated, 1880-1909Add to your cart.
Annees de Pelerinage, "Suisse" Suite, no. 1 Chapelle de Guillaume Tell, no. 2 Au lac de Wallenstadt, no. 3 Pastorale, no. 4 Au Bord D'une Source, no. 7 Eglogue, no. 8 Le Mal du Pays, no. 9 Les Cloches de Geneve, edited and fingered by Joseffy, (Schirmer), 1909; Annees de Pelerinage, "Suisse" Suite, no. 1 Chapelle de Guillaume Tell, no. 7 Eglogue, no. 8 Le Mal du Pays, no. 9 Les Cloches de Geneve, edited and revised by Joseffy (handwritten), (Schott), undated; Annees de Pelerinage, "Italie" suite, edited and revised by Joseffy, (Schirmer), 1909; Annees de Pelerinage, "Italie" Suite, no. 4 Sonette de Petrarca, no. 5 Sonette de Petrarca, no. 6 Sonette de Petrarca, edited and revised by Joseffy (handwritten), (Schott), undated; Annees de Pelerinage, "Italie" Suite, no. 1 Spsalizio, no. 3 Canzonetta del Salvator Rosa, no. 4 Sonetto 47 del Petrarca, no. 5 Sonetto 104 del Petrarca, no. 6 Sonetto 123 des Petrarca, edited and revised by Joseffy, (Schirmer), 1909; Annees de Pelerinage, "Italie" Suite, no. 7 Apres une Lecture du Dante, undated; Au Bord D'Une Source, edited and revised by Joseffy (handwritten), (Schirmer), 1880; Les Cloches de Geneve, "Suisse" Suite, no. 9, undated; Annees de Pelerinage, "Italie", Supplement: Venezia e Napoli, no. 1 Gondoliera, edited and revised by Joseffy (handwritten), 2 copies, (Schott), undated; Annees de Pelerinage, "Italie", Supplement: Venezia e Napoli, no. 1-3, edted and revised by Joseffy, (Schirmer),1909
Folder 8: Liszt, Franz: B-C, undated, 1909Add to your cart.
Ballade No. 1, edited and revised by Joseffy (handwritten), 2 copies, (Kistner), undated; Ballade No. 2 in B minor, edited and revised by Joseffy, (Schirmer), 1909; Ballade for Piano, (Kistner), undated; Berceuse, (Heinze), undated; Concerto No. 1 for piano and orchestra, arranged for 2 pianos, edited by Joseffy, 3 copies, (Haslinger), undated, includes handwritten manuscript of Clarinet 2 part; Concerto No. 1 for piano and orchestra, piano part, (Haslinger), undated; Concerto No. 2 for piano and orchestra, arranged for 2 pianos, (Schott), undated
Box 40Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Liszt, Franz: C-E, undated, 1871-1904Add to your cart.
Consolations, No. 1-6, Liebestraume, Three Nocturnes, edited and fingered by Vogrich/Joseffy, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1895; Consolations, No. 1-6, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Consolations, No. 3, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Consolations, No. 3, (Schirmer), undated; Etudes d'Execution transcendante, edited by Paolo Gallico, (Schirmer), 1904; Etudes d'Execution transcendante, no. 4 Mazeppa, no. 5 Feux follets, Irrlichter, no. 9 Ricordanza, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Etude in D flat major, "Un Sospiro", edited and fingered by E. Pauer, (Schirmer), undated; Etude de Concert, No. 1 in A flat, 2 copies, (Kistner), undated; Etude de Concert No. 2 in F minor, (Kistner), undated; Concert Etudes, No. 2 Gnomen-Reigen, edited and revised by Joseffy, (Heinrichshofen), undated; 2 Concert Etudes, no. 2 Gnomen-Reigen, (Bahn), 1871
Folder 2: Liszt, Franz: F-G, undatedAdd to your cart.
4 Fantaisies, no. 1 Les Hugenots, no. 3 Robert le Diable, (Schlesinger), undated; Fantaisie on motif from Beethoven's Ruinen von Athen for piano and orchestra, arranged for two pianos, edited and fingered by Joseffy, 4 copies, (Siegel), undated; 2 Feuilles D'Album, (Schuberth), undated; Feuilles D'Album, 2 copies, (Schott), undated; Grand Galop chromatique, Op. 12, (Hofmeister), undated; Grand Variations on the theme "Puritans", (Schuberth), undated; Grandes Variations de Bravoure on Bellini's "Marche des Puritains", (Haslinger), undated; Grosse Concert Fantasie, uber Spanische Weisen, (Licht), undated
Folder 3: Liszt, Franz: H-M, undated, 1881-1895Add to your cart.
Harmonies poetiques et religieuses, no. 3 Benediction de Dieu dans le Solitude, no. 7 Funerailles, no. 9 Andante lagrimoso, no. 10 Cantique d'amour, (Kistner), undated; Heroischer Marsch, (Schlesinger), undated; A holt kolto szerelme/Des Todten Dichters Liebe von Jokal, (Taborszky and Parsch), undated; Impromptu, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Legendes, no. 1 St. Francois d'Assise, (Rozsavolgyi), undated; Legendes, no. 2 St. Francois de Paule marchant sur les flots, undated; Leonore, Ballade von Burger, (Kahnt), undated; Liebestraume, 3 Notturnos, (Kistner), undated; Liebestraume, no. 1 in A flat, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1895; Liebestraume, no. 2 in E, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1895; Liebestraume, no. 3 in A flat, edited and fingered by Pauer, (Schirmer), undated; Die Loreley, revised and fingered by Scharfenberg, (Schirmer), 1889; 5 Magyar Nepdal, (Taborszky and Parsch), undated; Mazurka Brilliante, edited by Joseffy, (Senff), undated; Melodies Hongroises d'apres Schubert, Book 1-2 (Diabelli), undated; Melodies Russes, no. 1 Le Rossignol, (Cranz), undated; 2nd Mephisto Walzer, edited and revised by Parsons, arranged for piano alone, (Schirmer), 1881
Box 41Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Liszt, Franz: P-R, undated, 1878-1914Add to your cart.
Poesies, no. 1 Die Loreley, no. 2 Am Rhein im schonen Strome, no. 6 Angiolin Da Biondo Crin, Englein du mit blondem haar, (Schlesinger), undated; Polonaise No. 1, edited and revised by Joseffy, 2 copies, (Senff/Kleinmichel), undated; Polonaise No. 2, (Senff/Kleinmichel), undated; Polonaise No. 2, edited by Joseffy, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1902; Melodie Polonaise from "Glanes de Woronince", revised and edited by Scharfenberg, (Schirmer), 1886; Les Preludes, Symphonische Dichtung, arranged for piano by August Stradal, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1904; Reminiscences de Lucia de Lammermoor, Fantaisie dramatique, (Schirmer/Hofmeister), 1906; Rhapsodies Hongroises, Volume 2, no. 9-15, edited by Joseffy, (Schirmer), 1914; Rhapsodie Hongroise, No. 1, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Rhapsodie Hongroise, No. 2, (Senff), undated; Rhapsodie Hongroise, No. 2, edited and fingered by Joseffy, (Schirmer), 1902; Rhapsodie Hongroise, No. 2, edited and revised by Julia Rive-King, (Kunkel), 1878; Rhapsodies Hongroises, No. 2, (Senff/Schirmer), undated; Rhapsodies Hongroises, No. 3, (Schlesinger), undated; Rhapsodies Hongroises, No. 3, edited by Joseffy, (Schlesinger), undated; Rapsodies Hongroises, No. 4, (Haslinger), undated; Rapsodies Hongroises, No. 6, (Haslinger), undated; Rhapsodie Hongroise, No. 6, edited by Joseffy, (Schirmer), 1902
Folder 2: Liszt, Franz: R-S, undated, 1884-1903Add to your cart.
Rhapsodie Hongroise No. 7, (Schlesinger), undated; Rhapsodie Hongroise No. 9, (Scott), undated; Rhapsodie Hongroise No. 10, (Schott), undated; Rhapsodie Hongroise No. 11, 2 copies, (Schlesinger), undated; Rhapsodie Hongroise No. 12, (Schlesinger), undated; Rhapsodie Hongroise No. 12, (Senff), undated; Rhapsodie Hongroise No. 12, with candenzas and artistic changes by Joseffy, (Prochazska), 1884; Rhapsodie Hongroise No. 13, edited and fingered by Joseffy, (Schirmer), 1903; Rhapsodie Hongroise No. 13, (Schlesinger), undated; Rhapsodie Hongroise No. 14, edited and fingered by Joseffy, (Schirmer), 1903; Rhapsodie Hongroise No. 19, (Hofmeister), undated; Rhapsodie Hongroise No. 15: Rakoczy March, arranged for 2 pianos by Liszt, 2 copies, (Schuberth), undated; Marche Hongroise, transcribed for piano by Liszt, 3rd edition, (Schlesinger), undated; Seconde Marche Hongroise, edited and revised by Joseffy, (Schlesinger), undated; Seconde Marche Hongroise, (Schlesinger), undated; Hungarian Sturm-Marsch, (Schlesinger), undated; Spanish Rhapsody, arranged by Busoni, (Schirmer), 1897, most pages missing; Rondeau Fantastique on a Spanish theme, (Schuberth), undated; The Legend of St. Elizabeth, Oratorio, piano vocal score, (Novello, Ewer, and Co), undated
Box 42Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Liszt, Franz: S-W, undated, 1883-1894Add to your cart.
Scherzo and March, (Meyer/Litolff), undated; Soirees de Vienne, Valses Caprices d'apres Schubert, No. 6, (Schuberth), undated; Spanish Rhapsody, arranged for 2 pianos by Busoni, (Schirmer), 1894; Tasso, Symphonishe Dichtungen, orchestra score, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Todtentanz, paraphrase of "Dies Irae", arranged for piano alone, (Siegel), undated; Tscherkessen March, (Schuberth), undated; Valse Impromptu, (Schuberth), undated; Valse Oubliee, edited and fingered by Parsons, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1883; Waldesrauschen, Concert Etude No. 1, edited and revised by Joseffy, (Heinrichshofen), undated
Folder 2: Liszt Transcriptions: B-P, undated, 1906Add to your cart.
Beethoven: Adelaide, transcribed by Liszt, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated, Beethoven transcriptions, Book 1: Gottesmacht, Bitten, Busslied, VomTode, Liebe des Nachsten, Ehre Gottes aus der hohe, (Schuberth), undated; Bellini: Reminiscences d l'Opera Norma, Grand Fantaisie, transcribed by Liszt, (Scott), undated; Bellini: Sonnambula, Grosse Concert Fantasie, transcribed by Liszt, (Schuberth), undated; Bulhakov: Russischer Galop, transcribed by Liszt, (Schlesinger), undated; Chopin: 6 Chants Polonaises, Op. 74, transcribed by Liszt, (Schlesinger), undated; David, Ferdinand: Capriccio aus "Bunte Reihe", Op. 30, transcribed by Liszt, (Kistner), undated; Donizetti: Marche Funebre et Cavatine from "Lucia de Lammermoor", transcribed by Liszt, (Schott), undated, Reminiscences of Lucia de Lammermoor, Fantaisie dramatique, 3rd edition and augmented edition, (Schirmer/Hofmeister), 1906; Franz, Robert: "Er ist gekommen in Sturm und Regen", transcribed by Liszt, (Kistner), undated;  Gounod: Valse de l'Opera Faust, transcribed by Liszt, (Bote and Bock), undated; Mendelssohn: "Auf Flugeln des Gesanges", transcribed by Liszt, (Schirmer), undated, "Auf Flugeln des Gesanges", transcribed by Liszt, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Meyerbeer: Illustrations du Prophete, "Les Patineurs", Scherzo, transcribed by Liszt, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated, Illustrations de L'Africaine, "Marche Indienne", transcribed by Liszt, (Bote and Bock), undated, Reminiscences des Huguenots, Grand Fantaisie dramatique, transcribed by Liszt, (Hofmeister), undated, Schiller-Marsch, transcribed by Liszt, (Schlesinger), undated; Pacini: Divertissement sur la Cavatine "I tuoi frequenti palpiti", transcribed by Liszt, (Hofmeister), undated
Folder 3: Liszt Transcriptions: R, undatedAdd to your cart.
