Description: Papers of Harold William Scott (1906- ), '29, M.S. '31, professor of geology (1939-69), including publications, reviews, manuscripts, notes & correspondence relating to research work in geology, particularly ostracodes, conodont animals, and Scott's scholarly interests, speaking engagements, absences from the University of Illinois, travel plans, health, career of son Robert Scott, geology department business, student recommendations, College Policy Committee, Kiwanis activities, U.S. immigration laws, national energy crises, development of Michigan State University
. . . moregeology department, real estate and stock transactions, insurance claims and business affairs of firms in which Scott held an interest: James G. Brown and Associates, petroleum producers; Geological Services, Inc.; St. Eloi Chemical Co., U.S. Yttrium & Fishhook Gas Corp. Principal general correspondents are university-affiliated geologists Frank Rhodes, William Melton, P.C. Sylvester-Bradley, William Hay; son Robert Scott; Champaign businessman Cecil Ozier and financier Norman C. Kirst. Fond du Lac, Wis. Oil business correspondence (1952-56) concerns information and advice on drilling sites and decisions to lease and drill. Correspondents include Ozier, Kirst, and James G. Brown. Albums contain newspaper clippings and other materials (1929-95) on Scott family history and social, cultural and proffesional activities. The papers include a geologists' trip to China (1986); publications and manuscripts on energy resources, population control and world events.