Rossini: Overture de l'Opera "Guillaume Tell", transcribed by Liszt, (Schott), undated, La Charite, Choeur religieux, transcribed by Liszt, (Martens Brothers), undated, Soirees musicales, no. 2 La Regata veneziana, Notturno, no. 3 L'Invito, no. 7, La Partenza, no. 8 La Pesca, no. 9 La Danza, no. 10 La Serenata, no. 11 L'Orgia, no. 12 Li Marinari, transcribed by Liszt, (Schott), undated
Box 43Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Liszt Transcriptions: S, undated, 1881-1892Add to your cart.
Schubert: Lieder, no. 2 Auf dem Wasser zu singen (2 copies), no. 4 Erlkonig, no. 7 Fruhlingsglaube, no. 9 Standchen, no. 12 Ave Maria, transcribed by Liszt, (Cranz), undated, Lieder, no. 2 Das Fischermadchen, no. 3 Aufenthalt, no. 8 Ihr Bild, no. 9 Fruhlings Sehnsucht, no. 10 Liebesbotschaft, no. 11 Der Atlas, no. 12 Der Doppelganger, no. 21 Der Lindenbaum, transcribed by Liszt, (Schlesinger/Haslinger), undated, Lieder, Auf dem Wasser zu singen, transcribed by Liszt, revised and fingered by Scharfenberg, (Schirmer), 1881, Du bist die Ruh', transcribed by Liszt, edited and fingered by Scharfenberg, (Schirmer), 1882, Lieder, no. 10 Liebesbotschaft, (Haslinger), undated, Muller-Lieder, Book 1: Das Wandern, Der Muller und der Bach, Book 3, Whin, Ungeduld, (Diabelli), undated, Shakespeare Serenade, Hark! Hark! the Lark!, transcribed by Liszt, revised and fingered by Louis Osterle, 2 copies, (Schuberth), 1892, 6 Melodies, no. 1 Lebewhol, no. 2 Madchen's Klage, no. 3 Das Sterbe Glocklein, no. 4 Trockne Blumen, (Schlesinger/Hasinger), undated, Melodies, no. 1 Serenade, transcribed by Liszt, arranged for two pianos, (Martens Bros.), undated, Marsche, no. 2, transcribed for piano solo by Liszt, (Diabelli), undated, Marsche, no. 3, orchestra score, transcribed by Liszt, (Furstner), undated; Schumann: Fruhlingsnacht, transcribed by Liszt, (Heinze), undated; Spohr: Die Rose, Romanze, (Bauer), undated
Folder 2: Liszt Transcriptions: V-Z, undated, 1887-1888Add to your cart.
Verdi: Rigoletto paraphrase, transcribed by Liszt, (Ricordi), undated; Wagner: Overture to Tannhauser, Concertparaphrase by Liszt, (Meser), undated, Overture to Tannhauser, Concertparaphrase by Liszt, (Durand and Schoenewerk), undated, Elsa's Brautgang zum Munster, transcribed by Liszt, 2 copies, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated, Isolden's Liebes-Tod, transcribed by Liszt, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated, Der Fliegende Hollander, transcribed by Liszt, (Meser), undated, Spinning son from "Flying Dutchman", transcribed by Liszt, revised and corrected by Nicholl, (Schuberth), 1887, Spinner-Lied from "Der Fliegende Hollander", (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated, Spinning Song from "The Flying Dutchman", transcribed by Liszt, (Schuberth), undated; Weber: Overture to Oberon, transcribed by Liszt, (Schlesinger), undated; Zichy, Ceza: Valse d'Adele, arranged for two hands by Liszt, revised and fingered by Scharfenberg, (Schirmer), 1888
Folder 3: Litolff, Henry, undatedAdd to your cart.
Concerto Symphonique No. 4, Op. 102, complete string parts, piano part, (Costallat/Litolff), undated
Box 44Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Litolff, Henry, undatedAdd to your cart.
Concerto Symphonique No. 4, Op. 102, complete winds/brass parts, (Costallat/Litolff), undated; Concerto Symphonique No. 3, Op. 45, piano part, (Meyer), undated
Folder 2: Little, Arthur Reginald, 1902Add to your cart.
Ulalume, (Wa Wan Press), 1902
Folder 3: Loeffler, Ch. M., 1903Add to your cart.
Quatre Melodies for voice and piano, Op. 10: no. 1 Timbres Oublies, no. 2 Adieu pour Jamais, no. 3 Les Soirs D'Automne, no. 4 Les Paons, (Schirmer), 1903
Folder 4: Loeschhorn, A., undated, 1892Add to your cart.
Piano Technique Studies, (Peters), undated; Selected Studies, Op. 65, reviewed and fingered by Emil Liebling, (Brainard's Sons), 1892; Selected Studies, Op. 84, reviewed and fingered by Emil Liebling, (Brainard's Sons), 1892; Tonleitern-Schule, Op. 177, (Peters), undated
Folder 5: Longo, Alessandro, 1888Add to your cart.
Pagine d'Album, Op. 1, no. 1 Canto d'Amore, no, 2 Alla Mazurka, no. 3 Barcarola, no. 5 Notturnino, no. 6 Scherzino, (Schuberth), 1888; Suite romantica, Op. 12, no. 1 Preludio, no. 2 Romanza, no. 3 Serenata, (Schuberth), 1888
Folder 6: Low, Josef, 1893Add to your cart.
Teacher and Pupil: A Practical Course of Four Hand Piano Playing, Volume 1-2, (Schirmer), 1893
Folder 7: Lucas, Clarence, undated, 1900Add to your cart.
Prelude and Fugue in F minor, Op. 38, (Chappell), 1900; Saga, An Icelandic Tale, Op. 25, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated, autographed to Joseffy by Lucas, 1894
Folder 8: Maas, Louis, 1880Add to your cart.
Erinnerungen un Norwegen, Op. 13, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated, autographed to Joseffy by composer, 1880
Folder 9: Mac-Dowell, E. A., undated, 1887-1895Add to your cart.
Humoreske, Op. 18, no. 2, (Hainauer), undated; 4 Kleine Poesien, Op. 32, complete, (Breitkopf and Hartel/Schirmer), 1888; The Eagle, Op. 32, no. 1, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1894; Moonshine, Op. 32, no. 3, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1894; Idyllen, 6 little studies, Op. 28, no. 4-6, (Hainauer/Schirmer), 1887; 1st Moderne Suite, Op. 10, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1894; Technical Exercises, Part 1, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1894; Technical Exercises, Part 1, 4th Edition, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1895; Les Orientals, Op. 37, no. 1 Clair de Lune, no. 3 Danse Andalouse, (Schmidt), 1889; Prelude and Fugue, Op. 13, (Fritzsch), undated; Serenade, Op. 16, (Fritzsch), undated; 4 Pieces, Op. 24, no. 1 Humoreske, no. 4, Czardas, (Hainauer/Schirmer), 1887
Box 45Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Mackenzie, A. C., 1899Add to your cart.
Schottisches Concert, Op. 55, arranged for 2 pianos, (Kistner), 1899;
Folder 2: Major, Jules Jacques, undatedAdd to your cart.
Capriccio, Op. 8, (Rozsavolgyi), undated; Concert Symphonique, Op. 12, arranged for 2 pianos, (Leuckart), undated
Folder 3: Marek, Louis, undatedAdd to your cart.
2 Ballades, Op. 40, no. 1-2, (Haslinger), undated
Folder 4: Martini, Padre, undatedAdd to your cart.
Gavotte, (Challier), undated; Gavotte, revised and fingered by Joseffy, (Schuberth), 1880
Folder 5: Martucci, Joseph, undatedAdd to your cart.
Caprice en forme d'Etude, Op. 26, (Ricordi), undated; Studio de Concerto, Op. 9, 2 copies, (Ricordi), undated
Folder 6: Mascagni, Pietro, 1891Add to your cart.
Cavalliera Rusticana, Melodrama in One Act, complete piano vocal score, (Schirmer), 1891
Folder 7: Mason, William, 1878-1900Add to your cart.
Two Album Leaves, Op. 45, no. 1, (Schirmer), 1895; Dance Antique, Op. 38, (Schuberth), 1882; Dance Caprice, Op. 36, (Schuberth), 1882; Improvisation, Op. 51, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1900; Melody, Op. 40, (Schuberth), 1882; 2 Piano Pieces, no. 1 Toccatina, no. 2 Prelude in F, (Presser), 1895, autographed to Joseffy by Mason, 1895; Toccata, Op. 37, (Schuberth), 1882; A System of Technical Exercises for the Piano-Forte, edited by Mathes, (Ditson), 1878
Folder 8: Mason, William, 1882-1905Add to your cart.
Romance-Idyl, Op. 42, (Schuberth), 1882; Scherzo, Op. 41, (Schuerth), 1882; Scherzo-Caprice, Op. 52, (Schirmer), 1905, autographed to Joseffy by Mason; Serenata for piano and cello, Op. 39, transcribed for piano alone, (Schuberth), 1882; Touch and Technic: Artistic Piano Playing, Op. 44, Volume 1-4, (Presser), 1892; Touch and Technic: The Technic of Artistic Touch by means of Two-Finger Exercises, (Presser), 1889
Box 46Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Matray, Gabriel, 1852Add to your cart.
Volkslieder, Book 1, (Ofen), 1852
Folder 2: Mayer, Charles, undatedAdd to your cart.
Grande Fantaisie, Op. 88, (Schuberth), undated
Folder 3: Mendelssohn, Felix, undatedAdd to your cart.
Compositionen for Piano, Book 2, edited and fingered by Kullak, (Peters), undated; Compositionen for Piano, Book 3, edited and fingered by Kullak, (Peters), undated; Compositionen for Piano, Book 5, supplement, (Peters), undated; Mendelssohn's Works, Book 2-3, Book 4: Lieder Ohne Worte und Kinderstucke, edited and fingered by Mertke, (Steingraber), undated
Folder 4: Mendelssohn, Felix, undated, 1885-1893Add to your cart.
Capriccio, Op. 5, in F sharp minor, revised and edited by Bulow, (Aibl), undated; Capriccio, Op. 33, no. 2, in E major, (Jurgenson), undated; Capriccio brillant, Op. 22, in B minor, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Songs Without Words, Volume 1, revised and edited by Kullak, (Schirmer), 1893; Praeludium und Fugue, Op. 35, no. 1, (Pohle), undated; Rondo brillant, Op. 29, arranged for 2 pianos by Mertke, (Steingraber), undated; Scherzo a capriccio in F sharp minor, critically reviewed by Speidel, (Pohle), undated; Scherzo du Songe d'Une Nuit d'Ete, transcribed for piano by Ritter, (Brandus), undated; Scherzo du Songe d'Une Nuit d'Ete, transcribed for piano by Saint-Saens, (Schoenewerk), 1885; Serenade und Allegro giojoso, Op. 43, in D major, edited by Rietz, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Sommernachtstraum, Op. 61, no. 4: Hochzeit-Marsch, (Schott), undated
Box 47Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Mereaux, Amedee, undatedAdd to your cart.
Grandes Etudes, Op. 63, Book 1-5, (Richault), undated
Folder 2: Mertke, Eduard, undatedAdd to your cart.
Octaventechnik, (Steingraber), undated
Folder 3: Metzger, Henry, 1892Add to your cart.
Love Song, Op. 43, (Schuberth), 1892
Folder 4: Metzler, Bertha, 1904Add to your cart.
Idyl, (Ditson), 1904
Folder 5: Michaelis, Th., undatedAdd to your cart.
Turkische Scharwache for piano and orchestra, Op. 83, complete orchestra parts, (Leichssenring), undated
Folder 6: Mihalovich, Edmond de, undatedAdd to your cart.
Fantaisie, (Rozsavolgyi), undated
Folder 7: Mikuli, Ch., undatedAdd to your cart.
Ballade, Op. 21, (Caspina), undated; 2 Polonaises, Op. 8, (Wilda), undated
Folder 8: Mildenberg, Albert, 1902-1905Add to your cart.
Arabian Night, Romance for Piano, (Schirmer), 1905, autographed to Joseffy by Mildenberg; The Waterways of Venice, Barcarolle for piano, (Luckhardt and Belder), 1902, autographed to Joseffy by Mildenberg
Box 48Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Mills, S. B., 1882-1887Add to your cart.
Cradle Song, Op. 34, (Pond), 1887, autographed to Joseffy by Mills; 2 Etudes de Concert, Op. 15, no. 1-2, (Schmidt), 1882, autographed to Joseffy by Mills
Folder 2: Moor, Emanuel, undated, 1887Add to your cart.
Anita Gavotte No. 2, (Rohlfing), 1887; Gavotte No. 1, fingered by Scharfenberg, (Schirmer), 1887; Hungarian Dance, No. 2, (Prochazka), 1887; Valse Brillante, Op. 13, (Prochazka), 1887; Nocturne, Op. 37, (Schott), undated; Sonate for piano and violin, Op. 12, piano and violin parts, (Wetzler), undated; Toccata, Op. 9, (Wetzler), undated
Folder 3: Moscheles, Ignaz, undated, 1902Add to your cart.
Two Cadenzas to Beethoven's Concerto, Op. 58, (Senff), undated; 24 Etudes, Op. 70, (Kistner), undated; Etude caracteristique, Op. 70, no. 1, (Schirmer), 1902; 2 Etudes, Op. 105, (Mechetti), undated
Folder 4: Moszkowski, Moritz, undated, 1882-1894Add to your cart.
Tarantelle, Op. 27, no. 2, (Hainauer), undated; Gondoliera, Op. 41, (Peters), undated; Intermezzo, Op. 39, revised and fingered by Mason, (Schuberth), 1887; Die Jongleurin (The Juggleress), Op. 52, no. 4, (Peters), 1894; Moment Musicale, Op. 7, no. 2, edited and fingered by Parsons, (Schirmer), 1882; Etude, Op. 34, no. 2, (Hainauer), undated; 4 Morceaux for Piano, Op. 35, no. 1-4, (Hainauer), undated; Etincelles, Op. 36, no. 6, (Hainauer), undated; Berceuse, Op. 38, no. 2, (Hainauer), undated; Polonaise, Op. 45, no. 1, (Peters), undated; Scherzo-Valse, Op. 40, (Peters), undated; Serenata, Op. 15, no. 1, (Schuberth), undated; Serenata, Op. 15, no. 1, (Schuberth), undated; Valse, Op. 34, no. 1, (Hainauer), undated
Folder 5: Mozart, Leopold, undatedAdd to your cart.
Sonate in C major, Sonate in F major, edited by Max Friedlaender, (Die Musik), undated
Folder 6: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, undated, 1896-1911Add to your cart.
Adagio in B minor and Gigue in G, edited and fingered by Ludwig Klee, (Schirmer), 1896; Concerto No. 2 in A major, revised by Reinecke, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Concerto No. 5 in E flat major, (Schott), undated; Concerto No. 17 in E flat major, arranged for 2 pianos, cadenza by Moscheles, 2 copies, (Breitfkopf and Hartel), undated; Fantasie No. 3 in C minor, 2 copies, (Aibl), undated; Das Veilchen (The Violet), for voice and piano, (Andre), undated; Minuet, edited by Bulow, 2 copies, (Schlesinger), undated; 3 Piano Pieces, Minuet, Adagio, Gigue, edited by Kroll, (Furstner), undated; Marriage of Figaro Overture, orchestra score, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Marriage of Figaro Overture, arranged for piano by Beyer, (Schott), undated; "Dove sono" recitative and aria from The Marriage of Figaro, for voice and piano, edited by Max Spicker, (Schirmer), 1911; "Voi che sapete", from The Marriage of Figaro, for voice and piano, (Schirmer), 1908; Quartet No. 4 for strings and piano, (Schott), undated
Box 49Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, undatedAdd to your cart.
Sonate and Fugue for 2 pianos, edited by Ruthardt, (Peters), undated; Sonaten (Complete Sonatas 1-18), edited by Koehler and Schmidt, (Peters), undated; Sonaten (Complete Sonatas 1-18), (Peters), undated; Sonata in F major, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Sonatas No. 4, No. 6, No. 7, edited and revised by Lebert, (Schirmer), undated
Folder 2: Muller, Carl C., 1886-1897Add to your cart.
Sonate for violin and piano, Op. 61, piano and violin parts, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1897; Tables for the Writing of Exercises in the Study of Harmony, Series 1 and 2 Supplement, (Pond/Muller), 1893; Tables for the Writing of Elementary Exercises in the Study of Harmony, Series 3, (Schirmer/Muller), 1886
Folder 3: Napravnik, Eduard, undated, 1894-1898Add to your cart.
Fantaisie Russe for piano and orchestra, Op. 39, arranged for 2 pianos, (Rahter), undated; La Melancolie, Op. 48, no. 3, revised and fingered by Weikert, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1898; Notturno, Op. 48, no. 1, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894; Scherzo, Op. 48, no. 2, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894
Folder 4: Nawratil, Carl, undatedAdd to your cart.
2 Pieces, Op. 6, no. 1-2, (Gotthard), undated
Folder 5: Neupert, E., 1883-1884Add to your cart.
77 Exercises, (Schirmer), 1883; Studies for Expression and Velocity, (Prochazka), 1884
Folder 6: Nevin, Ethelbert, 1888-1899Add to your cart.
One Spring Morning, for voice and piano, (Schirmer), 1888; Narcissus, from Water Scenes, Op. 13, no. 3, (Schirmer), 1899
Folder 7: Nicholl, H. W., 1879-1897Add to your cart.
Nocturne, (Kunkel), 1879; Prelude and Fugue in G minor, Op. 30, no. 1, (Schuberth), 1897, autographed to Joseffy by Nicholl,
Box 50Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Nicode, Jean Louis, undatedAdd to your cart.
Burleske, Op. 28, no. 2, (Schirmer), undated; Canzonette, Op. 13, no. 2, (Schirmer), undated; 2 Characterstucke, Op. 9, no. 1-2, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated, autographed to Joseffy by Nicode, 1878; 2 Etudes, Op. 12, no. 1-2, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated, autographed to Joseffy by Nicode, 1878; Italienische Volkstanze und Lieder, Book 1-2, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated, autographed to Joseffy by Nicode, 1878; Ein Liebesleben, 10 Poesien, Op. 22, (Augener), undated; Variation and Fugue on an original theme, Op. 18, (Augener), undated
Folder 2: Niemann, Rudolph, undatedAdd to your cart.
Gavotte, Op. 28, (Cranz), undated; Novellette, Op. 29, (Cranz), undated
Folder 3: Niewiadomski, St., 1901Add to your cart.
Mazurka, Op. 26, no. 1, (Schmidt), 1901; Capriccietto, Op. 30, no. 2, (Schmidt), 1901; Serenade slave, Op. 30, no. 3, (Schmidt), 1901; Krakowiak, Op. 31, no. 2, (Schmidt), 1901
Folder 4: Noskowski, Siegmund, undatedAdd to your cart.
Cracoviennes, Polnische Lieder und Tanze, Op. 2, Book 2, (Kahnt), undated
Folder 5: Novacek, Ottokar, 1905Add to your cart.
12 Short Piano Pieces, Book 1-2, (Schirmer), 1905
Folder 6: Oehmler, Leo, 1904Add to your cart.
La Belle Graziella, (Ditson), 1904; Dancing Satyr, (Ditson), 1904; Diana's Hunting Song, (Ditson), 1904; Fisherman's Song, (Ditson), 1904
Folder 7: O'Neill, Florence, 1905Add to your cart.
Danse des Bon-Bons, (Ditson), 1905
Folder 8: Orth, John, 1897Add to your cart.
Dolce far niente, Op. 7, no. 4, (Ditson), 1897
Folder 9: Oscar, J. C., 1885-1892Add to your cart.
Barcarole, Op. 14, (Pond), 1892, autographed to Joseffy by composer; Tarantelle, Op. 12, (Martens Bros./Oscar), 1885
Folder 10: Otterstrom, Th., 1904Add to your cart.
24 Preludes, Book 1-4, (Friis/Otterstrom), 1904
Folder 11: Pabst, Paul, undatedAdd to your cart.
Paraphrase of Tschaikowsky's "Eugene Onegin", Op. 81, (Jurgenson), undated; Reminiscences of Tschaikowsky's "Mazeppa", Grande Fantaisie, Op. 83, (Jurgenson), undated
Folder 12: Pachulski, H., 1894Add to your cart.
Octaven Etude, (Jurgenson), undated; Chant sans Paroles, Op. 3, no. 1, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894; La Fileuse (Spinning Song), Op. 3, no. 2, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894; Impromptu, Op. 3, no. 3, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894; Prelude in F minor, Op. 8, no. 2, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894; Prelude in F major, Op. 8, no. 4, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894; Variations on an original theme, Op. 1, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894
Box 51Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Paderewski, Ignace J., undated, 1893-1896Add to your cart.
Album de Mai, Op. 10, no. 1-5, (Bote and Bock), undated; Chants du Voyageur, Op. 8, (Bote and Bock), undated; Dans le Desert, Toccata, Op. 15, (Bote and Bock), undated; Danses polonaises, Op. 9, Book 1-2, (Bote and Bock), undated; Elegie, Op. 4, (Bote and Bock), undated; Fantaisie polonaise on original themes for piano and orchestra, Op. 19, arranged for 2 pianos, (Schirmer), 1895; Humoresques de Concert, Op. 14, Book 1-2, (Bote and Bock), undated; Introduction et Toccata, Op. 6, (Bote and Bock), undated; Preludium und Minuetto, Op. 1, (Bote and Bock), undated; Legende, Op. 16, no. 1, (Bote and Bock), undated; Variations and Fugue on an original theme, Op. 11, (Bote and Bock), undated; 6 Songs, Op. 7, no. 1-4, for voice and piano, (Bote and Bock), undated; Melodie, Op. 16, no. 2, (Bote and Bock), undated; Menuet No. 2, (Schirmer), 1896; 6 Songs, Op. 18, no. 1-6, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1893; Theme Varie, Op. 16, no. 3, 2 copies, (Bote and Bock), undated
Folder 2: Parsons, Albert Ross, 1898-1899Add to your cart.
Humoresque a la Tarantelle, 2 copies, (Parsons), 1898; The Lion and the Lizard by Liza Lehmann, transcribed by Parsons, (Parsons), 1899
Folder 3: Pauer, Emil, undatedAdd to your cart.
Concerto in B minor, for piano and orchestra, arranged for 2 pianos, (Fritzsch), undated; 20 Rhythmical Sketches, (Augener), undated
Folder 4: Perabo, Ernst, undatedAdd to your cart.
Etudes for piano, Op. 9, no. 2-3, (Kistner), undated
Folder 5: Pfeiffer, Theodor, 1889Add to your cart.
Virtuosen-Studien, (Luckhardt/Schirmer), 1889
Folder 6: Philipp, I., 1894-1900Add to your cart.
Etudes D'Octaves, (Durand and Fils), 1897; Exercices de Virtuosite, (Heugel), undated; Exercices et Etudes Techniques, for the left hand alone, (Durand and Fils), 1895; Exercices Journaliers, (Durand and Fils), 1894, autographed to Joseffy by Philipp; Exercises Pratiques, (Durand and Fils), 1897; Exercices Preparatoires, (Hamelle), undated; Valse-Caprice, on Melodies of Strauss, (Schirmer), 1900
Box 52Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Philip, Rudolf, undatedAdd to your cart.
Gavotte, Op. 15, (Offenbach), undated
Folder 2: Pirani, Eugenio, 1901-1904Add to your cart.
Im Walde, Ballade, Op. 47a, (Schlesinger), 1904; Belsazar, Ballade, Op. 65, (Schlesinger), 1904; Scherzo-Etude, Op. 67, (Schlesinger), 1901
Folder 3: Pischna, J., undatedAdd to your cart.
60 Progressive Exercises for Piano Players, edited by Anton Door, (Simrock), undated; 60 Progressive Exercises, edited by Bernard Wolff, (Steingraber), undated; 60 Daily Exercises, edited by Willy Rehberg, (Eulenburg), undated; Daily Exercises, edited by Willy Rehberg, (Eulenburg), undated
Folder 4: Piutti, Carl, undatedAdd to your cart.
An der Quelle, Op. 14, no. 1, (Kistner), undated
Folder 5: Plaidy, Louis, undated, 1875Add to your cart.
Technical Studies for PIano, eduted by Klauser, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Technical Studies, edited by Klauser, with German fingering, (Schirmer), 1875
Folder 6: Platt, Charles E., 1886-1888Add to your cart.
Moment Musical, Op. 1, no. 3, (Schirmer), 1886; First Mazurka, Op. 2, (Brainard's Sons), 1888, autographed to Joseffy by composer
Box 53Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Poldini, Eduard, undated, 1897-1904Add to your cart.
Album of Easy Pianoforte Solos, Book 2, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated; Dekameron, Novellen und Novelletten, Op. 38, no. 1, Chopin in Wien, no. 2 Schwank, no. 3 Zigeuner-Novelle, (Hainauer), undated; Etudes de Concert, Op. 19, no. 3, (Schubert/Tretbar), 1898; 12 Genre Studies, Op. 17, no. 1 Staub, no. 2 Heimweh, no. 3 Humoreske, no. 4 In der Einsamkeit, no. 5 Barentanz, no. 6 Schattenspeil, no. 7 Walzer-Studie, no. 8 Appassionato, no. 10 Don Juan und Zerlinchen, no. 11 Pastorale, no. 12 Jagdstuck, (Hainauer), 1897; Four Idyls, Op. 23, no. 1-4, (Dieckmann/Tretbar), 1898; Japanese Fan Walz, Op. 27, no. 1, edited and fingered by Constantin Sternberg, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1904; Japanese Study, Op. 27, no. 2, edited and fingered by Sternberg, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1904; Marionettes, no. 1-7, (Ricordi), undated; 6 Morceaux pittoresques, for 4 hands, no. 1-6, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated; Poupee Valsant (Walzing Doll), edited and fingered by Lichter, (Ditson), 1904; Two Piano Pieces, Op. 21, no. 1 Waltz, no. 2 Burlesque, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1898; Three Piano Pieces, Op. 30, no. 1 Witchery, no. 3 Scare Crow, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1901; Songs in a Maynight, Op. 33, no. 1-2, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1901; Three Serenades, Op. 22, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1898; Scenes de Ballet, Op. 18, no. 1 Valse de Ballet, no. 2 Serenade Comique, no. 3 Finale, orchestra suite transcribed for piano by Poldini, (Dieckmann/Tretbar), 1897; Under the Willows, Op. 30, no. 2, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1901; Waltz Preludes, Op. 24, (Dieckmann/Tretbar), 1898; Waltz Book, Volume 1-2, (Bosworth), undated
Folder 2: Polonyi, Elemer, undatedAdd to your cart.
Caprice, Op. 9, (Rozsavolgyi and Co), undated
Folder 3: Pommer, W. H., 1905Add to your cart.
Sonata in A minor for piano and violin, Op. 17, violin and piano parts, (Rahter), 1905, autographed to Joseffy by Pommer, 1905
Folder 4: Popper, D., undatedAdd to your cart.
Dance of the Elves, Op. 39, transcribed for piano by I. Philipp, (Hamelle), undated
Folder 5: Pratt, S. G., 1877-1905Add to your cart.
Fantaisie Caprice, Op. 24, (Root/Pratt), 1877; Fantaisie Impromptu, Op. 28, (Root/Pratt), 1877; Mazurka Andante, (Brainard's Sons), 1879; Mazurka Menuett, (Brainard's Sons), 1879; Mental Velocity for the Pianoforte, (Brainard's Sons), 1905, autographed to Joseffy by Pratt; Nocturne Impromptu, (Brainard's Sons), 1879
Folder 6: Preyer, Carl A., 1902Add to your cart.
20 Progressive Octave Studies, Op. 30, Book 1-2, (Ditson), 1902, autographed to Joseffy by Preyer, 1902
Folder 7: Prochazka, J. Otto von, 1882-1883Add to your cart.
Memories Russe, Op. 33, no. 2 Consolation, (Pond), 1882; Partita Moderne, Op. 42, no. 2 Sarabande, no. 4 Menuetto, (Pond), 1883; Poetical Sketches, Op. 36, (Pond), 1882
Folder 8: Purcell, Henry, undatedAdd to your cart.
Popular Pieces, edited by E. Pauer, (Augener), undated
Box 54Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 1898Add to your cart.
Valse, Op. 10, revised and fingered by Siloti, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1898
Folder 2: Raff, Joachim, undated, 1881-1884Add to your cart.
Evening (Abends), revised and fingered by Scharfenberg, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1882; Cachoucha, Op. 79, (Peters), undated; Romance, Op. 126, no. 2, (Bremen, Praeger, and Meier), undated; Dans la Nacelle, Reverie-Barcarolle, Op. 93, (Peters), undated; Zur Taubenfutterung, Op. 184, no. 4, (Siegel), undated; Etude Melodique, Op. 130, no. 1, (Schuberth), undated; Etude Melodique, Op. 130, no. 2, new edition, (Schuberth), 1884; Fruhlingsboten, 12 Pieces, Op. 55, no. 2 Fruhlingsnahen, no. 4 Unruhe, no. 5 Annaherung, no. 6 Wirrniss, no. 8 Fern, no. 9 Frohe Kunde, no. 10 Zu zwei, (Schuberth), undated; Gavotte, Op. 125, no. 1, (Siegel), undated; Impromptu Valse, Op. 94, (Peters), undated; Scherzo, Op. 74, no. 2, (Schuberth), undated; Phantasie, Op. 119, (Kistner), undated; Rigaudon, Op. 204, no. 3, revised and fingered by Parsons, (Schirmer), 1881; 3 Sonatilles, Op. 99, Book 1, (Schuberth), undated; Polka, Op. 71, no. 2, (Sulzer), undated; Suite in E minor, Op. 72, (Kuhn), undated; Suite, Op. 91, (Peters), undated; Suite in G minor, Op. 162, no. 1 Elegie in Sonatenform, no. 2 Volkslied mit Variationen, no. 3 Landler, no. 4 Mahrchen, (Challier), undated; Suite for piano and orchestra, Op. 200, piano part, (Siegel), undated; Suite in B flat major, Op. 204, no. 6 Tambourin, (Challier), undated; Tanz Capricen, Op. 54, no. 1 Walzer, (Bahn), undated; Valse Caprice, Op. 116, (Forberg), undated; Vom Rhein, Op. 134, no. 2 Kahnfahrt, no. 3 Am Loreley-Fels, (Kistner), undated
Folder 3: Rameau, Jean Philippe, undated, 1901Add to your cart.
Gavotte with Variations, edited and fingered by Vogrich, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1901; Gavotte und Variationen, edited by Leschetizky, (Rahter), undated; Le Rappel des Oiseaux (Roll-call of the Birds), edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1901; Le Rappel des Oiseaux, edited by Krigar, (Bote and Bock), undated; La Poule, (The Hen), edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1901; Le Tambourin, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1901; Les Tourbillons, Rondo, (The Whirlwind), edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1901
Folder 4: Rehm, William C., 1890Add to your cart.
Pensee fugitive, Op. 6, (Rogers), 1890, autographed to Joseffy by Rehm
Folder 5: Reinecke, Carl, undated, 1887-1904Add to your cart.
Cadenza to J.S. Bach's Concerto in D minor, Op. 87, no. 4, 2 copies, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Cadenza to Beethoven's Concerto No. 4 in D major, first and last movements, Op. 87, no. 9, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Cadenza to Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 2 in A major, Op. 87, no. 11, 2 copies, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Concerto in F sharp minor, for piano and orchestra, Op. 72, piano part, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Concerto No. 3 for piano and orchestra, Op. 144, piano part, (Siegel), undated; 10 Fantasie-Stucke, Op. 17, (Augener), undated; "From Olden Times", Op. 197, Menuetto, Pavane, Bourree, edited by Nicholl, (Bote and Bock/Schuberth), 1887; Gavotte, Op. 129, no. 3, (Kistner), undated; Impromptu, Op. 66, for 2 pianos, 2nd piano part, undated; Improvisata on a theme by Gluck, Op. 125, for 4 hands, (Peters), undated; Under Friendly Care, (Ditson), 1904; Wedding Bells, (Ditson), 1904
Box 55Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Reinsdorf, Otto, undatedAdd to your cart.
Ballade No. 1, Op. 67, (Schreiber), undated; Landleben, Op. 41, no. 1 Thalmuhle, no. 1 Thalmuhle second edition, no. 2 Auf dem Wasser, no. 2 Auf dem Wasser second edition, no. 3 Einsame Wiese, no. 3 Einsame Wiese second edition, (Luckhardt), undated; 20 Melodic Etudes, Op. 57, Book 2-4, (Bosendorfer), undated; Novelletten, No. 1, Op. 65, (Bosendorfer), undated; Novelletten, No. 2, Op. 66, (Bosendorfer), undated; 2 Fantasy Pieces, Op. 58, Book 1-2, (Bosendorfer), undated
Folder 2: Rheinberger, Josef, undated, 1883-1895Add to your cart.
Aus den Ferientagen, for 4 hands, Op. 72, Book 2, (Praeger and Meier), undated; The Chase, Impromptu, Op. 5, no. 1, revised and edited by Mason, (Schuberth), 1883; Toccatina, Op. 5, no. 1, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Fuge, Op. 5, no. 3, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Waldmarchen, Op. 8, (Fritzsch), undated; Quartet for piano, violin, viola, and cello, Op. 38, violin and piano parts, (Fritzsch), undated; Scherzino, Fuge, and Menuett, Op. 78, 2 copies, (Praeger and Meier), undated; Tarantella, Op. 13, arranged for piano by Dayas, (Fritzsch), 1895, autographed to Joseffy by Dayas, 1895
Folder 3: Rive-King, Julia, 1878-1881Add to your cart.
Andante und Allegro from Mendelssohn's Op. 64, free transcription, (Kunkel), 1879; Ballade et Polonaise de Concert, (Kunkel), 1879; Paraphrase of Strauss's "Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald", (Kunkel), 1881, autographed to Joseffy by Rive-King, 1881; Impromptu, (Schirmer), 1879, autographed to Joseffy by Rive-King, 1879; Impromptu Mazurka, (Russell), 1879, autographed to Joseffy by Rive-King, 1879; On Blooming Meadows, concert waltz solo, (Kunkel), 1878, autographed to Joseffy by Rive-King, 1879; Polonaise Heroique, (Kunkel), 1879; Prelude and Fugue by Habervier, edited, revised, and adapted for piano by Julia Rive-King, (Kunkel), 1878, autographed to Joseffy by Rive-King, 1879; Paraphrase of Strauss's Wiener Bonbons, 2 copies, (Kunkel), undated, autographed to Joseffy by Rive-King, 1879
Folder 4: Rogers, James H., 1903Add to your cart.
Intermezzo Orientale, Op. 53, no. 2, (Ditson), 1903
Folder 5: Rosenthal, Moriz, 1884-1897Add to your cart.
Papillons, 2 copies, (Furstner), 1897, autographed to Joseffy by Rosenthal; Romanze, (Furstner), 1896; School of modern pianoforte virtuosity, Volume 5, Volume 8, with Ludvig Schytte, (Furstner/Boise), 1892; Study on Chopin's Waltz Op. 64, no. 1, (Fritzsch), 1884
Box 56Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Rubinstein, Anton Grigorevich, undated, 1896Add to your cart.
2nd Akrostichon, Op. 114, no. 1, (Senff), undated; Achrostychon, Op. 37, (Spina), undated; Album of Selected Pieces, Volume 1, (Schirmer), 1896; Album for Piano, (Enoch and Sons), undated; Album for Piano, 2nd, (Enoch and Sons), undated; Album de Danses populaires, Op. 82, (Schmidt), undated; Czardas, Hongrie, Op. 82, no. 2, 2 copies, (Bote and Bock), undated; Valse, Op. 82, no. 5, (Bote and Bock), undated; Valse, Op. 82, no. 5, (Schirmer), undated; Barcarolle in G major, (Schuberth), undated; Caprice, Op. 28, no. 2 (Kistner), undated; Caprice Russe, Op. 75, no. 6, (Senff), undated; Caprice Russe for piano and orchestra, Op. 102, orchestra score, (Senff), undated
Folder 2: Rubinstein, Anton Grigorevich, undated, 1905Add to your cart.
Concerto No. 1, Op. 25, arranged for 2 pianos, (Peters), undated; Concerto No. 2, Op. 25, arranged for 2 pianos, (Cranz), undated; Concerto No. 3, Op. 45, arranged for solo piano, (Bote and Bock), undated; Concerto No. 4, Op. 70, arranged for 2 pianos by Joseffy, (Schirmer), 1905; Concerto No. 4, Op. 70, arranged for 2 pianos, 2 copies, (Senff), undated; Concerto No. 5, Op. 94, arranged for 2 pianos, (Senff), undated
Box 57Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Rubinstein, Anton Grigorevich, undated, 1873-1904Add to your cart.
Concertstuck for piano and orchestra, Op. 113, arranged for 2 pianos, (Senff), undated; Balletmusik aus der Oper "Der Damon", arrange for piano by Kleinmichel, (Senff), undated; Overture to the Opera Dimitri Donskoi, arranged for piano by Perabo, (Russell), 1876; 6 Etudes, Op. 23, edited and fingered by Gallico, (Schirmer), 1904; 6 Etudes, Op. 23, (Peters), undated; 2 Grandes Etudes, No. 2, (Schirmer), 1873; Etude, revised and edited by Scharfenberg, (Schirmer), 1887; Etude, Op. 104, no. 3, (Bote and Bock), undated; Fantaisie, Op. 73, arranged for 2 pianos by Kleinmichel, (Senff), undated; Faintaisie, Op. 77, (Senff), undated; Fantaisie in C major, for piano and orchestra, Op. 84, arranged for 2 pianos, full orchestra parts, (Senff) undated
Folder 2: Rubinstein, Anton Grigorevich, undated, 1873-1883Add to your cart.
Fantaisie sur des Melodies Hongroises, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated; Balletmusik und Hochzeitszug aus der Opera "Feramors", (Senff), undated; Balletmusik und Hochzeitszug aus der Opera "Feramors", no. 1 Bajaderentanz, (Senff), undated; 12 Morceaux, Op. 75, no. 4 Improptu, no. 12 Le Cortege, (Senff), undated; Caprice, Op. 7, (Cranz), undated; Kamenoi Ostrow Suite, Op. 10, no. 3, no. 7, no, 8, no. 9, no. 12, no. 15, no. 21, no. 22, no. 23, (Schott), undated; Kamenoi Ostrow Stuie, Op. 10, no. 22, revised and fingered by Mason, (Schuberth), 1883; 12 Morceaux, no. 1 Pres du Ruisseau (2 copies), no. 2 Le Menuet (2 copies), no. 8 Valse (2 copies), (Schirmer), 1873; Nouvelle Melodie, Op. 93, (Schirmer), 1873
Box 58Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Rubinstein, Anton Grigorevich, undated, 1873-1881Add to your cart.
Berceuse, Op. 60, no. 5, arranged by Perabo, (Ditson), 1875; Points D'Orgue pour le Beethoven's Concerto No. 4, Op. 58, (Scott), undated; 6 Preludes, Op. 24, (Peters), undated; Romanze, Op. 26, no. 1, (Cranz), undated; Toccata, Op. 69, no. 5, (Siegel), undated; Nocturne, Op. 71, no. 1, 2 copies, (Siegel), undated; Polka Boheme, revised and fingered by Scharfenberg, (Schirmer), 1881; Scherzo in D minor, (Schirmer), 1873; Serenade, Op. 22, no. 2, new edition revised by the author, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Barcarole, Op. 30, no. 1, revised and fingered by Klauser, (Schuberth), 1878; 1st Sonata, op. 12, (Peters), undated; 2nd Sonata in C minor, Op. 20, new edition revised by the author, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; 3rd Sonata in F major, Op. 41, new edition revised by the author, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Sonata for piano and cello, Op. 18, (Breitfkopf and Hartel), undated
Folder 2: Rubinstein, Anton Grigorevich, undated, 1875-1894Add to your cart.
Souvenir de Dresde, Op. 118, no. 3 Novellette, (Novello, Ewer, and Co), 1894; Suite, Op. 38, no. 1 Prelude, no. 2 Menuet, no. 3 Gigue, no. 4 Sarabande, no. 5 Gavotte, no. 6 Passacaille, no. 7 Allemande, no. 8 Courante, no. 9 Passepied, no. 10 Bourree, (Schott), undated; Ocean Symphony, Op. 42, First movement, arranged by Perabo, (Russell), 1875; Theme and Variations, Op. 88, (Senff), undated; Trio, Op. 52, violin and cello parts, (Senff), undated; Hungarian Fantasie, arranged for 2 pianos by Gobbi, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated; Op. 11, no. 1, violin part, undated
Folder 3: Rubinstein, Nicolas, undated, 1894-1900Add to your cart.
Mazurka, Op. 11, no. 1, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894; Tarentelle, Op. 14, (Senff), undated; Valse, Morceau de Salon, Op. 16, (Cranz), undated; Valse, Op. 16, edited and revised by Joseffy, 3 copies, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1900
Folder 4: Rubner, Cornelius, undatedAdd to your cart.
Praktische Fingerubungen, (Schuberth), undated
Box 59Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Saar, Louis Victor, 1897-1899Add to your cart.
Two Ballads, Op. 18, (Schirmer), 1897; 5 Piano Pieces for 4 Hands, Op. 21, 2 copies, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1897; 6 Miniatures, Op. 25, no. 1 Album Leaf, no. 2 At Eve, no. 3 Butterflies, no. 4 Affection, no. 5 In Waltz Form, no. 6 Love Banterings, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1899; Variations and Fugue in G, Op. 29, (Ditson), 1899
Folder 2: Saar, William, undatedAdd to your cart.
2 Etudes de Salon, Op. 6, (Schirmer), undated
Folder 3: Sachs, Giulio, undatedAdd to your cart.
Diana di Solangi, Fantasia Drammatica, Op. 39, (Ricordi), undated
Folder 4: Sachs, Julius, undatedAdd to your cart.
Grosse Suite in F sharp minor, Op. 40, (Kistner), undated; Grosee Suite in F sharp minor, Op. 40, no. 4 Die Libelle, (Kistner), undated
Folder 5: Saint-Saens, Camille, undated, 1882-1899Add to your cart.
Africa Fantaisie for piano and orchestra, Op. 89, arranged for 2 pianos, 2 copies, (Durand and Schoenewerk), undated; Andantino, fragmente of J.S. Bach's work, (Rieter-Biedermann), undated; Caprice on the Airs de Ballet from Gluck's "Alceste", fingered by Mason, (Schuberth), 1888; Caprice on the Airs de Ballet from Gluck's "Alceste", (Durand and Schoenewerk), undated; Toccata d'Apres le 5th Concerto, Op. 111, no. 6, (Schirmer/Durand and Fils), 1899; Concerto No. 2, Op. 22, edited and revised by Joseffy, arranged for 2 pianos, 3 copies, (Durand and Fils), undated; Danse Phrygienne, transcribed for piano by Sternberg, (Schirmer), 1882, autographed to Joseffy by Mrs. Tretbar; 6 Etudes, Op. 111, no. 6 Toccata d"Apres le 5th Concerto, (Schirmer/Durand and Fils), 1899; 1st Mazurka, Op. 21, (Durand and Schoenewerk), undated; 2nd Mazurka, Op. 24, (Durand and Schoenewerk), undated; Rhapsodie d'Auvergne, Op. 73, (Durand and Schoenewerk), undated; Rhapsodie d'Auvergne, Op. 73, arranged for 2 pianos, (Durand and Schoenewerk), undated
Box 60Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Sapellnikoff, W, undated, 1901Add to your cart.
Danse des Elfes, Etude, Op. 3, (Andre), undated; Danse des Elfes, Etude, Op. 3, edited and fingered by Oesterle, (Schirmer), 1901
Folder 2: Sartorio, Arnoldo, 1906Add to your cart.
Myosotis (Forget Me Not), Nocturne, Op. 245, (Wood Music Co.), 1906
Folder 3: Satter, Gustave, 1876-1881Add to your cart.
Elfentraum, Op. 126, (Schuberth), 1879; "A Summer Night", Reverie poetique en forme de Fantaisie, (White, Smith, and Co.), 1881; Paraphrase sur des melodies de Schubert, (White, Smith, and Co.), 1881; Saltarello, Op. 147, (Schuberth), 1879; 4th Scherzo, Op. 101, (Schuberth/Mirsalis and Hamel), 1876; La Valse des Valses, Caprice de Concert, Op. 105, (Schuberth/Mirsalis and Hamel), 1879
Folder 4: Sauer, Emil, undated, 1897-1900Add to your cart.
AUs lichten Tagen, 5 Miniatures, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Concerto for piano and orchestra, arranged for 2 pianos, (Schott), 1900, autographed to Joseffy by Sauer; 2nd Concerto for piano and orchestra, arranged for 2 pianos, (Schott), undated; Concert Etude, (Schott), undated; Echo de Vienne, Valse de Concert, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated; Galop, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated; Murmure du vent, Etude de Concert, no. 3, (Schott), undated; Octaven-Etude, No. 4, (Schott), 1897; Romance sans paroles, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated; 2nd Romance sans paroles, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated
Folder 5: Scarlatti, Domenico, undated, 1879-1902Add to your cart.
Capriccio, edited and fingered by Vogrich, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1901; Klavierwerke 2 for piano solo, edited by Barth, (Universal), undated; Klavierstucke, Book 1, edited by Bulow, (Peters), undated; Pastorale, edited and fingered by Buonamici, (Schirmer), 1902; Pastorale, (Senff), undated; Capriccio, (Senff), undated; Concert Sonate, revised and fingerd by Rive-King, (Kunkel), 1879; Sonate in A major, edited by Leschetizky, (Rahter), undated; Sonata in F, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1901
Folder 6: Scharwenka, Philipp, undatedAdd to your cart.
Fantasiestucke, Op. 26, no. 4-5, (Praeger and Meier), undated; 6 Pieces for piano, Op. 18, Book 1-2, (Praeger and Meier), undated; Romanze and Scherzo for violin and piano, Op. 10, no. 1-2, piano and violin parts, (Praeger and Meier), undated; Scenes de Danse, Op. 6, no. 1 Danse champetre, no. 2 Mazurka, no. 3 Valse, (Praeger and Meier), undated
Folder 7: Scharwenka, Xavier, 1897-1903Add to your cart.
Album for Young Pianists, Op. 62, edited and fingered by Oesterle, (Schirmer), 1898; Beitrage zur Fingerbildung, Op. 77, Book 1-3, (Breitfkopf and Hartel), 1903; Concert in B minor, Op. 32, arranged for 2 pianos, (Praeger and Meier), undated; Concerto No. 3 for piano and orchestra, Op. 80, arranged for 2 pianos, (Breitkopf and Hartel), 1899, autographed to Joseffy by X. Scharwenka
Box 61Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Scharwenka, Xavier, undated, 1884-1896Add to your cart.
Etude, Op. 27, no. 3, (Simon), undated; Zwei Erzahlungen am Clavier, Op. 5, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Marche Funebre, revised and fingered by Joseffy, (Prochazka), 1884; Menuet in B major, Op. 18, (Simon), undated; Phantasiestucke, Op. 50, Book 1-2, (Peters), undated; Prairie Flowers, Op. 53, no. 1 Prairie-Rose, no. 2 Western Daisy, no. 3 Wild Primrose, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1896; Preparation for the Masterschool of piano playing, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Valse Caprice, Op. 31, (Praeger and Meier), undated
Folder 2: Schelling, Ernest, 1904Add to your cart.
Gavotte, (Schirmer), 1904; Romance, (Schirmer), 1904; Theme and Variations, (Schirmer), 1904; Valse Gracieuse, (Schirmer), 1904
Folder 3: Scherz, Ernst, undatedAdd to your cart.
Humoresk uber das Volkslied "Kommt Ein Vogel Geflogen" nach beruhmten Meistern, No. 1-2, (Ries and Erler), undated
Folder 4: Schlesinger, Sebastian, 1884-1887Add to your cart.
Etude, Op. 11, (Schmidt/Prufer), 1884; Impromptu Caprice, Op. 28, (Schmidt), 1887; 5 Miniatures, Op. 18, 2 copies, (Schuberth), 1886
Folder 5: Schlozer, Paul de, undated, 1902Add to your cart.
Etude de Concert, Op. 1, no. 1, edited and revised by Joseffy, 3 copies, (Cranz), undated; Etude de Concert, Op. 1, no. 2, edited and revised by Joseffy, (Cranz), undated; Etude, Op. 1, no. 2, (Schirmer), 1902
Folder 6: Schmitt, Aloys, 1878-1897Add to your cart.
Exercices Prepartoires, Op. 16, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1878; Preparatory Exercises, Op. 16, (Schirmer), 1897; Preparatory Exercises, from Op. 16, selected, altered and supplemented by Faelten, (New England Conservatory of Music), 1892
Folder 7: Schmitt, Hans, undatedAdd to your cart.
Scales for the Piano, Op. 9, Volume 1-2, (Doblinger), undated; Technische Studien, Op. 4, (Doblinger), undated
Folder 8: Schnecker, P. A., 1904Add to your cart.
Romance in F, for the left hand, (Ditson), 1904; Melody in G, for the left hand, (Ditson), 1904
Folder 9: Schonfeld, Henry, 1880Add to your cart.
Impromptu, Op. 6, no. 1, (Schuberth), 1880
Box 62Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Schubert, Franz, undated, 1870-1909Add to your cart.
Allegro vivace from Octet Op. 166, transcribed for piano by Altschul, (Gotthard), undated; Allegro vivace and Menuetto from Octet Op. 166, arranged by Perabo, (Prufer), 1870; Andante with Variations, from string quartet Op. posthume., arranged by Perabo, (Prufer, undated; Andantino and Variationen, edited and revised by Joseffy, 2 copies, (Furstner), undated; 4 Impromptus, Op. 90, (Schuberth), undated; Liszt transcriptions of Litany, Himmelsfunken, Die Gestirne, and Hymne, (Schuberth), undated; Menuett, Op. 78, (Andre), undated; Fantasia for piano and orchestra, Op. 15, arranged for 2 pianos by Liszt, score, piano 1 part (2 copies), piano 2 part (2 copies), edited and revised by Joseffy, (Schirmer), 1909; Fantasie, Op. 15, piano part, undated; Hongroise, Momens Musicales, (Ditson), undated; Militar-Marsch, edited by Tausig, (Senff), undated
Folder 2: Schubert, Franz, undated, 1875-1882Add to your cart.
Fantasie oder Sonate in G major, Op. 78, edited by Liszt, (Stuttgart), 1882; 2 Entr'actes from the drama Rosamunde, arranged for piano by Reinecke, (Spina), undated; Trio No. 2 in E flat major, for piano, violin, and cell, piano and cello parts, (Leuckart), undated; Quintett for piano, violin, viola, cello, and contrabass, Op. 114, piano part, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Die Forelle, Op. 32, for voice and piano, (Arnold), undated; Love's Message, for voice and piano, (Schirmer), undated; Hark, Hark! the Lark, Standchen, for voice and piano, (Schirmer), undated; 1st Grosse Sonate, Op. 42, undated; Sonata No. 2 in A major, (Stuttgart), 1880; Sonate No. 3 in B, (Spina), undated; Sonate No. 3 in B major, (Stuttgart), 1880; Unfinished Symphony, first movement, arranged and transcribed for piano by Perabo, (Ditson), 1875; Who is Sylvia?, for voice and piano, (Schirmer), undated; Gute Nacht, Op. 89, no. 1, for voice and piano, (Arnold), undated
Box 63Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Schulhoff, J., undatedAdd to your cart.
Le Trille Etude, Op. 13, (Schott), undated
Folder 2: Schulz-Evler, undatedAdd to your cart.
Arabesques sur des themes de J. Strauss "Blue Danube", (Jurgenson), undated; Octaven-Etude, (Jurgenson), undated
Folder 3: Schumann, Robert: A-C, undated, 1870-1893Add to your cart.
Album for the Young, 43 PianoÃ?  Pieces, Op. 68, (Schirmer), 1893; Album for the Young, Op. 68, no. 2 Soldiers' March, (Schirmer), undated; Album for the Young, Op. 68, Happy Farmer, Hunting Song, (Schirmer), 1879; Album for the Young, Op. 68, no. 9 The Joyful Peasant, arranged by Andre Hartl, revised and fingered by Klauser, (Schuberth/Mirsalis and Hamel), 1876; 2nd Album for the Young, Op. 85, no. 9 Am Springbrunnen, 2 copies, (Schuberth), undated; Andante und Variationen for 2 pianos, Op. 46, arranged by Thern, (Universal), undated; Andante und Variationen for 2 pianos, 2 cellos, and horn, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Carnaval, Op. 9, edited by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1893; Concerto for piano and orchestra, Op. 54, orchestra score, (Breitfkopf and Hartel), undated; Concerto without orchestra, Op. 14, revised by Dorffel, fingered by Schmidt, (Peters), undated; Concertstuck, Op. 92, revised by Rubinstein, (Jurgenson), 1870; Concerto for piano and orchestra, Op. 54, edited by Hiller, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated
Folder 4: Schumann, Robert: D-H, undated, 1884-1901Add to your cart.
Davidsbundler, Op. 6, edited by Dorffel, fingered by Schmidt, (Peters), undated; Etudes symphoniques, en forme de Variations, Op. 13, (Schirmer), 1895; Etudes symphoniques, en forme de Variations, Op. 13, (Schuberth), undated; Evening Song, edited and revised by Joseffy, (Prochazka), 1884; Fantasie, Op. 17, revised by Dorffel, fingered by Schmidt, (Peters), undated; Fantasie for Violin and orchestra, Op. 131, for violin and piano, revised by Hermann, (Peters), undated; Humoreske, Op. 20, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1901; Humoreske, Op. 20, revised by Dorffel, fingered by Schmidt, (Peters), undated; Humoreske in B flat, Op. 20, revised and fingered by Klindworth, (Lucas, Weber, Pitt, and Hatzfeld), undated
Box 64Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Schumann, Robert: K-R, undated, 1869-1898Add to your cart.
Kinderscenen, Leichte Stucke, Op. 15, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Kinderscenen, Traumerei for violin, arranged for string quintet by Heermann, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Kreisleriana, Op. 16, (Peters), undated; Novelletten, Op. 21, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1895; Novelletten, Op. 21, no. 3-4, (Jurgenson), undated; Novelletten, Op. 21, no. 2, no. 3, no. 6, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Novelletten, Op. 21, no. 6, (Schlesinger/Schirmer), 1887; Phantasiestucke, Op. 12, Book 2, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Phantasiestucke, Op. 12, no. 3, Warum?, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Phantasiestucke, Op. 73, for piano and violin (or clarinet), piano and violin/clarinet parts, edited and fingered by Schradieck, (Schirmer), 1898; Quartett in E flat major, Op. 47, for piano, violin, viola, and cello, revised by Dorffel, (Peters), undated; Romanze, Op. 28, no. 2, edited by Boekelman, (Schuberth), 1876; Romance, Op. 32, no. 3, edited and fingered by Hollaender, (Schlesinger/Schirmer), 1887; Romance, Op. 32, no. 3, edited by Rubinstein and Balakireff, (Jurgenson), 1869-1870; Romanze und Scherzo, from Symphonie in D minor, Op. 120, arranged by Klauser, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Romanzen, Op. 28, and Forest-Scenes (Waldscenen), Op. 82, (Schirmer), 1895
Folder 2: Schumann, Robert: S-W, undated, 1875-1902Add to your cart.
Schlummerlied, Op. 124, no. 16, edited by Boekelman, (Schuberth), 1875; Schon Hedwig, Ballade von F. Hebbel fur Declamation, Op. 106, (Senff), undated; Skizzen for Pedel-Flugen, Op. 58, arranged by Krall, (Kistner), undated; Sonata for piano in F minor, Op. 14, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1902; Grand Sonata in F minor, Op. 14, edited and fingered by Hollaender, (Schlesinger/Schirmer), 1887; 2nd Sonat, Op. 22, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Spanish Romanze, "Der Contrabandist", arranged by Tausig, (Bote and Bock), undated; Studien for the Pedal-Flugen, Op. 56, Book 1, (Whistling), undated; Studien for the Pedalflugel, revised and edited by X. Scharwenka, (Pohle), undated; Canon for the Pedal-Piano, arranged for piano by Joseffy, Op. 56, no. 5, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1887; Studien for the Pedal-Flugel, OP. 56, no. 6, arranged for 2 pianos by Gobbi, 2 copies, (Rozsavolgyi), undated; Toccata, Op. 7, editedwith directions for practice by Joseffy, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1902; Toccata, Op. 7, (Schirmer), 1901; Toccata, Op. 7, edited and fingered by Hollaender, (Schlesinger/Schirmer), 1887; Toccata, Op. 7, and Allegro, Op. 8, revised by Dorffel, fingered by Schmidt, (Peters), undated; Widmung, for voice (alto) and piano, (Schirmer), undated
Box 65Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Schytte, Ludvig, undated, 1889-1896Add to your cart.
10 Historiettes, Op. 70, no. 2 Styrian Dance, no. 3 Caprice, no. 4 An Amusing Story, no. 5 Forest-Elves, no. 6 Impromptu, no. 7 Hunting Scene, no. 8 Harlequin, no. 9 Swallows Farewell, no. 10 Purling Spring, edited by Emanuel Moor, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1891; Melodische Speciale-Etuden, Op. 75, Book 3, Octaves, (Hansen), 1893; Special-Etuden, Op. 75, Book 5, Rythmic and polyrythmic, (Hansen), 1893; 7 Morceaux de Salon, Op. 91, no. 1 In the Twilight, no. 2 On the Billows, Barcarolle, no. 3 A melodic Revery, no. 4 The Fandango-Spanish Dance, no. 5 Gnomes Dance, no. 6 A Modern Gavotte, no. 7 In Waltz measure, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1896; Rhapsodie Norvegienne, Op. 59, (Schirmer), 1889; Staccato Etude, Op. 57, 2 copies, (Rebay and Robitschek), undated; Naturstimmungen, Op. 22, no. 7 Ueber die Steppe hin, (Simon), undated; Barcarolle, Op. 60, for piano and string quintet, score, (Schmidt), undated; Caprices et Fantaisies, Op. 63, no. 1 Passion, no. 2 Cortege funebre, no. 3 Bourrasque de niege, no. 4 Variations grotesques, no. 5 Caprice, no. 6 La source enchantee, no. 7 Bizarrerie, no. 8 Chevauchee nocturne au bois, no. 9 Vision, no. 10 Cameleon, edited by Philip Hale, (Schmidt/Hale), 1890; Concerto for piano and orchestra, Op. 28, arranged for 2 pianos, (Hainauer), undated
Folder 2: Sciabine, A., 1895Add to your cart.
Etudes, Op. 8, no. 1, no. 4, no. 5, no. 12, (Belaieff), 1895
Folder 3: Seiss, Isidor, undated, 1885Add to your cart.
Bravour-Studien, Op. 10, (Schlesinger), undated; Evening Song, revised and fingered by Joseffy, 2 copies, (Schuberth), 1885; Praeludien, Op. 12, (Schlesinger), undated; Presto-Scherzando, transcribed from Haydn quartet, (Schlesinger), undated
Folder 4: Setmajer, Arthur, undatedAdd to your cart.
Kulig, 3 Mazurkas, Op. 1, (Gazda), undated
Folder 5: Seuffert, Eduard, undatedAdd to your cart.
Dammerstunden, Waltz, Op. 24, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated
Folder 6: Sevcik, O., 1905Add to your cart.
School of Violin Technique, Op. 5, part 3, Shifting, edited by Philipp Mittell, (Schirmer), 1905
Folder 7: Sgambati, G., undatedAdd to your cart.
Gavotte, Op. 14, (Schott), undated; Vecchio Minuetto, Op. 18, no. 2, (Schott), undated
Folder 8: Shay, Jessie, 1907Add to your cart.
Arabesque Mignonne, (Stern), 1907; Musical Moment, (Stern), 1907
Folder 9: Shelley, Harry Rowe, 1903Add to your cart.
La Petite Coquette, for violin and piano, piano and violin parts, (Schirmer), 1903
Folder 10: Sherwood, Wm. H., 1883Add to your cart.
Two Mazurkas, Op. 6, no. 1-2, (Schirmer), 1883; Scherzo, Op. 7, (Schirmer), 1883; Suite, Op. 5, no. 1 Prelude, no. 2 Idylle, no. 3 Greeting, no. 4 Regrets, no. 5 Novelette, (Schirmer), 1883; Romanza-Appassionata, Op. 8, (Schirmer), 1883; Scherzo-Caprice, with Intermezzo quasi Romanza, Op. 9, (Schirmer), 1883, autographed to Joseffy by Sherwood
Folder 11: Silas, E., undatedAdd to your cart.
Bourree, Op. 106, no. 4, (Ries and Erler), undated; Gavotte, Op. 108, no. 6, (Forberg), undated
Folder 12: Sinding, Christian, 1905Add to your cart.
Grotesque March, Op. 32, no. 1, edited by Bertha Feiring Tapper, (Ditson), 1905
Folder 13: Singer, Otto, 1881Add to your cart.
Rhapsodie for piano and orchestra, arranged for 2 pianos, piano 1 and 2 parts, (Church), 1881, autographed to Joseffy by composer
Box 66Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Sjogren, Emil, 1905Add to your cart.
The Turtle Dove, Op. 41, no. 3, fingering and pedal marks by Bertha Feiring Tapper, (Ditson), 1905
Folder 2: Smetana, Friedrich, undated, 1905Add to your cart.
Am Seegestade, (By the Seashore), Concert-Etude, Op. 17, edited and revised by Joseffy, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1905; Am Seegestade, (By the Seashore), Concert-Etude, Op. 17, edited and revised by Joseffy, (Wetzler), undated; 3 Polkas de Salon, Op. 7, (Hoffman), undated; Stammbuchblatt, Op. 2, no. 5, (Kistner), undated
Folder 3: Smith, Wilson G., 1892-1895Add to your cart.
Berceuse, Op. 47, no. 1, (Rohlfing), 1892; Valse Serenade, Op. 53, no. 3, (Rohlfing), 1895
Folder 4: Sousa, John Philip, 1892Add to your cart.
The Chariot Race, arranged for piano by Henry Xander, (Ditson), 1892
Folder 5: Speidel, Wilhelm, undatedAdd to your cart.
Am Erlenbach, Op. 34, no. 3, (Stuttgart), undated; Octaven-Etude, Op. 18, no. 2, (Bahn), undated; Fruhlingsgruss, Op. 24, (Stuttgart), undated; Canzonetta, Op. 32, no. 2, (Schott), undated; Andante aus dem Concert Solo, Op. 4, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Tarantella, Op. 32, no. 3, (Schott), undated
Folder 6: Spindler, Fritz, 1903Add to your cart.
Elfin Dance, Op. 258, no. 3, edited and fingered by Lichter, (Ditson), 1903
Folder 7: Stahlberg, Fritz W., undatedAdd to your cart.
8 Pieces, Op. 6, no. 2 Standchen, no. 3 Im Angedenken, no. 5 Vergangene Zeit, no. 6 Mazurka, no. 7 Anekdote, no. 8 Alte Tanzweise, (Stuttgart), undated
Folder 8: Stamaty, Camille, undatedAdd to your cart.
Le Rhythme de Doigts, Op. 36, (Heugel), undated
Folder 9: Stayner, Charles Frederick, 1894Add to your cart.
Barcarolle-Greage Salt Lake, Op. 5, no. 1, (Stayner), 1894; Gratitude, Op. 5, no. 1, (Stayner), 1894; For Allie, Op. 3, no. 5, (Stayner), 1894
Folder 10: Steinway, Charles H., 1885-1909Add to your cart.
The Bachelor Circle-Waltz, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1885; Gavottina, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1909, autographed to Joseffy by Steinway; Madeleine, Valse Poetique, (Lyon and Healy), 1904, autographed to Joseffy by Steinway
Folder 11: Sternberg, Constantin, undated, 1881-1901Add to your cart.
L'agitation, Op. 74, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1897; Al Fresco, Op. 22, no. 1 Intrata, no. 2 Margarethe, no. 2 Impatience, no. 4 Mazurka, no. 5 Danse Mauresque, (Schuberth), 1881; La Ballerina, Valse, Op. 75, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1897; 3 Pieces, Op. 20, no. 1 Caprice, no. 2 Gavotte, no. 3 Etude, (Hainauer), undated, autographed to Joseffy by Sternberg; Danse Phrygienne d'apres Saint-Saens, (Schirmer), 1882, autographed to Mr. Dulcker by Mrs. Tretbar; En Boheme, Op. 82, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1901
Folder 12: Sternberger, Clarence, 1889Add to your cart.
Romance Pathetique, (Brentano), 1889
Folder 13: Stetson, Nahum, 1886Add to your cart.
Pavane, (Schuberth), 1886
Folder 14: Stiehl, Heinrich, undatedAdd to your cart.
2 Albumblatter, Op. 101, no. 1 In Venedig, no. 2 Scherzo, (Buchholz and Diebel), undated; Am Comer-See, 2 Albumblatter, Op. 69, no. 1 Cadenabbia, no. 2 Bellagio, (Buchholz and Diebel), undated; 3 Phantasiesche Stucke, Op. 87, no. 1 Diavolessa, no. 2 Im Mondschein, no. 3 Hexensabbath, (Buchholz and Diebel), undated; Reisebilder aus der Schweiz, 4 Idyllen, Op. 89, (Buchholz and Diebel), undated
Folder 15: Stojowski, Sigismond, 1891-1893Add to your cart.
Fileuse, Caprice-Etude, Op. 2, no. 1, (Pitt and Hatzfeld/Stevens), 1892; Concerto for piano and orchestra, Op. 3, arranged for 2 pianos, (Lucas, Weber, Pitt, and Hatzfeld/Stevens), 1893; 3 Intermedes, Op. 4, (Pitt and Hatzfeld/Stevens), 1891; Legende, Op. 8, no. 1, (Pitt and Hatzfeld/Stevens), 1891; Mazurka, Op. 8, no. 2, (Pitt and Hatzfeld/Stevens), 1891; Serenade, Op. 8, no. 3, (Pitt and Hatzfeld/Stevens), 1892
Box 67Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Stoughton, R. Spaulding, 1905Add to your cart.
Berceuse, Op. 2, no. 4, (Ditson), 1905
Folder 2: Strauss, Johann, Josef, and Eduard, 1900Add to your cart.
Strauss Souvenir Album, (Stern), 1900
Folder 3: Strauss, Eduard, undatedAdd to your cart.
Die Hochquelle, Polka-Mazurka, Op. 114, (Schreiber), undated; In Lieb Entbrannt, Polka, Op. 117, (Schreiber), undated
Folder 4: Strauss, Johann, undated, 1868-1889Add to your cart.
Cagliostro-Walzer, Op. 370, (Schirmer), undated; Donauweibchen, Walzer, Op. 427, (Cranz), undated; Du und Du, Walzer, Op. 367, (Cranz), undated; Kaiser-Walzer, Op. 437, (Simrock/Boise), 1889; Kuss Walzer, Les Baisers), Op. 400, (Cranz), undated; Lagunen-Walzer, Op. 411, (Schirmer), undated; Nachtfalter, (Schuberth), 1868; O Schoner Mai! Walzer, Op. 375, (Schirmer), undated; Rosen aus dem Suden Walzer, Op. 388, (Cranz), undated; Schatz-Walzer, Op. 418, (Schirmer), undated
Folder 5: Strauss, Richard, 1892Add to your cart.
Serenade, Op. 17, no. 2, for voice and piano, (Schirmer), 1892
Folder 6: Strelezki, Anton, undated, 1881-1891Add to your cart.
2nd Ballade, Op. 13, no. 1, (Rohlfing), 1887; 5 Concert Studies, Op. 8, (Schirmer), 1886; Dream-Visions, Etude, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1884; Galop Bravour, (Rohlfing), 1887, autographed to Joseffy by Strelezki; Grand Polonaise, Op. 19, (Rohlfing), 1887; Humoreske, Op. 7, (Rohlfing), 1887, autographed to Joseffy by the author; Impromptu, Op. 172, (Schirmer), 1891, autographed to Joseffy by Strelezki; Impromptu, Op. 157, (Schirmer), 1891; 8 Mazurkas, Op. 130, no. 1, no. 2, no. 3, no. 6, no. 7, (Hansen), undated; 1st Mazurka, (Fischer), 1887; 2nd Mazurka, (Rohlfing), 1887; Miniature, Op. 13, no. 2, (Rohlfing), 1887; Senta's Traum, (Augener), undated; Nocturne, (Rohlfing), 1887; La Castagnette, (Rohlfing), 1887; Ne Plus Ultra, Daily Finger Studies, (Whitney/Apel), 1881; Nocturne, Op. 123, no. 1, (Hansen), undated; 4 Polish Dances, no. 1, no. 2, no. 4, (Schirmer), 1886; Presto Valse, 2 copies, (Elkan and Schildknecht), undated, autographed by Streleski; Romance Russe, Op. 4, no. 1, (Fischer), 1887; Souvenir de Peterhof, Romance, (Detroit Music Co.), 1887, autographed to Joseffy by author; Valse Poetique No. 1, (Rohlfing), 1887; Valse Poetique No. 2, (Rohlfing), 1887; Valsero, (Detroit Music Co.), 1887, autographed to Joseffy by author
Folder 7: Striby, Wm., 1883Add to your cart.
A New Design of Six Lines for a Universal System of Musical Notation for all Vocal and Instrumental Publications, (Striby), 1883
Folder 8: Stucken, Frank van der, 1885Add to your cart.
Music for Shakespeare's "Sturm", Op. 8, (Luckhardt/Schirmer), 1885
Folder 9: Sucher, Josef, undatedAdd to your cart.
"An die Entfernte", for voice and piano, (Buchholz and Diebel), undated; "O dass doch hier kein Fruhling weilet", for voice and piano, (Buchholz and Diebel), undated; Waldfraulein, scene for solo, choir, and orchestra, arranged for piano and voice, (Buchholz and Diebel), undated
Folder 10: Sudds, W. F., 1904Add to your cart.
Frolic of the Brownies, Op. 296, (Ditson), 1904
Folder 11: Sulzer, Julius, undatedAdd to your cart.
3 Fantasiestucke, no. 1, (Schreiber), undated
Box 68Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Szanto, Theodor, 1905Add to your cart.
Lamentation, Op. 4, no. 1-2, (Nachfolger), 1905, autographed to Joseffy by Szanto, 1906
Folder 2: Szekely, Emerik, undatedAdd to your cart.
15 Inventions, 2 copies, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated, autographed by National Conservatory of Music in America; Reminiscences de Hunyadi Laszlo, Op. 47, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated; Souvenir de Balaton, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated; Souvenir de ma Patrie, (1st Fantasy on Hungarian themes), Op. 25, 2 copies, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated
Folder 3: Szendy, Arpad, undated, 1900Add to your cart.
2 Caprices, (Karolus and Kopriva), 1900; Rhapsodie hongroise, (Karolus and Kopriva), undated
Folder 4: Tausig, Carl, undatedAdd to your cart.
Etudes de Concert, Op. 1, no. 1, (Senf), undated; Reminiscences de Halka, Fantaisie de Concert, Op. 2, (Schuberth), undated; Ungarische Zigeunerweisen, (Senff), undated; Valses-Caprices d'apres J. Strauss: Man lebt nur einmal, Op. 167, (Schuberth), undated; Valses-Caprices d'apres J. Strauss: Wahlstimmen, Op. 250, (Schuberth), undated
Folder 5: Tempest, Robert, 1886-1887Add to your cart.
Grande Valse Brillante, (Shaw), 1886; Nocturne, (North and Co.), 1887, autographed to Joseffy by composer; Polka de Concert, (North), 1887, autographed to Joseffy by composer
Folder 6: Thalberg, S., undatedAdd to your cart.
Air de "Tre Giorni" par Pergolesi, Op. 70, 2nd transcription, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Etude, Op. 26, no. 4, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated; Grande Fantaisie sur la Serenade et le Menuet de Don Juan, Op. 42, (Schott), undated
Folder 7: Tombelle, F. de la, 1889Add to your cart.
Faintaisie for piano and orchestra, Op. 26, arranged for 2 pianos, (Richault), 1889
Folder 8: Tschaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich, undated, 1898-1902Add to your cart.
Complainte, Nocturne, arranged on two themes from the "Snowmaiden" by Siloti, fingered and pedal marks by Weikert, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1898; Concerto for piano and orchestra, Op. 23, arranged for 2 pianos, (Jurgenson), undated; Concerto No. 1 in B minor for piano and orchestra, Op. 23, arranged for 2 pianos, 2 copies, (Rahter), undated; Fantaisie de Concert for piano and orchestra, Op. 56, arranged for 2 pianos, (Jurgenson), undated; 3 Morceaux, Op. 9, (Jurgenson), undated; 2 Morceaux, Op. 10, (Jurgenson), undated; 6 Morceaux, Op. 19, (Jurgenson), undated; 12 Morceaux, Op. 40, (Jurgenson), undated; "Nur, wer die Sehnsucht kennt", Op. 6, no. 6, for voice and piano, (Schirmer), 1902; Romance, Op. 5, (Jurgenson), undated; Romance, Op. 5, revised, fingered, and pedal marks by Siloti, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1898; Scherzo al la russe, Op. 1, (Jurgenson), undated; Souvenir de Hapsal, Op. 2, no. 2 Scherzo, (Forberg), undated; Souvenir de Hapsal, Op. 2, no. 1-3, (Jurgenson), undated; Theme original et Variations, Op. 19, no. 6, (Leuckart), undated; Valse Scherzo, Op. 7, (Jurgenson), undated; Valse Caprice, Op. 4, (Jurgenson), undated; Valse de Salon, Op. 51, no. 1, (Jurgenson), undated
Box 69Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Urspruch, Anton, undatedAdd to your cart.
Concerto for piano and orchestra, Op. 9, orchstra socre, (Spina/Cranz), undated; Concerto for piano and orchestra, Op. 9, complete orchestra parts, (Spina/Cranz), undated; Deutsche Tanze for 4 hands, Op. 7, Volume 1-4, (Spina/Cranz), undated; Symphonie in E flat major for orchestra, Op. 14, arranged for 2 pianos, (Cranz), undated; 24 Variations on an original theme, Op. 10, 2 copies, (Breitkopf and Hartel), undated
Folder 2: Vantyn, Sidney, undatedAdd to your cart.
12 Studies for the left hand, Op. 15, revised edition, (Muraille/Benham), undated
Folder 3: Vogrich, Max, 1886-1894Add to your cart.
6 Concert Etudes, no. 1-3, no. 5-6, (Schirmer), 1894; Concert Etude, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1893; Grosses Concert in E minor for piano and orchestra, arranged for 2 pianos, (Schirmer), 1888; King Arthur, Opera in 3 Acts with Prologue, vocal score, (Schirmer), 1893, autographed to Joseffy by Vogrich, 1893; 3 Mazurkas, no. 1-3, (Schirmer), 1890; Passepied, (Schirmer), 1890; Romancero, (Schirmer), 1888; Sarabande and Fugue in F, (Schirmer), 1890; Staccato Caprice, 2 copies, (Schirmer), 1886
Box 70Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Volkmann, RobertAdd to your cart.
Nocturne, Op. 8, (Kistner), undated; Scherzo from Symphony in D minor, Op. 44, arranged by Perabo, (Prufer), undated
Folder 2: Wachs, Paul, 1905Add to your cart.
Capricante, edited by John Orth, (Ditson), 1905; Staccati, Scherzo, edited and fingered by Lichter, (Ditson), 1905
Folder 3: Wagner, Richard, undatedAdd to your cart.
5 Poems for voice and piano, no. 1 Der Engel, no. 2 Stehe still!, no. 3 Im Treibhaus, no. 4 Schmerzen, no. 5 Traume, (Schott), undated; 5 Poems for voice (soprano) and piano, no. 5 Traume, (Schott), undated; "Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg", concert paraphrase of "Bruchstuck" from Act 1 by Hans Bulow, (Schott), undated; "Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg", concert paraphrase of "Vorspiel", (Schott), undated; "Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg", "Walthers Preislied", arranged by Bendel, (Bote and Bock), undated; Der Ring des Nibelungen: "Siegfried", "Siegmund's Liebesgesang", arranged for piano by Louis Brassin, "Siegfried und der Waldvogel", arranged for piano by Rubinstein, (Schott), undated; "Tannhauser", "Der Venusberg", arranged for piano by Albert Heintz, (Furstner), undated
Folder 4: Watson, Regina, 1901-1902Add to your cart.
An Arabian Night, Oriental Serenade, (Summy), 1901; Bourree, a l'antique, (Summy), 1902; Mazourka Etude, (Summy), 1901, autographed to Joseffy by Watson; Mignon, a Portrait, (Summy), 1902; Scherzino, (Summy), 1901
Folder 5: Weber, Carl Maria von, undated, 1870-1899Add to your cart.
Aufforderung zum Tanz (Invitation to the Dance), Rondeau brillant, Op. 65, revised and fingered by Mason, (Schirmer), 1893; Aufforderung zum Tanz, Rondeau brillant, Op. 65, (Stuttgart), 1890; Aufforderung zum Tanz, Op. 65, new edition by Henselt, (Schlesinger), undated; Aufforderung zum Tanz, Op. 65, with Arabesken for the Concertvortag by Tausig, (Senff), undated; Momento Capriccioso, Op. 12, (Stuttgart), 1870; Moment Musical (Ein episodischer Gedanke), arranged by Henselt, edited and revised by Joseffy, 2 copies, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1899; Oberon Overture, transcribed for piano by Henselt, (Schlesinger), undated; Rondo brillant (La Gaiete), Op. 62, revised and fingered by Mason, (Schirmer), 1893
Folder 6: Weiss, Josef, 1901-1902Add to your cart.
Chansonnette, Humoresque, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1902; Lebenswogen, Concert-Etude, Op. 25, (Nachfolger), undated; Lyrical Piano Pieces, Op. 21, no. 1 In Dreamland, no. 2 All Souls Day, no. 3 Presentiment of Spring (2 copies), no. 4 Recovery, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1902; 3 Miniatures, Op. 20, no. 1 Waltz, no. 2 March, no. 3 Serenade, (Schuberth/Tretbar), 1901
Folder 7: Werner, Albert, undatedAdd to your cart.
Reverie, Op. 12, (Plotner and Meinhold), undated; Valse brillante, Op. 14, (Plotner and Meinhold), undated; Walzer Caprice, Op. 13, (Plotner and Meinhold), undated
Folder 8: Whiting, Arthur, 1895-1904Add to your cart.
Bagatelles, (Schirmer), 1895; Fantasy for piano and orchestra, Op. 11, arranged for 2 pianos, (Schirmer), 1897, autographed to Joseffy by Whiting, 1897; Pianoforte Pedal Studies, Part 1, Elementary Use of the Damper Pedal, (Schirmer), 1904; Suite Moderne, Op. 15, (Schirmer), 1900; Valse Brillante, (Schirmer), 1901
Box 71Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Widor, Ch. M., undated, 1887Add to your cart.
Au Soir, Op. 44, no. 5, revised and fingered by Rogers, (Prochazka), 1887; 12 Feuillets d'Album, Solitude, Op, 31, Book 2, (Maho), undated
Folder 2: Wieghorst, C., 1901Add to your cart.
Murmuring of the Brook, Etude in E, (Wieghorst), 1901, autographed by Wieghorst
Folder 3: Wiehmayer, Theodor, 1901Add to your cart.
School of Finger Technique, Volume 2, 8th edition, (Schuberth), 1901
Folder 4: Wieniawski, Joseph, undatedAdd to your cart.
24 Etudes, Op. 44, no. 13-18, Book 3, (Schott), undated
Folder 5: Wilkes, Robert, 1905Add to your cart.
Four Studies for the Arpeggio, (Wilkes), 1905
Folder 6: Willmers, Rud., undatedAdd to your cart.
Tarantella Furiosa, (Schuberth), undated; "Freudvoll und Leidvoll", by Reichardt, transcribed for piano by WIllmers, Op. 2, no. 1, (Schuberth/Klauser), undated
Folder 7: Winding, Aug., undatedAdd to your cart.
Cadenza tot he 1st movement of Mozart's A major Piano Concert, (Steingraber), undated
Folder 8: Witte, G. H., undatedAdd to your cart.
Impromptus, Op. 4, no. 1-2, (Praeger and Meier), undated, autographed to Joseffy; Impromptu, Op. 11, no. 2, (Praeger and Meier), undated; Quartet for piano, violin, viola, and cello, Op. 5, complete parts, (Praeger and Meier), undated; Walzer, Op. 3, (Praeger and Meier), undated; Walzer, Op. 7, for 4 hands, (Praeger and Meier), undated, autographed to Joseffy
Folder 9: Wolff, B., 1897Add to your cart.
The Very Easiest Duets, Op. 194, Book 1, for 4 hands, (B. F. Wood Music), 1897
Folder 10: Woycke, Eugen, undatedAdd to your cart.
Pianoforte Album, (Ascherberg), undated, autographed by Woycke; Sonate Dramatique, (Jefferys), undated
Folder 11: Woyrsch, Felix von, 1888Add to your cart.
2 Impromptus, Op. 23, (Schuberth), 1888
Folder 12: Wrangell, Basile, 1894-1896Add to your cart.
3 Impromptus, Op. 13, no. 1 Une Vision D'Amour, no. 2 Inquietude, no. 3 Reveil Joyeux des Songes, (Schirmer), 1896; 6 Pieces, Op. 1, Piece et Fugue, Chanson naive, Arabesque, Romance, Berceuse, Petite Valse, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894
Folder 13: Xander, Henri, 1888Add to your cart.
Impromptu, Op. 1, no. 3, (Rockar), 1888; Prelude, Op. 1, no. 2, (Rockar), 1888; Slumber Song, Op. 1, no. 1, (Rockar), 1888
Folder 14: Youferoff, Serge, 1894Add to your cart.
Elegie in F major, Op. 1, no. 3, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894; Fileuse in G major, Op. 1, no. 6, edited and fingered by Vogrich, (Schirmer), 1894
Folder 15: Zach, Max, 1904Add to your cart.
Childhood Days, No. 5 Minuet, (Ditson), 1904
Folder 16: Zedtwitz, Curt von, 1896Add to your cart.
A la Minuetto, Op. 14, (Ries and Erler), 1896
Folder 17: Ziegfeld, F., 1902Add to your cart.
Technical Studies, (Chicago Musical College), 1902, autographed to Joseffy by Ziegfeld, 1902
Folder 18: Zimay, Laszlo, undatedAdd to your cart.
Rhapsodie Hongroise, Op. 28, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated, autographed to Joseffy by Zimay, 1898
Box 72Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Collections: Album of Scandanavian Piano Music, 1902Add to your cart.
42 Pieces by Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish Composers, selected, edited, and fingered by Louis Oesterle, (Schirmer), 1902
Folder 2: Collections: Book of Studies (Capricen, Etuden, und Klavierstucke, undatedAdd to your cart.
Volume 1: Bendix, Burgel, Gobbi, Heller, Henselt, Hiller; Volume 2, Hofmann, Jensen, Joseffy, Kirchner, Kleffel, Lacombe; Volume 3: Liszt Reinecke, Rheinberger, Rudorff, Rufer, Seiss, (Rozsavolgyi and Co.), undated
Folder 3: Collections: Encyclopedia of Modern Classic Music, 1883Add to your cart.
Volume 1-3, (Prochazka), 1883
Folder 4: Collections: Half Hours with the Best Composers, 1895Add to your cart.
Edited by Klauser, (Millet), 1895
Folder 5: Collections: Sammlung Klassischer Stucke, undatedAdd to your cart.
For violin and piano accompaniment, Volume 1, piano part, (Peters), undated
Folder 6: Collections: School Marches for Piano, 1901Add to your cart.
Collected and arranged by Thos. G. Shepard, (Schirmer), 1901
Folder 7: Musical Library Owned by Rafael Joseffy, undatedAdd to your cart.
Piano compositions, orchestral parts and scores, chamber music, vocal scores. Published catalog of the complete musical library owned by Rafael Joseffy.  Nearly all titles are represented in this finding aid.
Folder 8: Arietta di Balleto, Gluck, arr. Joseffy, 1881Add to your cart.
Donated by Music and Performing Arts Library on October 31, 2018.
Box 73Add to your cart.
Item 1: Card Catalog of Joseffy Personal Piano Music Collection: A-Q, ca. 1970Add to your cart.
Prepared in the late 1970s by Jean Geil and Judith Rabin as an inventory of the collection.
Box 74Add to your cart.
Item 1: Card Catalog of Joseffy Personal Piano Music Collection: R-Z, ca. 1970Add to your cart.
Prepared in the late 1970s by Jean Geil and Judith Rabin as an inventory of the collection.

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[Series 1: Personal Papers],
[Series 2: Original Music Manuscripts and Research Notes],
[Series 3: Personal Piano Music Library],

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